Sentences with phrase «of creativity and imagination»

Cambridge, MA About Blog Rock and Roll Daycare exists to light the fire of creativity and imagination in every child through an advanced music and arts program, international cultural education, and self directed learning.
When it comes to writing resumes, they may create it using all of their creativity and imagination.
OTHER SKILLS • LEED accreditation • High levels of creativity and imagination • Broad vision with a keen eye for detail • Excellent computer skills akin to computer aided designing • Strong mathematical skills • Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills
Eventually, there came a brief golden period for the games industry in which technology was advanced enough to create a believable and immersive world while still allowing the old design concepts of creativity and imagination to show through.
It's a series in which the hero is a knitted doll, and the powers of creativity and imagination are prized above all else.
He currently pursues a career of creativity and imagination at a school of the arts in northern Florida.
Write a five - paragraph essay on the importance of creativity and imagination in school and life and how it would best be fostered in the classroom.
It seems to be held together (more or less) by Ofsted and the examination system, with huge emphasis on league tables and exam grades to the detriment of creativity and imagination.
Moral education and the development of creativity and imagination went hand in hand.
The imparting of explicit moral instruction gave way to the development of creativity and imagination.
A video with voice overs can make the learning experience better because it makes use of creativity and imagination.
Marvel Super Heroes fit perfectly into Disney Infinity, and with them we are pushing the platform's limits of creativity and imagination.
I play role playing games some love a spark of creativity and imagination.
This video was created to promote our support for these programs and to raise awareness of the importance of nurturing children's use of creativity and imagination.
It's definitely more than just a push toy; It kept my children (and admittedly myself) entertained and stretched all of our creativity and imagination!
Electronics are replaced with simpler toys to encourage the development of creativity and imagination.

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Take a look at J.K. Rowling — using creativity and imagination, she created a successful franchise full of witches and wizards.
Much like serving as a war correspondent, «starting a business requires every bit of imagination, and creativity, and energy, and gumption that you've got,» Hindy says.
Only free time, imagination, creativity, and an ability to disappear will help you deliver value that nobody ever delivered before in the history of mankind.
Ask any entrepreneur and they'll tell you that imagination, creativity, stamina, energy and risk - taking are all part of the unique recipe for success.
Instead of just taking «no» as an answer, they will attempt a different approach by using their creativity and imagination.
But in truth, the business person must tap into creativity (use of imagination) to create solutions to solve problems and overcome challenges.
«This book will inspire your imagination, stimulate your senses and creativity, and as you become engaged in the enjoyable activity of Coloring, it calms you and almost immediately starts reducing your stress level,» Jackie Cooper wrote, an Amazon user and reviewer of Morrison's best - selling book.
«The wariness of authority reflected the most fundamental of all Einstein's moral principles: Freedom and individualism are necessary for creativity and imagination to flourish.»
True creativity and imagination is very rare, which is why the world is full of mediocre investors, while only a few truly great Investment Masters exist.
Use your creativity and imagination to think of things you can do to grow and contribute, and they can be where you make money or it could be something where you make no money — but you'll still meet your needs either way.
Challenging conventional wisdom and rational thought, non conformism, humility, independent thinking, intuition above induction, adopting a multi-disciplinary mindset, learning from mistakes and indeed, happily abandoning the ideas he knew were wrong; creativity and imagination and of course, curiosity.
And later as a theorist, his success came not from the brute strength of his mental processing power but from his imagination and creativity.&raqAnd later as a theorist, his success came not from the brute strength of his mental processing power but from his imagination and creativity.&raqand creativity
They have created Prelude, a suite of educational tools that develops soft skills — imagination, intuition, hunch, affect and creativity — the value of which is beginning to be properly recognized in the education system and greater society.
A.: It is reasonable to hope that science and technology, along with other expressions of human imagination and creativity, will find progressively better solutions to our problems as time goes on.
I do not pretend to understand all the reasons for this gradual drying up of the Protestant imagination in America — and the failure of creativity at the symbolic level should not blind us to the continuing power of the Protestant impulse in personal character and social movements.
We differ in energy, ambition, intelligence, emotional intensity, relational sensitivity, imagination, creativity, addiction to evil and other forms of destructiveness, and the capacity to love.
This capacity of the intellect to work with the imagination becomes the place of creativity as beneficial experiences enter, and become the creative responses.
But even more daunting, his own productivity and protean creativity so defy the imagination that one might almost sympathize with the Shakespeare «deniers if the candidates put forward in his stead were not themselves such pathetic blue «blood epicenes» not to mention the fact that the achievement would still remain inexplicable coming from any human being, whatever the color of his blood.
As such it is always subject to errors that can be controlled but not governed entirely by practical and / or socially established evaluative or critical methods.18 The indispensable factor of interpretation in the dynamic processes of semiosis even leads to the idea that there is a generic form of imagination in physical becoming, in addition to a primary or radical form in human perception, a consideration that would indeed justify calling creativity the category of the ultimate, just as Whitehead maintains.
Whitehead continually and consistently argued that education had to be revitalized by redeveloping the excitement of learning in addition to routine, and this could be done by the reintroduction, through imagination, of novelty and creativity.
Now I want to change the frame of reference to the present and argue that (1) since Whitehead's time, there have been at least three profound interrelated changes in the shape of social life; (2) these changes do not nullify his insights, but they do make them relevant in ways he never would have suspected; and (3) his emphasis on imagination, creativity, and a zest for life must be tempered to stress what he could take for granted, but which I believe we can not.
When read this way, the Bible is not a cookbook where we can pick it up and stab our finger down to cook up some doctrine, but is more like a storybook which inspires creativity, ignites the imagination and delights the heart and mind of all people everywhere.
I admit this is not a question admitting of simple answers, but it is precisely the role of the imagination to grapple with such difficulties and create something new: in that it shares in some way in the Creator's creativity.
As for Jesus himself, his human power of imagination was fully alive and in harmony with what we may by analogy call his divine imagination or creativity.
Bruggeman argues that the prophet does not contend against such entities with arms and use of force, but with the much more powerful weapon of imagination and creativity.
The past need not be a trap that chokes imagination and creativity; when properly opened for us, it can be enriching and affirming; perhaps best of all, it can help us to see the special possibilities and inevitable limitations of our own time and place.
For more experienced cooks, the book has a lot to offer as well: a lot of recipes for pie crusts, pizzas, breads etc etc that spark your own imagination and creativity.
Everybody can cook; it «s just something you have to practice and most importantly do with a lot of passion, imagination and creativity!
We encourage creativity with your choice of toppings: try mascarpone cheese and berries, flax and chia seeds, a poached egg and salsa, dried fruits and nuts, or anything else your imagination can think of!
Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade has always been one of the day's highlights for me and this book tells how it all began over eighty years ago with the creativity and imagination of one man.
Sushi is another one of those dishes that allows you to let your creativity flow and use your imagination.
Until the end of February, retailers have the opportunity to dazzle judges with their imagination and creativity.
The seasoning is where the creativity and imagination of the budding «at home» chef can really blossom.
Co-founders Abby Berman and Matt Sorum believe that it is morally and ethically incumbent upon the public - at - large to foster the creativity, hopes, dreams and imaginations of our children.
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