Sentences with phrase «of dead zombies»

Getting through the Call of the Dead Zombies map is a tough one especially when George Romero is there to stop you.
Quick reminder; the pack offers the Hotel, Convoy, Zoo and Stockpile multiplayer maps, and Call of the Dead zombie map, complete with famous faces George A. Romero, Robert Englund, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michael Rooker and Danny Trejo.
The Call of the Dead zombie level and four all new multiplayer maps make up the second content pack, Escalation, for the record - setting game Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Not exact matches

«CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie - like symptoms).»
At the heart of the show, «The Walking Dead» has explored the idea of morality and who the characters are becoming in the face of the zombie apocalypse.
Ten years after «Night of the Living Dead,» Romero made «Dawn of the Dead,» where human survivors take refuge from the undead in a mall and then turn on each other as the zombies stumble around the shopping complex.
Romero is credited with reinventing the movie zombie with his directorial debut, the 1968 cult classic, «Night of the Living Dead
NEW YORK (AP)-- George Romero, whose classic «Night of the Living Dead» and other horror films turned zombie movies into social commentaries and who saw his flesh - devouring undead spawn countless imitators, remakes and homages, has died.
Well, some of them really are dead, only living through a zombie domain that redirects you to the new owner's site.
In its press release, Hulu noted Stillerman's role in the development of AMC's zombie - thriller The Walking Dead, which is the highest - rated drama series in cable history.
For example, in one activity called «Stem of the Living Dead,» students explore the exponential growth of a zombie hoard and how the spread of the infection creates limited resources using World Health Organization and CDC models and graphs.
The zombies — the walking dead — are those who just don't know yet the state of their misfortune and take solace from the fact that 90 percent of retail sales still happen in physical stores, so they're still very much alive.
For all its track record of innovation and investment the US has created for its tech businesses some interesting competitive disadvantages: high noise levels of spam and marketing, erosion of trust and degraded value of personal data, laws like Patriot Act and FISAAA which justifiably piss non-USians off, programs like PRISM which seriously undermine the credibility of the companies affected, the dead hand and zombie brain of an out of control military - industrial complex.
The collusion in the CDO - squared leveraged fraud games (which were illegal) allow Fed / Treasury to collect interest (or is that an extortion fee) on certificates that can be traded or sold — what a nice pool of assets — it is a perpetual motion money machine that magically keeps zombies alive, even though their dead... totally cool.
The actual verse is where Paul of Tarsus is articulating his theology that the rising of the dead would be imminent and that God would provide all the now zombies with a new body.
An honest believer would preface their claims with something like «Despite not having a shred of independent, factual, objective or verifiable evidence, I believe...» Why are you a dishonest member of the dead jew zombie vampire cannibal death cult aka christian?
Shouldn't you be etting ready to go praise your dead zombie guy for crawling out of a cave tomb 2000 years ago?
trixie, you and your fellow christians are not the sum total of all humanity — there are many other segments of humanity that are not part of the dead jew zombie vampire cannibal death cult.
Yes of course, they are far more confused than people who believe in verbally expressive faming shrubbery, snakes with the ability to speak, women who get pregnant miraculously, people who can do the aqua moon walk and zombies rising from the dead.
This way, I hoped, nobody would mistake the resurrection of the dead for a near - death experience or the «zombie apocalypse.»
, Maybe members of the dead jew zombie death cult are, but there is no reason, other than the voodoo mumbo jumbo of The Babble to believe such nonsense.
Members of the dead jew zombie cannibal vampire death cult aka christianity got topped up with «Jesus Juice» yesterday.
If a zombie was shuffling by and some wise guy dumped a 100 gallons of bright red paint on it... it could be called the red dead.
I worry because you can't just admit you were wrong with your co.mparisson between Jesus who was depicted as «alive» and that of a zombie which is always shown as «dead».
If I may, although in its inception, zombie mythology focused solely on the living dead, however with the additions to zombie myth, zombies can now be alive or dead depending on the movie or show you are watching, really as long as it's a mob of people who have lost their humanity and are cannibals are considered zombies at this point.
---------------- Denial does not change that that whether jesus was «alive» after rising the dead or a zombie is a matter of opinion / perspective.
Not one single author of your «new testament» ever met, walked with, or talk to your dead zombie savior guy.
Even if you've never watched an episode of The Walking Dead, you are in debt to AMC's zombie horror epic.
These spiritually dead, walking, talking zombie get a kick out of dumping on folks who are in touch with their emotions.
«So let me get this straight, you have two - way conversations with invisible spirits, you think the earth is 10,000 years old, you believe the world was once covered in water (about 5,000 years ago), you believe your invisible sky father came to earth in human form after a virgin birth, then rose as a zombie, from the dead, then ascended into an invisible sky city... all because the first people on earth ate and apple before proceeding on with decades of incest... am I getting this?»
Malcolm told them that they were «zombies, walking dead people,» who had been cut off from any knowledge of their past history.
The zombie uprising on the first «Easter», when many of the dead prophets supposedly rose and walked around Jerusalem.
Simple: Any one of the hundreds / thousands of miracles / acts of god / you name it that the bible is full of, in a time when books were written by bronze age men in caves... Why can't your invisible man in the sky come down now and turn 5 fish into thousands, or turn water into wine, or heal the sick, rise from the dead mr zombie dude!
Obviously evolution is too subtle for some members of the dead jew zombie cannibal vampire death cult aka christianity.
You are stuck in it — still impaled and imprisioned in what strikes me (this is meant to be as offensive as your cartoons) a trailer - trash version of the religious experience: you, a zombie Pied Piper piping out the living dead.
I guess the previous movies I did before were easier to pinpoint: Shaun of the Dead is a riff on zombie movies, and Hot Fuzz is a riff on cop movies.
And of course, Topher thinks he is one of the true members of the dead jew zombie death cult aka christianity even though he more closely resembles a lying, mentally ill delusional when he attempts to defend his insane but unsubstantiated beliefs.
The only thing grosser than the zombies on «The Walking Dead» was the dish Eugene ate on last Sunday's episode of the hit AMC show.
Actress Melissa McBride plays Carol Peletier, a character who has showed a lot of strength in The Walking Dead, going from shy, submissive housewife to a heroine capable of surviving alone amid zombies and murderers.
Sometimes, they let their tired eyelids fall to half mast while their eyes roll back, doing an impression of a zombie that the Walking Dead would be proud of.
Nothing big, just the person standing on the bus as Jason Bourne leaps on or the third zombie on the right in Shaun of the Dead.
That the former general secretary of the Communication Workers» Union had the audacity to attack the trade union movement in the organ that they most despise, Progress, ensured that this former comrade had joined the dead roll - call of «Blairite zombies».
From «immortal» jellyfish that age in reverse, to zombie bone worms that eat the skeletons of dead whales, the ocean is full of bizarre characters.
Leave it to the truly soulless medium of television to bring the zombie archetype full circle with CBS's Babylon Fields, an hour - long series the network describes as a «sardonic, apocalyptic American comedy - drama where the dead are rising and as a result, lives are regained, families restored, and old wounds reopened.»
Blame «Night of the Living Dead» for this, but many people mistakenly think that zombies are nocturnal, going around their business of walking around town with stilted gaits, looking for people whose brains they can eat, only at night.
Hundreds of acres of once - vibrant, postcard - perfect groves that have prospered for centuries are now cemeteries where twisted, dead tree trunks protrude like arboreal zombies from fertile soil in which grass and flowers easily grow.
He calls them «zombie volcanoes» — because they show signs of life when they should be dead.
We've all seen the movies, we know the disaster scenarios: Extraterrestrial spores return from outer space, and in no time the citizens of Earth are heaps of dust or brain - dead zombies.
As part of the formula, the students looked at S (the susceptible population), Z (the zombie population) and D (the dead population), suggesting that the average lifespan of a zombie would be S to Z to D.
Cellular zombies called senescent cells are stressed cells that have entered a type of stasis — they're not dead, but they're not functioning either.
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