Sentences with phrase «of counter surfing»

In addition to her separation anxiety, Fia was also having issues of counter surfing and garbage can diving.

Not exact matches

I soon gave up, and my husband went back to brand surfing in search of his Holy Grail: a gluten - free bread that can be sliced, left on the counter and used to make a sandwich that doesn't require heating to improve the texture.
Torque dies off before 5000rpm however, so if it's effortless progress you want, you'll spend your time surfing the mid-range of the rev - counter.
These may include hyperactivity (jumping, racing, counter surfing), excessive behaviors (barking, digging, chewing), anxiety, trouble housebreaking, separation anxiety, difficulty walking on a leash, and lack of basic obedience.
We immediately began with my Puppy Training Program in order to address Kiki's housebreaking, counter surfing, and biting of plants in the yard.
If your dog is a trash digger, counter surfer, or an eater of random items, these symptoms should be immediately concerning.
Sandy's owner called because she was concerned about Sandy's leash behavior, lack of obedience, separation anxiety, and counter surfing.
I currently have a 1.5 yr old girl (mixed breed, Aussie / BC probably) who destroys random things out of boredom (she counter surfs, so the counters are pristine unless something is left accidentally: remote controls, books, tape, pens, newspaper, etc.).
It is a noise interrupt that has many applications, including: Annoyance Barking, Counter Surfing, Jumping, Destroying of Household Items, Leash Biting, etc..
What to feed my dog and how often Introducing your new dog to your other pets Introducing your new dog to other family members Boarding or other care options for your dog, when you are out of town Obedience training Bad habits, such as jumping up, counter surfing, scratching furniture, etc..
In addition, we use this command for breaking dogs from counter surfing or trying to climb out of their kennel or crate.Extended sit, down, and place means your dog will REMAIN in the down, sit, or place position until YOU tell them to «break» (release them).
For counter surfing, make sure to keep items safe and back off the edge of the counter.
Dogs counter surf because they occasionally hit the jackpot of a sandwich or chicken leg.
Dog does not have severe behavior issues but has some entrenched bad habits (e.g., counter surfing, hyper greeting) or mild behavior problems (e.g., limited reactivity to one type of trigger, moderate separation distress)
Because of birth defects to her hind legs, she does not counter surf, but she will stretch her nose as far as it will reach in hopes of clearing the bathroom of towels left on the tub or discarded clothing.
Owners are responsible for inadvertently reinforcing all kinds of undesirable behavior, be it excessive barking or counter surfing.
He has provided advice on so many topics, from introducing a second dog to the pack, to counter surfing, hand shyness, fears of certain things, to proper collar fittings.
Training is also offered for a variety of problem behaviors, including reactivity, aggression, digging, counter surfing, barking, jumping, chewing, and more.
Many of those surrendered to rescue have been allowed to jump on people, pull on the leash, grab at clothing or arms with their mouths, or «counter surf» — steal food or other desirable objects from kitchen counters, tables, desks, etc..
This time of year brings out the counter surfing talents of your pets.
We all have heard stories about cats stealing lunch meat from their owner's sandwich or dogs «counter surfing» to find that delicious and warm fresh loaf of bread.
Deprived of contact and stimulation, Ike chewed rocks (with a broken tooth to prove it), tore chunks of grass out of the lawn, counter surfed, jumped up on people, needed serious house training, and had almost no understanding of the power of language and the «goodies» and praise that responding to those commands could bring him.
Instead, you can get ahead of any problems and work to train them correctly before bad habits like counter surfing or separation anxiety form.
While he's not a huge counter surfer, he is tall enough to watch the magic of food prep being done on the counter and is very curious.
12:00 - Counter Surfing and «leave it» 12:30 - Leash Pulling 1:00 - Coping with Thunder, Noises and Separation Anxiety 1:30 - How dogs learn and body language 2:00 - «Wait» 2:30 - Fear of stairs, slippery floors, and other things 3:00 - No barking, nipping or jumping 3:30 - «come»
Coffees and cakes emerge from behind the beautifully tiled counter, delivered to a handful of colourful tables filled with locals, surfers and in - the - know travellers.
One surfer talks about his father's work at Save Our Seas, which is working with bringing ocean management back down to local communities in South Africa rather than allow bean counters to decide what is the proper level of protection.
As you might expect they're not leaving anything to chance either, creating a team of crack PR troops to surf the web and counter anyone who dares to challenge their message that «Coal is Cool».
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