Sentences with phrase «of counter culture»

Hallyburton explained that so many bike co-ops put so much emphasis on being a part of the counter culture that they don't participate in some of the more mainstream events, adding to the underrepresentation of bicycle co-ops at important functions like the National Bike Summit.
The show will cover nearly 140 works by 60 artists, among them important artists from the dadaistic and punk - influenced sections of the counter culture such as Jerry Berndt, Werner Büttner, Merlin Carpenter, Nicole Eisenman, Dennis Hopper, Ray Johnson, Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy, Albert Oehlen, Raymond Pettibon, David Robilliard and their german protagonists John Bock, Christian Jankowski, Andy Hope, Christoph Schlingensief and Andreas Slominski.
«It is the swirling, highly - keyed hallucinatory imagery born of the Counter Culture.
The merger of counter culture and progressive art, characterized by Vito's art, was exactly what I was prepared for.
Many of my exhibitions have touched on ideas around the legacy of the counter culture and our relationship to technology.
Of course Tulum has amazing weather, pristine white sandy beaches and a bit of a counter culture happening.
Comedy, she adds, could form part of a counter culture to the permanently outraged dichotomies of the political spectrum.
14 Philip Slater in The Pursuit of Loneliness 15 and Theodore Roszak in The Making of a Counter Culture 16 give us similar prescriptions for the good life.
Thus the religion of the counter culture was by and, large not biblical.
John Wilkinson (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1964); Lewis Mumford, The Myth of the Machine (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1967) and The Pentagon of Power (New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, Inc., 1970); Theodore Roszak, The Making of a Counter Culture (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1969 [Anchor paperback, 1969]-RRB-; Erich Fromm, The Revolution of Hope (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1968; Bantam Books [paper], 1968).
It offered a long list of perks, NextWeb reported: $ 2,000 in cash, a full - year supply of Counter Culture Coffee, a local gym membership, an iPad 2 (for prototyping), an Iron Man 2 Deluxe Helmet, an unlimited supply of your favorite beer, a fixed gear bicycle and a cow.

Not exact matches

One habit of Prince's they told me about struck me as so counter to our times that I came to see it as illustrating what set him apart from today's culture of celebrity: he allowed no one near him to use a cell phone.
This of course runs counter to so many cultures» idea that the individual is the most important thing, but the Rosetan community seems to buck the popular idea that we're better, healthier and happier alone.
«It's definitely a growing part of the beverage world,» said Brett Smith, who co-founded Durham, N.C. - based specialty coffee wholesaler Counter Culture in 1995.
But commentators caution that there are also plenty of examples of pop culture types that run counter to this simple framework.
At the same time, conservative pastors and parachurch organizations alike urge fathers not to relinquish their parental authority and to set rules (such as supervising children's television - viewing and monitoring their whereabouts) to counter the morally negative aspects of the secular culture.
As Christians living in a culture that tends to present opportunities counter to our identities in Christ — children of God, as we're referred to time and again — the danger is that we may be influenced into believing the lie that the decisions we make are without the burden of consequence we could expect when we were younger.
The Muslim council opened its Hollywood bureau after 9/11 to counter negative images of Islam in popular culture.
Nerding out over an online video game or a fantasy series or a beloved sitcom isn't bad — that kind of deep passion can drive culture forward — but when that love is self - contained, it's useless, and that makes the diverted goals of Ready Player One's book and movie feel in counter to one another.
James M. Houston, «The Loss and Recovery of the Personal,» in Quest for Reality: Christianity and the Counter Culture, ed.
Self - schooled in the history of European nationalism — especially as championed by Giuseppe Mazzini in Italy — Savarkar sought to give expression to a broad cultural ideology that could challenge the British Raj, counter Western influence more generally, and provide intellectual defenses against Muslim beliefs and the allegedly culture - destroying work of Christian missionaries.
Timothy was sent to Ephesus to counter the effects of the Artemis / Diana religious culture.
It embodied the Dalit search for a culture of their own and developed a counter culture parallel to the «Great Tradition» without being co-opted into the Sanskritic tradition.
Can a church built in the idiom of a secular consumer society effectively counter that culture's influences?
Can churches build to reflect the idiom of a secular consumer society effectively counter the culture's influences?
In this regard, Calvary, Hope, and the Vineyard temper their individualism with a strong counter «emphasis on community, lifting up the local congregation as a protection from the anonymity and isolation of secular culture.
I understand that many pastors elevate motherhood in order to counter the ways contemporary culture often dismisses the value of moms.
It would seem that the long - standing anti-intellectual culture within the local Church has left us unable to counter the attack of amilitant atheist and a bien pensant gay - rights protagonist.
To those of us trying to live out our beliefs, art can seem dangerous because the art of our culture preaches the beliefs of the culture, and many of these beliefs run counter to the Christian values we hold.
God's ways often look very upside - down to us: not only are they counter to the culture around us, but often they are counter to the culture of the religious establishment.
Theology had cast its lot with the counterculture; yet its denial of the final importance of all fixed forms of communication, of semantic norms, of operable criteria of sense and nonsense, ruled out even the theoretical possibility of its being able to speak from within a distinct culture, «counter» or otherwise.
13 For a counter example where Indian «natives» use «the powers of hybridity to resist baptism and to put the project of conversion in an impossible position» see the chapter «Signs Taken for Wonders: Questions of ambivalence and authority under a tree outside Delhi, May 1817,» (pp. 102 - 122) in the book by Homi K. Bhabha, The Location of Culture (London: Routledge, 1994).
Moreover, he shares the liberal concern that interpreters of the Bible should be in dialogue with all that has gone on in «the great romance of culture «13 and all that is happening in contemporary experience, in Ricoeur's hands interpretation is always confronted with the perspective of «counter disciplines»: physiology, psychoanalysis sociology, anthropology, linguistics, the history of philosophy.
This runs counter to a troubling trend in our culture — the equation of children of rape with monsters.
If Christians believe that the church and the worship it offers to God ought in some ways to counter the norms and practices of the surrounding culture, then what does it mean that after spending so much of our time each week in front of computer monitors, cell phones, and sports bar TVs, we come to church on Sunday and happily position ourselves in front of the biggest screen of all?
In the light of our discussion, then, as an example, we may suggest that in a caste ridden society, when some groups begin to live as brothers / sisters, rejecting the varna ideology, which is divisive and discriminatory, a prophetic counter culture would come into being.
It may not be possible for such a reality to be constructed for everyone or on a broad scale, for communication with an invisible deity clearly runs counter to the norms of modern culture.
«Whatever your actual age, for this exercise you are part of the youth counter culture.
Deep ecologists want to counter Western culture's anthropocentrism — its tendency to place humanity at the center of the universe and to reduce the nonhuman world to an instrument for human ends — with a theory of an expanded self which calls for identification with the nonhuman world.
Ultimately the people's resistance takes the form of new religious / cultural movements, counter and alternative to the dominant cultures and civilizations.
its a pity Sue Purr's Counter Culture hadn't reopened by the time of VegFest.
Well, I didn't research it a whole lot to find out what is the «real» way to make it BUT what I did was use about 6oz of cultured buttermilk from the store and added it to 3 cups of raw milk that was souring anyway and let it set out on the counter for 24 hours in an airtight container.
Root Capital cites Durham, N.C. - based green coffee importer and roaster Counter Culture Coffee as an example of this kind of mainstreaming.
We reviewed this coffee from Counter Culture here, but it is one of the most widely available Bird - Friendly coffees on the market.
I made this comment on my post about Counter Culture's «Source» initiative: Fair Trade is such a darling of the green set, but it's certification is restricted to cooperatives, and does little to address quality.
In our background post on El Salvador, one of the coffees we reviewed was Counter Culture's Finca Mauritania, from the slopes of the Ilamantepec (Santa Ana) volcano.
Counter Culture's Holiday Blend used a roast style called vienna mélange, mixing and blending different roasts of the same bean — from Zaragoza, Mexico.
She sees the formation of the group as a way to counter that culture.
In a dream world, you could park yourself at a bistro table on the porch in the morning with your laptop and a Counter Culture Coffee cortado and not leave until you've finished lunch, dinner, dessert — and just one more glass of Loire Chenin Blanc.
In fact, he has been very much part of the solution, designing and carrying out a retreat for teenage boys about being a real man that is counter to the culture and providing much needed help to other parents.
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