Sentences with phrase «of daily worship»

MixedGreensBlog is my favorite form of daily worship.:)
Binding of phylacteries is our most ancient act of daily worship, commanded in Exodus 13.
At the same time, Anna's decades of daily worship, her continual prayer and fasting, led her to burst into praise and testimony when she encountered the child.

Not exact matches

While «worshipping» Munger may be a stretch, what he does provide, for me at least, is a set of «inviolable ethical principles» that help me to navigate the trenches of daily life with more clarity.
It is not surprising in the least and is expected in everything that orthodox Jews do in their daily living that involves any type of public meeting or religious worship.
Yet, your daily grind can be a daily act of worship, if you work at it.
We have been promised that if we worship God daily in the midst of his people, and if our worship remains faithful to the teaching of the Apostles, God will be made known to us in both Spirit and Truth.
Just as Isaiah recognizes that behavior on the Sabbath can't be separated from behavior on the other days of the week, we recognize that worship and daily practices are somehow all one piece.
Then comes the most painful thought: if God withdrew from me, cut me loose, left me to my own devices, I would be as an animal, unable to worship, incapable of the joy and the sorrow known by those who daily lay hold of the One who has already laid hold of them.
Obviously, the real work begins when we come together in community to do the hard, daily work of reconciliation, listening, serving, and worshipping in spirit and truth.
More of the daily Mormon bashing from the Obama worshipping media with no other purpose than to attempt to drag Mitt Romney down.
Pfatteicher examines, inter alia, eucharistic devotion, daily prayer, church architecture, and the music of worship.
Members of the early Christian churches frequently gathered in homes, possibly daily, for worship.
Anjezë treasured her little spring and drew sustenance each day with prayers, daily worship and secret acts of devotion.
Roger Beckwith, «The Daily and Weekly Worship of the Primitive Church in Relation to Its Jewish Antecedents; part I.» Evangelical Quarterly 56 (1984): 80.
And despite the continuing emphasis in this volume on the necessity of serving God in daily work, worship and prayer remain central expressions of the Christian's response to God.
They come from many lands; and they do not mean at all by those words that our worship is unrealistic or unconnected with daily living; they mean, rather, that in participation in that worship they have had a glimpse of something transcendent, more than merely human or natural, something able to give them a lifting of spirit and a deepening of their appreciation of life's significance.
Literally it means mentioning or reciting and is commonly used to refer to all kinds of prescribed worship — the daily prayers, fasting, pilgrimage, almsgiving, and repeating the Word of Witness.
From 1870, the state has taken increasing control, although the Church of England and Roman Catholic churches still have a significant role, and religious education, which now includes teaching about the other major world religions as well as Christianity, is still required, as well as a daily act of collective worship.
The monasteries followed a rigorous daily order of work and worship, of praise, confession, and study.
The most significant forms of giving should, of course, occur in one's daily life between worship experiences.
Those Fundamentals require the acceptance of the Consequences, also known as the required Worship: repeating the Word of Witness, observing the five daily prayers, giving a fixed percentage of income to the poor, fasting during the month of Ramadan, and making the pilgrimage to Mecca if possible.
Through its internal life of eucharistic worship, thanksgiving, intercessory prayer, through planning for mission and evangelism, through a daily lifestyle of solidarity with the poor, through advocacy even to confrontation with the powers that oppress human beings, the churches are trying to fulfil this evangelistic vocation.
And we are able to mean it as we strive daily to practice our faith because we live our lives in a perspective of eternity grounded in the worship and emulation of a God who is truly a loving Father, and who sent His Son to redeem mankind.
The attenuation of the Psalms in the worship and daily life of most Protestants today is an index of how far from the vitality of the reformers their spiritual heirs have fallen.
This may move Christian worship beyond the preoccupation with Scriptural texts and literary forms of prayer to a concern with the spontaneous religious life of its daily practitioners.
Becoming like God, sharing in the fullness of the divine life, is a hope that is meant to inform and often enough really does inform the Sunday worship, the still more sacred temple ordinances, and the daily life of Latter - day saints.
As the Christmas season becomes more and more secularized, various Christian segments have accommodated its material encroachment, often consuming massive amounts of product to the detriment of daily prayer, charity and genuine worship.
In the name of all that is HOLY I beseech thee to abandon thine narcissistic, Godless ways and join in worshipping Crom lest ye be eternally part boiled and fed to the beasts (daily) of Hades.
However, there is a big difference between our daily activities in the presence of God and coming into the Lord's house for worship.
In this case, that mastery too often turns Father X into a kind of ringmaster whose verbal antics, presumably intended to make the Mass more user - friendly, are a distraction from that toward which the Church's worship aims, according to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council: «The liturgy daily builds up those who are in the Church, making of them a holy temple of the Lord, a dwelling - place for God in the Spirit, to the mature measure of the fullness of Christ» (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 2).
For such instruction there are booklets, often illustrated, to clarify the actions which must be carried out in performing the rituals of purification and daily worship.
The monastery had given him a structured life and daily purpose, which saved him in a time of listlessness and depression but did not require the worship of any other god.
It is used only for the communal performance of the five daily salats, for religious meetings, and for religious instruction, but not for the Friday public worship since it does not meet the requirements for a mosque.
Hence while a community which centers in worship is not a theological school, a theological school in which worship is not a part of the daily and weekly rhythm of activity can not remain a center of intellectual activity directed toward God.
They still worshiped daily in the Temple, but they also met in one another's homes that they might increase in their understanding of the apostles» doctrine.
Though they originated from the daily Roman costume of the early Christian centuries, since the Middle Ages the alb and chasuble (and their Eastern equivalents) have symbolized the objectivity of the worship which the priest offers at the altar, as well as the unity of this particular priest here this morning with his colleagues of every age and every land.
I read my Bible daily, I worshipped, prayed and fellowship with others who can make me grow stronger and I wanted to apply what I learned to myself and others who needed to hear the promise of HOPE.
On the highlights of the programme for the pilgrimage, the minister disclosed that there would be daily prayers and meditation at important and significant sites mentioned in the Bible, boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, worship on MT Camel, the mountain of the prophet Elijah, renewal of wedding vows in the Church of the Miracle of Cana.
On collective worship: «The Committee is concerned that pupils are required by law to take part in a daily religious worship which is «wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character» in publicly funded schools in England and Wales, and that children do not have the right to withdraw from such worship without parental permission before entering the sixth form.
For example, all state schools are required to provide daily collective worship of «a broadly Christian character... concerned with reverence or veneration paid to a divine being».
The policy also calls for all state schools to teach impartial education about religious and non-religious worldviews that is inspected by Ofsted, for much stricter limits on religious discrimination in «faith» school employment, and for the current legal requirement for schools to hold daily acts of collective worship to be repealed.
In foundation and voluntary schools not of religious character the daily act of worship is to be in accordance with the trust deeds of the school, and arrangements made by the governors after consulting the head teacher.
Despite the continuing decline both of those attending church each week and those who describe themselves as belonging to the Church of England, «faith» schools continue to account for over a third of all state - funded schools, and all schools, regardless of whether or not they have a religious character, are still obliged to hold a daily act of worship.
Current law and government guidance discriminates in favour of religion in requiring daily acts of «Collective Worship» in schools, and in favour of Christianity in requiring that for schools without a religious character, the majority of these acts of Collective Worship should be «of a broadly Christian character».
But despite Robert's rough demeanor, Eric finds his respect growing for this man who seemingly devotes his life to daily religious worship, a loving family and the safety of his country.
It will give you the guidance you need to confidently teach Judaism to GCSE level covering: A short Introduction Beliefs about God The Covenant The Messianic Age Sources of Authority The synagogue Worship Special Times Rites of Passage Daily Life Prejudice and discrimination Wealth and poverty The Created World Issues of life and death Complete glossary of terms to create key word resources from
This PowerPoint has a daily stimulus for use with the daily act of collective worship.
More than 40 schools have sought exemptions in the past 18 months from the legal requirement to provide a daily act of Christian worship, with many choosing «non-faith»...
Several national newspapers this week reported Brent Council as the first in Britain to allow multi-belief school assemblies in place of daily Christian worship — but Schools Week...
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