Sentences with phrase «of court rules»

The app is free and, once installed, it can be loaded with various sets of court rules and other books.
As for the cross in the Italian schools, many years of tradition will not be given up by the everyday Italian because of a court ruling.
Since the action is seen as being in contempt of the court ruling, it is possible for the individual to face arrest.
The judge decided not to strike the claims on the basis of court rules, which require an extremely high threshold to be met on application to strike at this preliminary stage.
If spousal support was awarded as part of a court ruling, you may be eligible to claim a tax break on legal fees spent on the case.
I also link to interesting mainstream media coverage of court rulings.
Take a look at a list of this court rulings to have an idea of how it works.
You'll also study the practical implications of court rules.
The Alberta Law Reform Institute has been drafting a new set of court rules for Alberta since 2001.
Presenters told the study committee this month that districts seeking to divide would likely face legal challenges and constitutional concerns arising from the state's ongoing struggles to comply with a series of court rulings in the Leandro case.
Beginning 40 years ago, a series of court rulings forced states to reallocate money for education, giving more to schools in poor neighborhoods with less in the way of local resources.
The notice given to the class members complied with California Rules of Court rule 3.769 by apprising them of the agreement concerning attorneys» fees.
The Court used its equitable powers to waive a particular requirement of a court rule concerning admission to the bar, and more specifically the law school accreditation requirement set out in S.J.C. Rule 3:01, § 3.3, that an applicant have graduated from a law school accredited by the ABA.
HMRC chief executive Jon Thompson said the effect of the court ruling essentially means that footballers playing for British teams pay domestic tax as normal for the income earned from their clubs.
As supporters of San Francisco County and Santa Clara County's Complaints for Injunctive Relief, we are happy to learn of the courts ruling against President Trump's «sanctuary jurisdictions» executive order.
A state courts inspector general has launched an investigation into one of Rep. Joe Crowley's top lieutenants after The Post began asking about two possible violations of court rules.
For one thing, such restrictions are unlikely to pass constitutional muster: Pharmaceutical advertising has been deemed protected speech in a string of court rulings.
Why are you not contacting a couple of Ontario Real Estate Lawyers familiar with decades of court rulings and an understanding of why SOLD data can not be given public access?
The intention of the court ruling (in favor of Non-Borrowing Spouses) was to allow the Surviving Non-Borrowing Spouse to remain in the home for life after the passing of the borrower.
For full details of the court ruling, see our You CAN claim for delays caused by «wildcat» strikes MSE news story.
Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association / BELA ($ 45,000): To support the implementation of court rulings requiring industry to clean up contamination from leather tanneries and shipbreaking operations.
Together with BELA, Hasan is currently leading a program which supports the implementation of court rulings requiring industry to clean up contamination from leather tanneries and ship breaking operations.
Today, the majority of the court ruled in R. v. Bingley that a DRE's training and experience do make them experts and thus their opinions generally do not need to be further vetted by a judge before it can be presented as evidence in court.
There was discussion of the Pre-action Protocol for Dilapidations which has been a requirement of court rules for some time now.
QUALIFICATIONS: * Paralegal certification justifying legal research, investigation, discovery, and knowledge of court rules and ethics.
On February 26 of this year, for instance, eight members of the Court ruled that the federal racketeering statute (popularly known as RICO) did not apply to the efforts of the Pro-Life Action Network to shut down various abortion clinics.
In Texas Monthly, for example, a fragile plurality of the Court ruled that tax exemption for a religious book business constituted a violation of the «no establishment» clause.
This stands in a long tradition of court rulings that public education should accommodate religiously based objections, often raised by Jewish or Jehovah's Witness parents.
That presents a challenge for court authorities, who have to hold foreign journalists to the strict terms of British contempt of court rules banning anything other than accurate court reporting during the course of the trial.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said lawmakers must «stand shoulder - to - shoulder with our union brothers and sisters» during his 2018 State of the State address, regardless of the court ruling.
Michael Black and John Morgan were the victors of a court ruling against a Berkshire B&B owner who objected to them sleeping in the same bed.
John Tsoho, justice of the court ruled that Kanu was a threat to national security, and as a result would not be granted bail.
In honor of the court ruling guaranteeing the constitutional right to same sex marriage, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the lights on the World Trade center tower will be lit in rainbow colors on Sunday night.
On the eve of a court ruling that could determine the fate of the Thirty Meter Telescope in Hawaii, public support for the stalled $ 1.4 billion project has never been stronger.
At the New Branches School here, staff members and parents are struggling to keep alive their pioneering effort to create a new kind of public school in the face of a court ruling striking down Michigan's charter - school law.
Richard Arum (New York University), Samuel R. Bagenstos (Washington University Law School), and Frederick M. Hess (American Enterprise Institute) analyze the consequences of court rulings for school discipline, special education, and district management.
Tuck, a former administrator with the big charter operator Green Dot and who later served as director of a network of charter schools in Los Angeles, has been more direct in his support of the court ruling.
On the heels of a court ruling saying LA must use student achievement data in teacher evaluations, E4E - LA teachers published «Breaking the Stalemate,» a set of...
Listed below with links are many of the court rulings and major filings by both sides:
However, a different 7 - 4 lineup of the court ruled that the officers who responded to a call from school officials were entitled to immunity over a claim that their seizure of C.B. on the playground violated the boy's Fourth Amendment rights.
Only in Kentucky, Massachusetts and Vermont have the legislatures moved within months of court rulings to inject equity into school financing, Rebell shows.
How does the school leadership reconcile its vision of royalty with, courtesy of that Court ruling, a cohort of Cinderellas moving into town?
However, adding a new dimension to the litigation battle is a directive issued by Apple that claims retailers who are engaged in selling devices such as the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 also fall in the ambit of the court ruling that stayed the sale of the said tablet device.
However, things have started to change and after a couple of court rulings that stated in clear terms the Samsung tablet can't be considered an exact replica of the iPad.
In August 2010, with the announcement of the court ruling on the Titanic assets, the share price rebounded from around the $ 1.10 level to $ 1.90.
«Our plan is to expand their offering of court rules to all jurisdictions.»
Should courts apply a contextual approach that recognized self - represented litigants» lack of understanding of court rules or procedures, or should court rules and procedures be applied identically to all litigants?
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