Sentences with phrase «of cultural relativity»

We will draw upon the views of contemporary critics, novelists and artists, and discuss the notion of cultural relativity and the modern artist's affinity for so - called «primitive» art.
African American Art and Postmodernism By the mid - to late 1980s earlier definitions of African American art would be supplanted by the postmodernist tenets of cultural relativity, art - as - performance, critical inquiries of art and society through one's work, and interrogations of identity, geography, and history.
The deer that is killed has not had its individual right to life upheld by either us or the wolf, but in the case of natural communities, we should adopt a strategy of cultural relativity and allow animals and plants to do as they do to each other even if we would not like it to be done to us.
Third, we should study the Bible, aware of the cultural relativity through which we perceive and experience Christian existence.

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While this relativity can be interpreted to mean that values are wholly defined by the circumstances of culture and are merely expressions of cultural exigencies, the insistent pressures of the human conscience, oftentimes in contradiction to accepted cultural norms, render this interpretation doubtful.
Cultural relativity is a reminder of these contextual factors in the specification of values.
For, is not the recognition of thorough cultural relativity the abandonment of the sense of reality?
Within the field of cultural hermeneutics, this recognition of relativity has been extraordinarily liberating.
Unlike some feminists, I do not rest my conclusions on any supposed contradictions within the writings of Paul, or between Paul and Jesus, on any alleged «rabbinic interpretations,» or on the cultural relativity of any text.
The relativity of Niebuhr's theocentric relativism derives not from the variety of religious and cultural contexts in which different people live, but from the awareness that each person lives in several of these contexts at once.
The «Troeltschian» questions that I have raised — about historical and cultural relativity, about the relation of Christianity to other faiths, and about the relation of Christianity to the methods and findings of modern science — are not foreign to pastors and members of their congregations.
Hearing from the black and third - world theologians of the cultural advantages and cultural oppressions wrought through our theologies underscores again the relativity of theological thought.
Sociologists also deal with such topics as the components of culture, i.e., beliefs, values, language, and norms; cultural dynamics; cultural integration; cultural change; ideal culture, what people profess to follow, and real culture, how people actually behave in relation to these claims; ethnocentrism, the proclivity to see one's culture as the best and consequently all others as inferior; and cultural relativity.
Cultural relativity of toilet training readiness: A perspective from East Africa.
Postmodernism adopted ideas from cultural anthropology and relativity theory to argue that truth is relative and subject to the assumptions and prejudices of the observer.
In the following Figure, from her entertaining TEDxManchester talk The fascinating physics of everyday life, she shows how the physics of the every day applies over a huge range of scales (in time and space); bracketed between the exotic worlds of the extremely small (quantum mechanics) and extremely large (general relativity) which tend to dominate our cultural perceptions of physics today.
The program content focused heavily on the importance of understanding cultural relativity.
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