Sentences with phrase «of cultural constraints»

Everett, who lived with the tribe for 20 years, believes that the absence of both words and concepts for numbers «are the result of cultural constraints against quantification.»

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Bloom, rather loosely, calls the American religion «gnosticism,» the belief that each individual possesses a divine spark and salvation consists in the liberation of that divine spark from the body and from the particularities of its constraints in history and cultural space.
Instead of having to posit a direct, psychological, often mysterious effect on disaggregated individuals, the investigator is able to show that ideas are actually produced by specific sets of people who have access to necessary material and cultural resources, are influenced by particular organizational constraints, and bring their ideas into contact with an audience that has reasons to be receptive.
It is part of the Church's mission, therefore, to be critical of all political, cultural, and psychological constraints, including the ones imbedded in its own figure, that prevent the breaking in of the promise of God's future made manifest especially in Jesus the Christ.
Certainly UNESCO must be as critical of political constraints as it is of economic and cultural constraints on news flow, and the MacBride Report makes these dangers abundantly clear.
It was based on the premise that the words of the prophets could be liberated from the constraints of the Law and the Lawgiving God, and those words could be transformed into a humane secular project for the cultural left.
The autonomous person, liberated from the constraints of the past and free perhaps even from the stigma of social disapproval of his chosen lifestyle, has become the new god of the Canadian civil religion, almost totally eclipsing whatever communitarian elements have managed to survive the cultural shifts of recent decades.
By a host of cultural indicators, American society was better off in the 1950s than it is today, and the constraint and self - censorship of that age's mass media had a great deal to do with this achievement.
In the 1950's all would have been clear but in the 70's and beyond, with the advent of The Pill and the escape from cultural constraints freedom hasgone to our heads, and we have forgotten the simple rule: Date before you mate.
True love and understanding has no cultural or religious constraints, you just have to look at places where you would never have thought of looking.
Moreover, self - imposed or external stigmatisation is expressed as formal and thematic constraints that have generated specific and complex cultural phenomena, including types of texts (newspaper strips, periodical comic books, graphic novels), genres (superheroes, political satire, humour, horror, romance, pornography, crime, biography, reportage, etc.) and dedicated «subcultures» - there must be a better term — around them.
Collectively, the work builds on millennia of visual storytelling — from hieroglyphs to narrative paintings to corporate logos — transcending cultural boundaries and linguistic constraints.
«I hope to free architects from all the constraints that can be imposed in on them in the effort to respect cultural heritage, the environment, and issues of security.
Shonibare draws on surrealism as both an artistic and political movement aimed at the liberation of the human being from the constraints of capitalism, the state, and the cultural forces that limit the reign of the imagination.
As Muholi continues to expand the series, and as curators face the unique challenges of their geo - cultural constraints and individual institutions, further consideration of the Faces and Phases series will be necessary.
As a result, STNDRD elicits thoughtful curatorial contributions as artists respond to these architectural prompts, creating works that must consider the physical constraints of the space, as well as the history and significance of flags as cultural objects.
She allowed the images their own integrity and attributes, and gave them agency and free movement outside of their prescribed narratives and cultural constraints.
Fadda seeks to arrive at a detailed account of cultural production in oPt - shaped as it is by certain socio - economic discourses, accelerated political violence and restrictive financial structures — and the strategies of artistic communities and Palestinian - led cultural interventions that are working to defy the artificial and violent constraints imposed on cultural life in Palestine.
In some developing countries, financial and cultural constraints can preclude a common journalistic practise of simply dialing lots of institutes searching for a suitable interviewee.
This is part of the reason why «going emeritus» is liberating from the internal cultural constraints of the «community».
«Many of these alternatives, such as nuclear power and geoengineering, are likely to convey cultural resonances that affirm rather than threaten hierarchical and individualist confidence in the power of human ingenuity to overcome environmental constraints on economic production.»
These ordinal constraints are unaffected by subjective or cultural risk - perception factors, they are independent of the discount rate, and they are independent of the magnitude of the estimate for climate sensitivity.
As well as the obvious cultural and practical issues, there are a range of financial challenges, from tax treatment to banking constraints.
Inventoried and evaluated land use constraints, including cultural and natural resources and ammunition storage areas, ensuring the safety and proper siting of facilities
Pragmatism and cultural constraints guide decisions on what problems are central in the study of culture and early learning.
However on the other hand problems associated with the administration of justice by non-resident circuit courts include; large court dockets, time constraints, lack of interpreters for Aboriginal offenders, and cultural differences between court personnel and Aboriginal offenders and communities.
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