Sentences with phrase «of crazy moms»

You took the time to listen to a couple of crazy moms talking about diapers and I'm so grateful to you both.
There is going be all kinds of crazy Mom - centric stuff going on — and you're invited too!
The Mirror Sisters, the latest offering from the household - name - slash - author - brand, features twin sisters with one of the craziest moms around.

Not exact matches

I told my mom that, that was flippin crazy, and one of the stupidest things I had ever heard.
With a family of six, my mom finds it crazy that year after year we still want both pumpkin and apple pie for Thanksgiving dessert (her apple pie recipe is still the best I've -LSB-...]
I am a wife and mom of 2 that works full time and lives a wonderful crazy busy life.
Being a mom is one of the craziest things.
«It is by telling our stories that we moms nurture each other, leaning on one another for support and reassurance, knowing that none of us is perfect and we're all in this crazy race together.»
You became a mom at a younger age than I did, but I found that the arrival of my adopted children corresponded with the crazy hormonal swings of perimenopause.
Obviously there are myriad relevant factors such as lack of sleep, lack of time, feeling a bit stir - crazy but I think the central reason that SO many moms are expressing a common experience here is a mix of rampant (useful) hormones and evolution.
Well, there are several... Don't — make your kids promises until you have a reservation confirmation number... Do — a bit of research to see if there are any special restaurants you'd like to eat at and book them immediately... and Don't be surprised when your trip to Disney turns you into one of those crazy «my kid has to have everything» moms!
To be scared of marriage and not of the responsibility of having a child seems kind of crazy to me — until you start to figure out what might make someone more afraid of marriage than being a mom or dad.
Moms cite «crazy screaming,» «hitting,» and «defiance» — behaviors that can develop in the toddler years — as well as the belief that children this young can't understand the reasoning of a time - out.
And then, instead of loving who we are as moms, the options have this crazy superpower to allow us to question almost every decision because inevitably it's not the right one and we become more frozen in fear and indecision than my kids toys which were left outside and are now frozen in piles of snow (insert guilt for not getting everything put away and following the 8 Easy Steps for Fall Cleanup Post that is out there).
As a frequently over-tired Mom, I go back and forth between thinking I'm mostly sane with occasional days of craziness, to mostly crazy with occasional days of sane.
It features travel tips for the family that is planning a wild and crazy adventure to Walt Disney World, advice on how to plan for the holidays with the little ones in tow, advice that comes out of this swell family's regular adventures through the world and even a few makeup tips for mom to master when she has only a few minutes to spare.
OMG I'm not afraid to admit it its for me I've been wanting 1 of these forever but as a single mom of a 9 yr old I could so keep wanting lol I even visit the display at Target and say «I'll be back for you later» lol call me crazy but this 25 yr old is still a kid at heart
As a mom of 3 kids, 6 and under, and 2 are girls, I was shocked by a lot of what was presented in the doc and then felt crazy naive for being shocked.
I hate mom's groups (I don't hate mom's groups, I love getting out with mom's groups, really, just hate going to the park without my husband's help) or kid's parties where the parents want to go and chit chat and let their kids run in the crazy mob of children, all the while you see a random man clearly alone walking creepily around the play equipment eyeing your daughters.
You don't need to walk in to a baby store to know that there are a crazy amount of baby items available to new moms, and it can be overwhelming to know what is really necessary.
On the opposite side of the spectrum are the moms who can't ever seem to be empty, leaking through clothes and bedding, pumping crazy amounts of milk even when their obviously full baby is done eating.
When I was younger, I would retell mom's birth stories as if she was crazy and honestly thought I would never be «strong enough» to have a baby without an epidural or «crazy enough» to do it outside of a hospital.
Oh yes, we working moms have CRAZY amounts of guilt about leaving our kids each day for our jobs, and constantly re-assess if it is worth it, whether that is for a few hours each week or full - time - plus and whether it is working from our home office or traveling to the other side of the world.
It makes me crazy that anyone would voice such a naïve viewpoint given how easy it is to do a little research and learn all of the downsides and risks for the baby and the mom's ability to parent her baby.
So she literally, of course she asked and stuff but she helped the mom but cutting up her food so the mom didn't have to put the baby down, you know and stop with the breastfeeding because you then the baby goes crazy and stuff like that and so she literally help cut her food which I just thought was just the most heartwarming thing just because it was just so different then you know, kind of what was going on in the moms head.
Add all that worry to crazy out of control post-baby hormones and it's not uncommon for a new mom to become an emotional wreck.
Yes I loved my cloth pads sooo much after having Brian I started in the hospital as well and the nurses were amazed and probably thought I was crazy but they were so comfortable I did not bleed much because of health issues but I would still recommend them to every mom.
Of course he looked at me like I was crazy because the child was obviously fine and while smiling probably made note to himself: «FYI Insane Mom With A Wild Imagination».
A wife first and Mom of 2 super active, crazy toddlers who keep me on my toes all day!
I'd read Rookie Moms in the middle of the night and laugh and cry and feel less alone in those crazy early months!
Plus, it will create fun memories with that crazy mom of theirs.
Not only does this mom have horrible PPD, PTSD, and is grieving the loss of her baby, but now she has some crazy doctor who's never seen her medical records bashing her on the internet.
Ah, the cut - throat, crazy world of competitive mothering... and for six feisty Atlanta mothers in Lifetime's all - new unscripted comedy Pretty Wicked Moms, it's a raging, raucous mommy war.
It's a super hard balancing act — but then again, what about being a mom isn't a crazy test of personal balance these days — because on the one hand, support from women who can validate your experience is so important, as is getting your kid to make friends and socialize.
I'm a single mom of four who is neither tired nor crazy.
One of my children's favorite new features is the working horn, which sounds like a real truck horn but is not so loud as to drive mom the rest of the way to crazy town.
As a crazy busy mom of two some topics are just too deep for me to grasp my arms around and embrace change.
All the same, I believe my experience — and the experience of many, many moms — could be better, and I've made it my goal since to educate and inform myself along with figuring out how I could actually contribute to helping moms have the best experience possible when it comes to this crazy, vulnerable, incredibly amazing time that is creating and birthing a child.
I had so much milk it was unreal but with the stress of being a first time mom and in a very new relationship and trying to please everyone and all the crazy questions — I couldn't keep up and fell depressed.
This article cracks me up... does anyone have a «schedule» for a breastfeeding / bottle feeding / solids feeding going - crazy stay - at - home mom of a 6 month old who also has an energetic 2.5 year old to feed, change / potty train, play with and discipline?!? I mean come on, let's just go with the flow here, ladies:)
As a first - time mom I've spent the last two months of my four - month - old's life stressed out about her sleep and I recognize how crazy this is.
The way a mom nourishes her child does not make her crazy or an unfit mother, and suggesting otherwise justifies the policing of breastfeeding women.
The prizes are super crazy and cool, a variety of gift certificates, cloth diapers, products for mom and even an Ergo Baby Carrier!
I had a ton of almonds at my mom's house the other day and the next few days I was crazy engorged!!
As a mom, I often wonder how I survived my crazy childhood of firecrackers and four - wheelers, but as a child, I loved my wild side.
But we just actually just released an episode by the time this episode comes out it would've been released, and it was all about the benefits of manual pumps as well as hand expression, because I just think that those are two things that can really help moms especially when you're in a bind, or you're stuck in traffic, or something crazy happens, that is out - of - control that you don't have an outlet right there or, you know, your battery is off or something like that can really help so.
It's like you need to have this at your fingertips and a lot of us moms are waking up in the middle of the night, doing all this crazy stuff and then we can't go back to sleep.
Basically, this mom got on Facebook and said, «Listen we are not just being crazy moms here there's really a reason why we say to make sure you wash your hands and all this kind of stuff.»
If I were to guess, I would say that it might have to do with the crazy amount of pressure that is placed on moms to breastfeed.
Bring on hormones, lack of sleep, and any kind of health concern and this can drive a mom crazy.
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