Sentences with phrase «of critical infrastructure»

Provided technical support and analysis of critical infrastructure for security programs and policies.
The labs will look at the use of engineered systems and blockchain - powered supply chains to address the safety and security of both critical infrastructure and people in the global maritime industry.
The team says the vulnerabilities it has identified «could have disastrous consequences including confusion, aircraft groundings, even plane crashes if exploited by adversaries» (International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, DOI: 10.1016 / j.ijcip.2011.06.001).
«Rather, Russia and the Syrian regime have chosen to pursue a military course, inconsistent with the Cessation of Hostilities, as demonstrated by their intensified attacks against civilian areas, targeting of critical infrastructure such as hospitals, and preventing humanitarian aid from reaching civilians in need,» the statement said.
Shenoi and colleagues have just published a legal study (International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, DOI: 10.1016 / j.ijcip.2010.02.002) on three «technically feasible» compulsory vaccination scenarios that governments could consider.
Cuomo also announced that the state would launch a Cyber Security Initiative «that will include the creation of a new, first - in - the - nation facility that brings together monitoring of both the cyber and physical aspects of critical infrastructure in New York State.»
The project has been recognized across the nation, including by former President Barack Obama, who put it at the top of his list of critical infrastructure priority projects.
«Corruption freezes development, thereby undermining the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals,» he said, citing his own Government's efforts to combat the scourge, including the significant recovery of stolen assets which are then channelled towards the development of critical infrastructure and the implementation of social inclusion programmes.
«It was agreed that we should give the Private Finance Initiative a chance to complement Government's resources in the delivery of critical infrastructure assets across the country.
Hackers likely working for a nation - state recently invaded the safety system of a critical infrastructure facility in a watershed attack that halted plant operations, according to cyber investigators and the firm whose software was targeted.
But S.Y. Lee, a spokesman for the DHS, told Fortune that the government agency coordinates «national efforts to strengthen the security and resilience of critical infrastructure, working with our federal and industry partners across the country to raise awareness about evolving threats and promote measures to reduce risks to systems we all rely on.»
Mr Gana charged the personnel to ensure the protection of Critical Infrastructure within their localities against vandals and other criminal elements.
The New NY Bridge project is recognized across the nation for its iconic design, including by President Barrack Obama, who put the bridge at the top of his list of critical infrastructure priority projects.
Areas of our critical infrastructure such as energy, nuclear, water, aviation, and critical manufacturing have vulnerabilities that make them a target for cybercriminals and even a state - sponsored attack.
Cybersecurity The Internet and networked computer systems play important roles in personal access to information and services, as well as the operation of critical infrastructure.
February 10, 2015 — The Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT) announces the addition of HP, Watchdox, and Covenant Security Solutions as ICIT Fellows, organizations who bring highly qualified experts, technologies and solutions to support the niche advisory ICIT provides the policy community in the fields of critical infrastructure technology and cyber security.
According to it, it was agreed that we should give the Private Finance Initiative a chance to complement government's resources in the delivery of critical infrastructure across the country.
It marks the first report of a safety system breach at an industrial plant by hackers, who have in recent years placed increasing attention on hacking into utilities, factories and other types of critical infrastructure, cyber experts said.
«Moreover, much of our critical infrastructure — our financial systems, power grids, pipelines, health care systems — run on networks connected to the Internet.
11742), relating to identification of critical infrastructure where a cybersecurity incident could reasonably result in catastrophic regional or national effects on public health or safety, economic security, or national security.
Since its first edition in 2002, the conference has attracted a continually rising interest as both the stakes of critical infrastructure protection and the distinctiveness of securing ICSs become increasingly apparent.
In this educational SANS webinar led by Mike Assante, SANS Director of Critical Infrastructure & ICS / SCADA Security, we'll explore:
This particular service represents a high value (and underserved) component of critical infrastructure within the space industry — and as such, is the subject of major interest among startups and forward - thinking space investors.
«Unless we apply the break and uphold the rule of law and democratic conventions and practices in all ramifications, our greatest losses, moving forward, will not be economic recession, lack of critical infrastructure, among others, but an irredeemably deteriorated civilian rule where the decisions of the courts, letters and spirit of the law, resolutions of the legislature, electoral choices of Nigerians as expressed through the ballot no longer count.»
Governor wants to help local officials determine state of critical infrastructure, identify best ways to allocate resources
Kwara State Governor, Dr Abdulfatah Ahmed has assured Kwarans of even deployment of critical infrastructure for the overall development of the state.
The 2013 attack on the Bowman Dam in Rye Brook did not cause any lasting damage, but served as another wakeup call to state and federal security agencies about the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to cyberattack.
It has long been the policy of the United States to assure the continuity and viability of critical infrastructures.
Atkinson said the new numbers could be used to recalculate the seismic hazard for the region, which could impact everything from building codes to safety assessments of critical infrastructure such as dams and bridges.
«New York City, as we learned from Sandy, has a lot of its critical infrastructure along the coast,» said Radley Horton, an associate research scientist at Columbia's Earth Institute.
Such highly maneuverable aerial robots, with longer flight endurance, will also make advances in the monitoring and recovery of critical infrastructures such as nuclear reactors, power grids, bridges, and borders.
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently declared a «self - healing infrastructure» as one of three strategic thrusts in their National Plan for R&D in Support of Critical Infrastructure Protection.
Lieberman agrees: «It's not inconceivable that an attacker could target an employee of a critical infrastructure company, shut down that company down, and demand a ransom to restore access.»
«The sensing skin could be used for a wide range of structures, but the impetus for the work was to help ensure the integrity of critical infrastructure such as nuclear waste storage facilities,» says Dr. Mohammad Pour - Ghaz, an assistant professor of civil, construction and environmental engineering at NC State and co-author of a paper describing the work.
«The idea is to identify problems quickly so that they can be addressed before they become big problems and — in the case of some critical infrastructure — so that public safety measures can be implemented,» Pour - Ghaz says.
(c) The Secretary, in coordination with Sector - Specific Agencies, shall confidentially notify owners and operators of critical infrastructure identified under subsection (a) of this section that they have been so identified, and ensure identified owners and operators are provided the basis for the determination.
The SCCs coordinate and collaborate with sector - specific agencies (SSAs) and related Government Coordinating Councils (GCCs) to address the entire range of critical infrastructure security / resilience policies and efforts for the sector.
Since its inception, TIFIA has accelerated delivery of critical infrastructure investments by providing almost $ 9.1 billion in credit assistance to 26 projects.
However, he goes on to assert that the expansion of a critical infrastructure to support artists» experimentation, to make their work comprehensible to collectors, dealers, and curators, to establish the lineages within which they are operating, is pivotal.
Cities represent a nexus point of critical infrastructure — for electricity, communications, heating and cooling, and transportation — that are already in desperate need of improvement, and shifting them toward low - carbon «climate smart» technologies is a natural progression.
Decision - makers, by contrast, need to understand how climate change may interfere with their plans and compromise their objectives, so they can adapt existing policies and adopt new strategies to stay on track — whether to protect life, health, and well - being, sustain economic growth, preserve natural resources, ensure continued performance of critical infrastructure, or maintain national security.
While U.S. nuclear and energy facilities are increasingly aware of the cyberthreats to their systems, we can expect to see more hacks testing the limits of critical infrastructure systems, both in the
Every single breach results in an adversary exfiltrating expansive treasure troves of information that can be sold, exploited, or manipulated to facilitate future breaches of critical infrastructure and private sector systems.
By Phil Reitinger For the latest installment of Cyber Throwback Thursday (CTBT # 3), I took a look back at the first really significant examination of critical infrastructure protection...
Utilizing my training and experience in the field of Law Enforcement and Security for vulnerability assessment and preservation of critical infrastructure, life safety and property protection to the maximum benefit of my employer.
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