Sentences with phrase «of culture wars»

Beyond the wedge issues of the culture wars, such as gun control and abortion, the one thing all presidential candidates can agree on is improving the economy.
These type folks are trying to show a «path» out of this culture wars mess on GW using principles that are totally in line with Conservatism and Faith.
It's a manifestation of the culture wars.
Barry: Creative Capital was launched in response to the NEA's movement away from individual artist support as a result of the culture wars of the 1990's.
After a well - attended pilot event in January — with over 80 participants spread across 18 teams and music provided by Mary Heilmann — Art21 is returning to host a second installment of Culture Wars:...
The paradox of the culture wars is that they have made celebrities out of artists who would otherwise vanish.
Monuments to white power and dominion have been a focal point of the culture wars gripping South Africa, prompting heated discussions about their survival.
It was the first in a series of events that Real Art Ways presented in the context of the culture wars, and a foreshadowing of Wilkins» demonstrated commitment to supporting artists and taking risks to present meaningful programming.
Cursory treatment of the culture wars that raged in mid-century periodicals, for example, allows Kandel to cherry - pick quotes from both Harold Rosenberg and Clement Greenberg as they suit his theory, with little thought given to the debates between the two critics, or why their disagreements still matter.
(The 1997 biennial took place in the foreground of the culture wars of the period and Bill Clinton's re-election.)
No one minded a long rundown of the culture wars at the 2006 Whitney Biennial, with some of the same artists as at Long Island City now.
It, too, might be called «remembrance of culture wars past,» and the artists at P.S. 1 can not seem to forget.
Seen from the other side of the culture wars, his work, which had been neglected for many years, no longer seems out of step or heretical.
If «Trigger» is lost in a fog, it is the fog of the culture wars.
EC: Looking back to the Culture Wars then and its relation to the controversy today — with works such as David Wojnarowicz's A Fire In My Belly being removed from the National Portrait Gallery — how do you see the legacy of the Culture Wars 20 years later?
And while it might not be seen as part of the culture wars, it certainly inflamed the passions of those who didn't want Washington or even their state's government involved in their local classrooms.
National standards also risk unleashing negative forces in American education — including further curricular narrowing, harmful effects on states that got standards right in the first place, and the possible rekindling of culture wars over what knowledge and which skills matter most (and who gets to decide).
Steer clear of the culture wars: Politicians on the Left — many of whom oppose religious schools or church teaching on social issues — will attempt to insert «poison pills» into scholarship tax credit legislation to reduce support for the bill among social conservatives.
TV reviews, you see, are now considered another toxic byproduct of the culture wars.
If Obama really wanted to resolve one front of the culture wars and show respect for pro-lifers, as he claimed, he would have refused to make citizens complicit in embryo killing by simply continuing the Bush policies.
John J. Reilly, Reviews Editor of Culture Wars magazine, is a member of the Center for Millennial Studies located at Boston University.
Taking inspiration from a passage in the second - century Letter to Diognetus --- which says that Christians «have a common table, but not a common bed» --- Mitchell argues that «hospitality is a radical alternative to both the language and practice of culture wars
I too am drawn to the Anabaptist tradition and believe it has something really special to offer Christians who are tired of the culture wars, as well as something important to say about how a post-Christian culture in the U.S. might actually be good for the Church.
In conclusion, we would all do well to remember that the genius of the culture wars is that they convince us we change the world through bumper stickers, boycotts, and ballot boxes.
Amid the strife of the Culture Wars and the heated partisan divides between Red and Blue states, one thing seems to bring together a great many Americans across both sides of the nation's secular / sacred divide: a deep, abiding sense of amusement and incredulity — if not outright contempt — for purveyors and supporters of the so - called «Prosperity Gospel».
It's not often that one leaves a movie theater feeling speechless, but anyone on the right side of the culture wars who views the recent film Blast from the Past will find his jaw scraping the sidewalk» and not out of disgust.
James Davison Hunter and Alan Wolfe disagreed fiercely over the reach and power of the culture wars, but they agreed on one thing: These wars are fought by politicians and pundits far more than by ordinary Americans.
Such are the new politics of whispering in the twenty - first century version of the culture wars.
''... The genius of the culture wars is that they convince us we change the world through bumper stickers, boycotts, and ballot boxes.
The religious right's remarkable influence over national politics crested a decade ago, and many young Evangelicals now weary of the culture wars.
Fighters of the culture wars always lose.
DeVet seems to have assumed that we were arguing that the pro-life side won because it was pro-life and that this victory marked the end of the culture wars and the ethical issues of biotech.
As these Christians spread across the Mediterranean world they were not belligerent, did not even think of culture wars, did not demand their rights and had no opportunity to live in a protected Christian sub-culture.
takes the combative call of the culture wars and replaces it with something better — the exemplary, meek faith of martyrs.
Paul takes the combative call of the culture wars and replaces it with something better — the exemplary, meek faith of martyrs.
If Kloster wishes to enter the lists of the culture wars flying the guidon of metaphysics on his rhetorical lance, well, good luck to him.
Although the book reminds us of a time when deep social divisiveness was not at the core of the culture wars, was he right to suggest that religion was an under - acknowledged party in American discussions about pluralism?
While the reality of culture wars can hardly be denied, I prefer to think of First Things in terms of conversation rather than warfare.
The evidence for this phenomenon is incontestable: the influx of non «SBC evangelical scholars into Baptist seminaries; the changing of the name of the Baptist Sunday School Board to the more generic LifeWay Christian Resources; the presence and high profile of non «Baptist leaders on SBC platforms, e.g., the closing message at the 1998 SBC delivered by Dr. James Dobson, a Nazarene; the aggressive participation of the SBC's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission as an advocate for the conservative side of the culture wars conflict; new patterns of cooperation between SBC mission boards and evangelical ministries such as Promise Keepers, Campus Crusade for Christ, the National Association of Evangelicals, Prison Fellowship, and World Vision.
As legislators grow weary of culture wars along with their constituents, «you're going to see the states respond to it whether the feds are going to or not.»
The Holocaust, then, has been in the thick of the culture wars since the 1960s.
That's how I hope Christians today see it as well — not as a lightning rod of the culture wars, to be avoided or embraced as some sort of statement, but as a pleasurable gift of a good God, who made water, yeast, barley and hops, and human beings with the creative capacity to brew up something wonderful.
Dr Andrew Davies at the University of Birmingham argues that the narrative of the culture wars isn't the theological foundation.
CNN: In culture war skirmishes, Georgetown becomes political football In the latest round of culture wars over contraception and religious liberty, most Americans would probably identify places like the White House and Congress as key battlefields.
In many ways, Pence was on the same doomed trajectory as the conservative - Christian movement he'd long championed — once a political force to be reckoned with, now a battered relic of the culture wars.
Kashuv has become part of a culture war far bigger and older than him taking place between liberals and conservatives over one of the most divisive issues in America.
In the face of a culture war that turned into the Civil War, Lincoln pleaded for a civil politics in both North and South.
The Jewish Daily Forward: Internet Cafe on Front Line of Culture War Joseph Oppenheim's iShop, in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, looks more or less like any other computer store.
InterVarsity and Bowdoin Christian Fellowship are not soldiers of the culture war; they are ministries that have been culture - warred against.
It's not disengagement from politics; it's a continuation of the culture war's bad politics.
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