Sentences with phrase «of critical scholarship»

It can be studied with the best of critical scholarship, such as we all need in order to understand it most fully.
Under the assault of critical scholarship, Protestantism tended then to make one of two bad choices: either to reaffirm Scripture's authority by ignoring the critics or to accept the criticism and in some degree to abandon the Scripture principle.
I should be sorry to suggest that the only way to an understanding of the Bible lies through the latest refinements of critical scholarship.
First, the publishers deserve universal applause for their commitment to a commentary series that upholds the highest standards of critical scholarship in an age when the risks involved in such a commitment are painfully obvious.
I suppose it was one of the best defenses of critical scholarship I have read, and if someone is going to adopt the practices and conclusions of historical criticism of the Bible, they should follow the practice proposed by Kenton Sparks.
So, too, are theologians, who investigate the Christian faith with the tools of critical scholarship, thereby helping the Church both to preserve the faith and to develop it properly over time.
They are of course free to publish these views; however, their attempt to present these views as «the assured results of critical scholarship» is - one must say it - reprehensible deception.
From 1972 to 1975 he was head of the Modern British department at the Bond Street dealers Colnaghi, where he played a significant part in the revival of critical scholarship then being directed towards early 20th - century British art, mounting revelatory exhibitions of the Chilean - born portraitist Álvaro Guevara and the Vorticist painter and printmaker Edward Wadsworth.
If selfhood is constituted by the «world» to which we give ourselves, and the objectified «world» of critical scholarship is different from the existential «world» of encounter, is not the subject in each case different?
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