Sentences with phrase «of creative change»

More than any other therapist, he illuminates the flow and direction of creative change within persons.
Yet there are a number of new factors in the Italian situation that give rise to at least the possibility of creative change.
Henri Bergson's view of creative change exhibits tensions between conceptual and supra - conceptual assumptions about the nature of cognition and reality.

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Taking a walk with employees changes the scenery from the confines of the office, which can trigger a change in perspective and creative thinking.
Even the most talented creatives can't change the perception of a poor product.
That's exactly the kind of good news cycle that should precede an identity change, according to Wayne S. Rogers, Principal at Blade Creative Branding.
While there is a «magic factor» to getting a cover story in the New York Times or Forbes — which can change the trajectory of a business and is hard to quantify in terms of exact impact — PR professionals can and must think of creative ways to measure outcomes in a more quantitative way.
According to research by leading positive psychologist Barbara Fredrickson with the University of North Carolina, a positive outlook generates creative thinking, builds self - confidence and promotes overall resilience — all qualities necessary for lasting lifestyle changes.
Stoyanova helps cultivate the largest creative community on the planet, produces her podcast The Work We Do, hosts impromptu poetry jams, and bridges industries and borders as an agent of change.
Then, while addressing attendees of a TEDx talk, she described a change of mindset:»... I learned that our borders and our obstacles can only do two things: one, stop us in our tracks, or two, force us to get creative
No matter the size of your company, its industry or your budget, certain environmental and behavioral changes are almost guaranteed to improve your team's creative output, attract the right talent and ultimately move your company beyond what you can even imagine today.
In 1666, one of the most influential scientists in history was strolling through a garden when he was struck with a flash of creative brilliance that would change the world.
In her new book, QUIRKY: The Remarkable Story of the Traits, Foibles, and Genius of Breakthrough Innovators Who Changed the World, she delves deeply into the lives of eight creative geniuses to identify the traits and experiences that led them to become breakthrough innovators.
«Joi and Jeff use nine principals and creative storytelling to take readers on a detailed review of innovation and change.
«Miki generates incredible creative energy and a strong passion for breaking taboos and changing culture through storytelling,» said Tikhon Bernstam, an investor with Propulsion, of his decision to invest in Tushy.
Along with these kinds of changes, and the growing popularity of autonomous driving, the consistent design of services and experiences from within the car and beyond will become much more important to car manufacturers — to a point where it will drive brand identity, said Nils Uellendahl, the Shanghai - based design director of BMW Group's (bmwyy) global creative consultancy Designworks.
Often a quick change of scenery or light physical activity provides a useful reset to the creative system.
The Education Commission of the States recently awarded Delaware the Frank Newman Award for State Innovation, which recognizes creative changes that boost student learning.
We look for people who want to bring radical change to an industry, give them the freedom to get creative and the backing of our brand, and then we step back and watch them fly.
An organization must decide beforehand whether it intends to completely change the corporate culture or to integrate the new hires with the existing staff, says Gassia Maljian, head of executive search at Toronto recruiting agency Creative Niche.
In my wilder flights of fancy, I wonder what creative means the government could employ to actually change the ownership structure of traditional media.
McDonald's has been changing the media weights of the ads and the creative to have some of the stronger items pop a little more, he said.
«This game - changing announcement is yet another example of the strong creative culture and talent throughout the Austin region that enables innovative businesses to start, grow, and attract a significant level of investment.
Save time and reduce the back - and - forth of making changes and edits while collaborating with creative, marketing, and sales.
At the same time, they view millennials as more open to change, creative and entrepreneurial, the very qualities that fuel agility and innovation,» said Jaleh Bisharat, SVP of Marketing at Elance - oDesk.
TNT prides themselves on keeping in stride with the ever - changing technology in the marketplace, providing better creative solutions for their clients and making TNT one of the best places to work for their employees.
Thus the hierarchical scheme will provide grounds for a general continuity in history, which can be analyzed logically, and for particular change, which can be accounted for only by description of creative process.
Ann ensures that each Grace Case offers you not only fair - trade, artisan - crafted heirlooms that changes the worlds for so many of our sisters, but Ann also offers creative ideas and resources of how to use these heirlooms to continue to give grace forward in your own life, to your people, and your community — so you, as a GenEsther, get to be the gift, for such a time as now.
But a creative minority of dreamers who do respond may indeed change the world.
The change that has come about in theologies that partake of creative and emergent evolution can be described in this way: since mechanism is no longer the base of their evolutionary thinking, idealism is no longer essential as a strategy of thought in resolving the tension between science and faith.
The reason for this suggested change of language is that wholes are established at transition, and creative process (as in 2b) uses the togetherness of the many prehensions (that give birth to the new whole at transition) to make a new specification.
The same applies to the husband's awareness of the unique self - esteem problems of women faced with changing sex roles, the continuing dual - standard in many areas, the increasing period of life after the children are raised and the problem of finding significance therein, and the preparation for creative widowhood which faces the vast majority of women in our culture.
As a divorce lawyer, she plays the social role of mopping up the messes rather than working for creative social change so that relationships might be more humane and lasting.
«Change comes, we suspect,» states Wallis, «more through the witness of creative and prophetic minorities who refuse to meet the system on its own terms but rather act out of an alternative social vision upon which they have based their lives.
Meland traces the growing influence of Whitehead's philosophy on the images of thought both in modernism as stimulated by Darwinian evolution, and changes in the post-Darwinian era ushered in by the creative evolution movement in physics.
In rejecting western philosophy's concept of the self as substance based on Aristotle, Whitehead offers as an alternative to substance what he calls «an actual entity» which is changing, self - determined and creative.
Personality, the most valuable thing in the universe, revealing the real nature of the Creative Power and the ultimate meaning of creation, the only eternal element in a world of change, the one thing worth investing in, and in terms of service to which all else must be judged — that is the essential Christian creed [As I See Religion (Harper & Brothers, 1932), P. 44].
But a creative or self - determining process does not conform to this kind of evolutionary change.
He fears that the suggested changes in Christology will portend «the end of all meaningful religious and spiritual dialogue» and will result in a «sterile relativism, a monistic spiritual syncretism devoid of creative, truly pluralistic conflict and fruitful, truly creative tension.»
If the units of reality are changing, self - determined and creative, then it is no surprise that these characteristics also apply to the self.
God is understood as unchanging in his primordial nature which envisions the eternal objects and as changing in his creative response to the events of the world.
There can be no creative change until persons begin to get a sense of their own power and responsibility — that is, the ability to choose to respond to their organism's real needs by taking action to meet them.
Reacting against the paralysis of endless analysis in therapy, he failed to see that cognitive understanding and self - insight can help mobilize one's resources for creative change.
Physiology is the individual organism's maintenance of order, ever changing and creative as it interacts with an equally ever changing and creative environment.
To argue by inference from effect to Cause, from the passive object to the active Subject of change, from transitory, contingent being to a Being who is necessary and eternal, from nature's striving after perfection to a Perfection which is ultimate, from the order observable in creation to a creative Mind - all that (I shall be told) is to approach the great Riddle from one side, and that the most difficult.
This term, coined by Karl Jaspers, is commonly used to refer to the period of creative and radical cultural change out of which came the great religious traditions sometimes known as the world religions.
But if Christ and his community of «creative transformation» (Cobb) are an embodiment of God's love in the world, and therefore exert causal efficacy within it, they will tend to produce the kinds of changes in the world expressed in some biblical images of the eschaton.
Twenty centuries witness to the effectiveness of such worship in changing men's lives for the better, in bringing release from guilt and freedom from fear, in giving direction and purpose to their striving, and in lifting them out of neurotic self - concern into healthful and creative relationships to their fellows.
(That's Homey's «tyranny of the oughts and shoulds,» which, as she made clear, frustrates rather than facilitates creative change.)
The diverse cluster of therapies whose aim is to facilitate creative change in relationships and in social systems represents a highly significant development in contemporary therapies.
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