Sentences with phrase «of declarative»

The «perhaps» qualifier made it clear that the campaign's response on renewable energy didn't come from the master of declarative superlatives himself:
Analyzing errors is a powerful way to deepen students» understanding of declarative knowledge.
Revision is also important to the development of declarative knowledge.
The following are examples of declarative knowledge:
Four such areas are discussed here: schema development, development of procedural knowledge, development of declarative knowledge, and homework.
Procedural knowledge incorporates the use of declarative knowledge.
Rapid mobile learning is an excellent training delivery method for the deliberate practice of declarative knowledge (the rules of stitching), as opposed to the deliberate practice of performative skills (the actual stitching).
The easiest description of declarative knowledge is simply «knowledge that can be declared in spoken or written form».
Mobile learning systems like Practi, which are designed for the delivery and measurement of deliberate practice, can significantly speed up the acquisition and retention of declarative knowledge.
Cruise's technique consistently eschews the interrogative in favor of the declarative.
But because skilled performance, like playing music or flying airplanes, requires much more than mere muscle memory, and because this patient retained it despite losing most other aspects of her declarative memory, researchers conclude this type of skill - related declarative knowledge is different.
Evidence from brain imaging underscores the importance of declarative memory for compensation.
«Both during encoding and retrieval of declarative memories there is an interaction between these areas mediated through gamma and theta oscillations.

Not exact matches

As Albrecht points out in a recent Psychology Today piece, all conversations are composed of three parts — declaratives, questions, and qualifiers.
I strongly believe that declarative and procedural knowledge are consolidated during sleep cycles, so I do the vast majority of my preparation the night before.
The New York Times plopped the story on the front page of its business section on Friday, December 23 — the last trading day before Christmas — under the decidedly declarative headline: «Deutsche Bank to Settle U.S. Inquiry Into Mortgages for $ 7.2 Billion.»
And as I thought about it I realized that it would fit on the EP, because there were a couple of other songs that were equally heavy - handed and sort of direct declarative statements.
This poster continues to make these types of statements which are either false of simple declarative absolutes with no substantiation and then refuses to engage anyone when questioned.
And there you have the unsubstantiated declarative statement voiced in all of its bravado laced glory.
According to Frege, the semantics of sense and reference is primarily a semantics of whole sentences and not of sentence parts.2 Every declarative sentence contains a proposition, and such a sentence contains a thought as its sense (FBH 46).
Indeed, common parlance has acclimated us to propositions as declarative (usually true) statements of fact; if they are anything but this, they are useless.
The fact is that the way Christian people worship is declarative of what they believe.
He then pleads with her to «get up» (which is a surprising contrast from the declarative tone of most of the poem) because «we love you.»
Your understanding requires you to come up with a way to explain away God's repeated use of the term «I Am», a very singular and declarative statement.
The study rightly highlights the importance of reclaiming the proper value and place of authority in the light of the cultural «turn to the subject» and the wise post — 1968 preference for teaching which is «persuasive not just declarative».
Many of the same molecules have been implicated in both declarative and nondeclarative memory and in species as varied as sea slugs, fruit flies, and rodents, suggesting that the molecular machinery for memory has been widely conserved.
«For example, the difference between a yes / no question and a simple declarative sentence in ASL is indeed on the face (in the eyebrows and the head tilt),» Tom Humphries, a deaf associate professor at the University of California, San Diego, and the author of many books about the deaf, wrote via e-mail.
Given declarative memory's powerful role in learning, one might expect it to help individuals acquire all kinds of compensatory strategies — as long as it remains functional.
First, therapists can make greater use of techniques that rely on declarative memory, such as approaches that employ explicit knowledge.
The findings support a theory of language acquisition that suggests that some parts of language are learned through procedural memory, while others are learned through declarative memory.
«Then, once it became dominant in the question context, it was selected for in other contexts, the imperative and declarative, probably for reasons of grammatical consistency or cognitive ease.»
Whereas other memory systems are more specialized — helping us learn movements or recall emotional events, for instance — declarative memory absorbs and retains a much broader range of knowledge.
Under this theory, declarative memory, which stores knowledge and facts, would be more useful for learning vocabulary and certain rules of grammar.
This explains the mystery of the remembered pinprick: Claparède's patient lacked the ability to form declarative memories, but she had a functioning amygdala that kept the memory alive, albeit unconsciously.
There are systems devoted to explicit or declarative memories, like your childhood recollection of that pet python, and systems devoted to procedural memories that usually involve physical movement, like learning how to ride a bicycle.
«How can you talk about this knowledge of «how to» as distinct from declarative knowledge?
Replay appears to be the brain's primary method of consolidating declarative memory, she notes: «This replay stimulates a transfer of the memories back to the neocortex where they are stored for the long term.»
And while de Waal agrees with the researchers that the dogs must be using declarative memory to do this type of imitation, Hare and others are less certain.
«The slow oscillations probably drive a replay of recently encoded memories in the hippocampus, where the declarative memories are temporarily stored,» Marshall says, referring to the type of memory used to recall facts and events consciously.
Decades of research and clinical observations have established that declarative memory, the ability to remember recently experienced facts and events, depends on the hippocampus and associated structures in the medial temporal lobe, including the entorhinal, perirhinal, and parahippocampal cortexes.1
Here, we asked whether application of microstimulation targeted to the entorhinal afferents into hippocampus could enhance declarative memory function in humans.
Scott Herrick - «The effect of hippocampal lesions on spatial and non-spatial declarative memory tasks in rats» (Advisor: S. Ramus)
Procedural memories are those that involve motor and perceptual skills, while declarative memories are those that involve the memorization of facts.
However, declarative memory, the hippocampus - dependent memory of facts and events, demands more than abilities to retain information.
In addition, we have recently shown that ANS activity during sleep is associated with memory consolidation of both repeated (declarative) and primed (non-declarative) memories (Whitehurst, Cellini, McDevitt, Duggan, & Mednick, 2016).
There are different types of memories: Long - term declarative memories, which H.M. could no longer form; short - term memories which H.M. still possessed to a degree; and motor memories, such as recalling how to ride a bike, which H.M. never lost.
Prior research by the same researchers on the effects of glucose and caffeine consumption showed improvements in declarative memory and attention span with no significant alteration of the subjective state of the individuals.
Some of you are less subjunctive, more declarative than the High WASP; you'll pile on multiple accessories.
But it's not until they're seated at dinner and she is nearing the end of her second glass of wine that she starts to open up and fire back at some of the disgusting declaratives.
By and large the film remains unpoliticised, which might seem like a mistake to those seeking a more declarative screed against the dangers of gun violence.
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