Sentences with phrase «of dangerous substances»

It sometimes seems as if our environment is full of dangerous substances that cause diseases such as cancer, and that such ailments must be a product of modern times.
Unfortunately, these actions have not given local law enforcement officials sufficient support to successfully combat the sale of these dangerous substances.
We strive and learn, examine causes and results, improve our designs, take better care of our dangerous substances, prepare ways to resist nature or warn of natural dangers.
These are just a few of the dangerous substances that can be harmful and even fatal to your dog.
The ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center's website has a comprehensive list of dangerous substances, as well as plants that can be harmful to your cats.
Once your baby starts crawling, you need to keep an eye on them as they can vanish from sight in a second; make sure you get stair gates to prevent them from falling down the stairs and put locks on the kitchen cupboards so that your baby can't get hold of any dangerous substances.
But our wonderful FDA is in charge of making sure there aren't TOO MANY of these dangerous substances in our food!
The senators said Dourson, who previously produced research on behalf of chemical companies, has worked to downplay the health affects of dangerous substances.
... The Government last night admitted for the first time that the chemical was delivered to Syria — a clear breach of international protocol on the trade of dangerous substances that has been condemned as «grossly irresponsible».»
Guardian is developing PinPoint, a software system that can analyze X-ray images of carry - on bags for telltale signatures of dangerous substances.
For decades, the agency has used numbers that often underestimate industry emissions of dangerous substances — and isn't going to change soon
The meter - long distances that the research team was able to move the particles could open up new avenues for laser tweezers in the transport of dangerous substances and microbes, and for sample taking and biomedical research.
And if you drink sodas or other soft drinks, forget about it... you're ingesting massive amounts of this dangerous substance.
On the other hand, our lungs are constantly barraged with harmful chemicals, thanks to airborne pollutants, while a handful of dangerous substances accompany our food and water supply, exposing our digestive tract to their own damaging effects.
For example, in Rhode Island, where illness caused by asthma and lead poisoning from poor housing was a main reason for chronic absenteeism, the schools were able to work with groups to find new housing or get rid of these dangerous substances.
It's futuristic, as it takes place in the third millennium, a time where motor boats can dive not just in water, but also in lava, acid and all kinds of dangerous substances.
Real property disputes, including commercial leasing matters, trespass, nuisance and release of dangerous substances.
The justices have agreed to decide five pre-emption cases that involve products liability, transportation of dangerous substances, labor and other areas, and they have asked the U.S. solicitor general for his views on a sixth case seeking review.
The CDSA formed a regulatory scheme to protect the public from many different types of dangerous substances.
A federal judge in New York tossed out a sweeping lawsuit that sought to make marijuana legal under federal law, ruling that the plaintiffs had failed to take the necessary first step of asking the DEA to remove cannabis from its list of dangerous substances.
Love, Earth's mercury standards meet federal guidelines but, according to scientists, allow for «unacceptable amounts» of the dangerous substance to be released.
The following is a list of dangerous substances that could pose serious health risks in certain circumstances:
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