Sentences with phrase «of cower»

But for asshat, I like to think that there are at least two NON-asshats — people who celebrate your goodness instead of squash it, and people who WANT you to stand out instead of cower behind them.
You should enjoy life instead of cower in fear.
And I'm delighted that people like Crossan are brave and self assured enough to come forward instead of cowering in fear.
«Instead of cowering in fear over the imagined threat of an Islamic immigration invasion, the church can play the critical role in loving Muslim immigrants and helping them integrate into a very strange culture,» suggested evangelical writer Alan Noble.
The Tory backbenches erupted in support, pointing in unison to a small group of cowering Labour figures to the prime minister's right.
For the dear people of Japan, instead of cowering and shrinking into the fear and acute heartache, let us expand outward in love, in compassion, and in intention.
In Godzilla, the orgy of climactic destruction arrived with what Werner Herzog would simply call the pitilessness of nature, with the tears of a cowering human populace finding a visual and spiritual analogue in the glass - strewn weeping of skyscrapers as they collapse.
Such disdain does this gluttonous monstrosity have for the smaller creatures roaming the forest of the game industry, that it is more than happy to sacrifice its own interests if it means snuffing out the light of those cowering under its great shadow.
I only hope that the day will soon come when Old Saint Jack will be working beside me instead of cowering in fear over what Mel Linduaer might say about him if he dares to say clearly and firmly and plainly what he knows about the message of the last 30 years of academic research.
Some of them cowered at the back of their cage, clearly traumatised by their ordeal, while others wagged their tails nervously and even offered me a paw.
The vet says he is 6 - 9 months (he had hook worms and was flea infested) and he has been beaten or hit to the point of cowering every time I even try to reprimand.
Only now, instead of cowering and allowing you to roll her over she begins to say NO!
Instead of cowering and hiding, only putting out pairs of look alike dogs, why don't we go public?
Instead of cowering behind a shield and popping out of it once and a while to get a hit in, I was in there, wrecking shit as I go along.
«Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them.»
I had visions of myself cowering under a student's desk and screaming so I took a deep breath, told the kids I would be right back, and ran into my co-worker's classroom telling her she had to switch rooms.

Not exact matches

However, just as you can't spend your entire life inside the house, cowering at the thought of contracting a disease, you can't avoid the internet for fear of harming your computer.
I was the fat kid and cry - baby who attracted the attention of bullies, before whom I would always cower,» recalls Andrew Wittman.
Prince Bader splurged on this controversial and decidedly un-Islamic portrait of Christ at a time when most members of the Saudi elite, including some in the royal family, are cowering under a sweeping crackdown against corruption and self - enrichment.
Instead of fulfilling my oath, I decided to cower in the corner like a scared child in the night because the internet bubble began to burst in March 2000.
Am I just supposed to cower to your views because you put exclamation points at the end of a sentence... really!
We should not all cower at the small group of atheists and remove a historical item like this just because of a few people who are offended.
«Our treasury rifled; our credit shaken; the poor laborer asking vainly for his honest wages day after day; the rich official reveling in disreputable gains; an enormous debt heaped upon us we know not how; our schools decaying, our teachers cowering before their Catholic masters; our press, when it ventures to complain, threatened with violence or insulted by offered bribes; the interests of the city neglected, its honorable reputation gone.»
The cat would dart out of a hole in the plank fence and swat my dog across the face, and then stand there, dominant, while my dog cowered.
Kudos to Rev. Saturnia for sticking with the prophetic word God had given for that day and not cowering or compromising because it might offend one of the most powerful men in the world.
Men are just lucky women are more sensitive to feelings, because most of us could have you crybabies cowering in a corner in about two seconds.
The fact that the first person Jesus appears to after His resurrection is Mary Magdalene is kind of funny in contrast to the men cowering in the upper room.
And yet even Satan cowers in submission to the sovereignty of Almighty God.
How can we ever affect change while these people cower in the closet afraid of what their friends, families, jobs and teachers might think?
I have NO such fears and have challenged your god many times to come and face me man to god however your god cowers in abject terror at the prospect of facing me he is a craven coward.
Just keep cowering in fear of the non-existent invisible sky - god, as you say your useless prayers little man.
well, until around Halloween, when darkness again dominates the earth, (in the north anyway) and we again cower in fear of the dark, and pray and wait for our savior to be born... again.
The whole systematic structure of the Kabbalah is determined by a principle of certitude which hardly ever stops short, hardly ever cowers with terror, hardly ever prostrates itself.
He has a conviction in his belief that in the face of death he does not flinch or cower....
God can surely communicate to man the deepest truths, but ultimately, the fullness of the Godhead must communicate within mankind's limited vocabulary and comprehension — or there will only be just an awe - struck and fearful listener cowering in a corner... and no deeper comprehension or response.
We are going somewhere because we come from someone, someone unimaginable yet certainly with the attributes of all the goodness we aspire to, as well as, in some darkly terrifying way, of all the evil and waste that make us cower and may defeat us.
Otherwise, we've made no progress from the days when people cowered in caves fearing the wrath of their pagan gods.
What is sad here is that so many come to this page, cowering behind their ignorant notions and interpretations of what God may or may not have said and what someone who others believed to be the son of God, are using their messiah as a shield from behind which they cast stones.
RD.. How path - et - ic to see your hate and fear driving you to death...!?! Man pull your self together and have the courage to face the returns of your deeds... Wars were always there in life whether were religious or not so stop doing it on your self... Beside learn to wish people well whether you agree or disagree with might you succeed in life rather than being a loser... by being a cowered... My posts were meant for the friendly people I had known for some time, whom I found they were full of compassion and not for black hearted one's like you who hate all God creations...
Additionally, it means that even though we don't get the profound mystery of God's divinity, we still lace up our boots, refuse to cower in the face sin, and be light.
Why would a supposed loving God demand one to cower in fear in front of it.
He is welcome to change my mind, but I won't cower in fear and be dishonest about my judgment of him.
If we are led to Jesus Christ so that he might offer us access to God, then our relationship with God does not command cowering prostration before the power and might of a distant, omnipotent God; rather, it invites trust, joy and thankfulness in the presence of the fountain of every good thing.
Are we committed to being obedient to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission of Jesus or are we cowering in fear while ignoring the Bible's most frequent command, «Do not fear!»?
Earth receives blessing instead of a curse, Paradise was opened to the robber, Hades cowered, the tombs were opened and the dead raised, the gates of heaven were lifted up to await Him that «comes from Edom»» (sect 2.
Being threatened by facts distorts — the religious» security of their belief system — so it is only natural to run or hide and cower away.
The revolution he sought was not a violent leveling spasm but a gradual transformation of human souls, from yoked and cowering to free and upright — though he was enough of an inborn skeptic to doubt whether men truly wanted freedom.
In terms of external Bad Guys (Bad Pastors, Bad Churches, Bad schools, Bad Wall Street CEO's, Bad Politicians etc.) that keep the individual down and cowering.
While you cower in fear over the «brown boogeymans» of the world, the real villians are plotting how to send your kids off to die in foreign wars for their gain and how to steal more of your hard earned money through austerity measures and taxes.
I don't see why I have to cower at the thought of an invisible man in the sky to be moral.
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