Sentences with phrase «of criminal abuse»

But does that justify distilling years of rare incidents into a fabrication that paints a picture of criminal abuse?
We consider for consultation requests or referrals from: law enforcement in cases suspected of criminal abuse; animal control officers in cases of unknown cause of harm or death; veterinarians seeking second opinions; and attorneys who have accepted cases for potential civil litigation.
So does evidence that L.A. Unified leaders had failed to investigate previous claims of criminal abuse lodged against Berndt as well as letting alleged molestation charges against other teachers and school managers fall by the wayside.
The same bishops, more understandably, offer assurances about prompt reporting of criminal abuse to civil authorities.

Not exact matches

Some museums have pushed a mission to educate the public about the evolution of the penal system, but there has been criticism that, depending on the institution, the «history» is sanitized, leaving out abuse of prisoners and other unsavory aspects of the criminal justice system.
Rob Ford, defended at every turn by his brother Doug, was prepared to regularly lie about his addictions, to abuse his oath of office, to associate with criminal elements, to dismiss his racist and misogynistic comments as the new normal, and to attack and bully those with the courage to confront him — as if they, not he, were at fault for his transgressions.
Where Trump's critics see a legal investigation into foreign influence, he (and presumably his supporters) see a «McCarthyist» abuse of power of the same criminal stripe as the Watergate break - in.
Financial abuse of a senior can be both a criminal and civil crime.
However, cardholders who frequently shop at luxury retail chains like Saks Fifth Avenue are more likely to purchase high - ticket items regularly; therefore, it will be extremely difficult to distinguish fraudulent transactions from those of a legitimate nature, allowing criminals to abuse stolen payment cards and remain undetected for a longer period of time.
Every existing method of online payment, be it mailing cash or PayPal, has been abused by criminals in some way.
Also of concern was that, until 2013, a written complaint from the «aggrieved party» or parent was required to report abuse unless there was a criminal conviction.
When I worked in a prison, I did find heart - themes of criminal mentality and a willingness to abuse others.
Yes, I know that unfortunately child abuse happens... but for the church to have deliberately permitted the abuse to go on and on and on is nothing short of criminal.
According to the letter, one list posted includes the names of all Boston Archdiocese clergy who have been found guilty of sexually abusing a child by the Catholic Church or under criminal law, as well as any accused individuals who voluntarily requested removal from the clergy.
Fatherless children have rates of incarceration, criminal activity, possession of firearms, poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy, incompletion of school, and overall parental neglect and maltreatment alarmingly higher than their two - parent counterparts.
And in other news, the New York ultra-orthodox Jewish community has been enjoying their own version of a huge child - abuse scandal with over 85 cases of child abuse and also enjoying special treatment by the prosecutor's office in refusing to release the names of the convicted criminals in those cases!
While there were also a significant number of abuse cases involving parish priests in Ireland, another major scandal involved criminal abuse committed by members of religious orders working in Catholic - run institutions such as orphanages and reform schools.
Regarded as a criminal, exposed to insult and abuse from any who might fancy the cheap victory of a verbal volley or target...
I've heard some absolutely heart - breaking stories in this thread about alleged abuse; if even 10 % of what's been alleged is true, there should be disciplinary — possibly even criminal — repercussions.
Whatever one's view of the protestors, it is important to keep a close eye on these developments and, where appropriate, contact mayors, governors, and congressmen about abuses of the criminal justice system.
Mahaney resigned from The Gospel Coalition (TGC) last weekend in the wake of the criminal conviction of a former youth leader who abused three boys at SGM's flagship, Covenant Life Church (CLC), while Mahaney was lead pastor.
It is quite likely that the current Pope - A-Dope is fully aware of the criminal activities within the RCC and may be guilty of actual abuse or crimes related to the cover up.
Mo. is charged with failure to report the suspected abuse of a child, becoming the first active bishop in the country to face criminal prosecution in such a case.
Australia's Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse - the nation's highest form of inquiry - recommended that all states and territories in Australia introduce legislation which would make it a criminal offence for people to fail to report child sexual abuse in an institutional setAbuse - the nation's highest form of inquiry - recommended that all states and territories in Australia introduce legislation which would make it a criminal offence for people to fail to report child sexual abuse in an institutional setabuse in an institutional setting.
The aim is to «break the generational cycles of abuse, prostitution, criminal activity and poverty, which currently hold these women back from reaching their potential».
The reporting requirement it urged Australia to adopt was one of 85 recommendations it made in a report aimed at revamping the criminal justice system to ensure fairer treatment of victims of child sexual abuse.
Mounting a criminal investigation into how Lord Carey (pictured above) handled allegations of abuse within... More
Your logic is like calculating the necessity of education by the abuse done by a few criminal teachers.
Priests who fail to tell police about suspected child sexual abuse should face criminal charges, even if they learn of abuse during a confidential religious confession, Australia's most powerful investigative authority has recommended.
One day aiders and abetters of child abuse will be criminalized just as aiding, abetting or harboring an other criminal is.
Ireland had just had an election then, and the newly elected Prime Minister, Enda Kenny (now triumphing over his referendum result) in one of his first speeches in the Parliamentary chamber, blamed the Vatican for everything whilst the visitation was underway, thus undermining it completely — as though it were Italian or French priests and Cardinals who were guilty of the Irish abuses, conveniently letting the locals off the hook, and redirecting the anger towards Church discipline and teaching rather than criminal individuals.
The first report, commissioned by the National Review Board, consisted of the findings of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice on the incidence and nature of sex abuse by Catholic clergy from 1950 to 2002.
The RCC is subject to every countries» civil laws and should come clean on priestly pedophilia and the criminals, most likely including every Pope - A-Dope sine the 1950s, covering up the blatant abuse of thousands of innocent children.
Mounting a criminal investigation into how Lord Carey (pictured above) handled allegations of abuse within the Church of England would equate to an «attack» on «biblically faithful Christianity», it has been claimed.
Avery, Engelhardt and Shero were charged with rape, indecent sexual assault and other criminal counts following the results of the grand jury investigation of clergy sexual abuse, Williams said.
What a pathetic creature this priest is, sadly his statement seems to be the logic of the RC Church and that it's not the children that were abused but rather the slimy priests that have perpetuated these criminal acts on the kids.
The catholic church is sick to the core, the child victims of abuse are the criminals.
How do you catholics rationalize this consistant abuse, coverup and protection of criminals?
Religious people are shown in countless studies to be happier, live longer, have lower rates of drug abuse and violent / criminal behavior.
That Camping guy is a criminal con artist, a parasite... He should be sent to jail if only for the psychological abuse some kids suffered because of him.
The paper even seems to express some understanding of Fr Maciel's (still, strictly speaking, only alleged) actions, in its reference to «the growing understanding that the abuse is most likely the result of illness, not criminal intent.»
The next time someone tells you that reporting suspected abuse within the Christian community will «hurt the cause of Christ», tell them that we are attempting to rob God of worship when we leave criminal behavior to fester and grow in the darkness of silence.
The scourge of child sexual abuse is not just a sin violating the 7th Commandment in Exodus 20:14 and Matthew 5:27 - 30, but it is also a criminal offense in all 50 States.
Child sexual abuse has been deemed to be criminal by the civil authorities deserving of just punishment.
I know of no church institution «training films» showing what is spiritual abuse or spiritual «criminal» manipulation.
Finn is the only American bishop ever to be convicted of a criminal charge for failing to report suspected child abuse.
Later he questioned them and learned that welfare checks, child abuse and criminal parental negligence were, among some of their acquaintances, a familiar way of life.
The scandal there could open a historic chapter in the abuse crisis, church watchers say, changing the way the American criminal justice system deals with church abuse and challenging the church's claims that that reforms adopted in the wake of the Boston scandal have largely rooted out abuse.
In addition to the individual acts of abuse which led to criminal charges, The HSUS» investigation also found breeding pigs confined day - and - night in gestation crates, tiny cages that virtually immobilize animals for nearly their entire lives.
Despite dozens of investigations revealing extreme animal abuse, criminal activity, and disregard for Australia's regulations, offending exporters continue to send animals to places where animals have had their eyes stabbed, their tendons slashed, and their skulls smashed with sledgehammers.
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