Sentences with phrase «of deep healing»

For the past 6 months, I've been doing lots of deep healing work.
We took a moment to dedicate the heart of our practice to someone in our lives we care about or someone that is in need of deep healing.
Alexandra found yoga while enrolled at the University of Rochester, where an initial curiosity grew into a source of deep healing and vitality.
Easter Getaway: Restoration and Yoga Nidra with Mona Warner Apr 18, 2014 - Apr 20, 2014 Join Mona Warner for a weekend of deep healing and conscious restoration of the body - mind, through the ancient tantric meditation practice of Yoga Nidra ~ also known as the «sleep of integration.»
The Sattva Summit is a boutique conscious gathering, offering the opportunity for Yogis from across the globe to gather as a community, for a week of deep healing, expansion and reasonless joy at The Sattva Retreat, a luxurious sanctuary nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas.
- An Empowering Weekend of Deep Healing & Spiritual Practice
«In short, I am a completely devastated man, utterly broken by my sin and in need of deep healing,» said Patrick in an apology to his 3,000 - person congregation.
Physical healing may or may not be one aspect of this deeper healing of the spirit.

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As a bonus, it can be used as a deep conditioner for your hair, a moisturizer for your skin and nails, and is an essential ingredient in many natural remedies because of its healing properties.
But like a diagnosis is only the first step of healing the body, a deeper self - awareness is only the first step for more effective soul care.
Through the open arms of forgiven and forgiving people, the deepest wounds are set upon a path of healing.
Hart clearly and succinctly narrates the story of how the deep brokenness of race in America has shaped our churches today and orients us in the direction that we will need to go in order to find God's healing.
But the real matter of scripture is clear, «the deepest secret of all,» that God in Christ has come to earth, lived, taught, healed, died, and risen to new life, so that we too can rise to life in him.»
The byproducts of my deep deep pain, hurt and rejection were many and still they are being stripped away as more and more healing comes deep into my heart and spirit.
While Capernwray provided those key principles, it also provided me with something I did not expect; a place of healing from a deep wound left by someone when I was younger.
There in the closed room, where one probed and treated the isolated psyche according to the inclination of the self - encapsulated patient, the patient was referred to ever - deeper levels of his inwardness as to his proper world; here outside, in the immediacy of human standing over against each other, the encapsulation must and can be broken through, and a transformed, healed relationship must and can be opened to the sick person in his relations to otherness — to the world of the other which he can not remove into his soul.
Gregory as well as Luther and Calvin knew that man lacked many other things besides the one thing needful and that the cure of all his other diseases would not ensue automatically on the healing of his deepest wound.
«Time is the healing river», said W. H. Auden; and there seems to be a way in which the worst of evils, which as evil are not to be welcomed nor valued, can be incorporated into some later ordering which may very well be all the deeper and more significant because it has absorbed and used that which in itself was horribly wrong.
There is a striking note of urgency and even impatience here, but there is the deeper hint that the work of preaching is more important than that of healing.
He also touches upon the opportunities offered by the translation for healing some of the deep ecclesial wounds of recent decades.
And then we live out our lives and our callings, the seasons and roles, the challenges and the victories, the healing and the mourning, from a deep well of love and freedom and wholeness — because we are.
I especially love your post because I truly believe deep down in the marrow of my bones that we need to tell our stories to heal our body.
The deepest source of healing is the forgiveness that follows confession.
God didn't seem to need them to agree with me in order to speak to them and tell them he loves them, in a way that they know, deep down, that it's true... Later when I met my father in law I became familiar with a saying of his in his book Authority to Heal and it rang true from my experience.
The evidence from this new technology affirms the deep interdependency of the physical and mental facets of human beings and the fact that whole - person healing and growth involves the harmonious, integrated
Offering hope to people, getting them to consider deeper, more important truths, working through tragedies, seeking healing and providing a bit of respite from the rest of the world is a pretty enjoyable job, and it's helped Williams answer in the affirmative.
Though American Christians could do nothing overtly to stop the suffering, they should have faith that, despite all appearances, God was involved in these historical events and that a deeper process of healing was at work.
Their deep wounds will be healed by sacrificial love (of which Christ is the incarnate example) and intimate relationship (both human and divine).
There are times when it is given to him to enter with another into the deepest level of searching for insight, for healing truth, and sharing the joy of discovery.
Throughout all this, the Friends of the Healing Fellowship not only aid sorrowing persons to survive a bereavement without becoming psychologically crippled, but find that they, themselves, in the process of helping others, are finding deeper and more profound interpretations of the Christian life than they could in any other way.
It is rather the fullness of justice, leading to that tranquility of order which is much more than a fragile and temporary cessation of hostilities, involving as it does the deepest healing of the wounds which fester in human hearts.
But his deep concern for retaining ethical coherence in a postmodern world was also evident, as was his traditional allegiance to Jesus: «In his baptism, his teaching, his healings, his passion, death and resurrection — in all of it, there is a demand laid on us, or an offer tendered, and it is the task of the Christian to embody that offer in his world, being as candid as he can about the difference between Jesus» beliefs and his.»
Does the grace of Christ heal these native capacities, directing them toward a deeper Christocentric wisdom?
Excessive fascination with technical healing is dangerous because it only increases the monopoly of power and drives beggars into deeper blindness.
It was an elderly nursing sister who had come to know Jesus through a deep personal tragedy who helped him experience the spiritual power of physical strength and healing in God through Jesus.
It then becomes a tiny superficial thing, capable neither of inflicting deep wounds nor of healing them.»
Speaking of takeaway, the initial reason for my food safari was an urgent craving to delve into the richness and healing properties of Ayurvedic nutrition and cooking and to sink knee - deep in learning about how to eat right for your constitution or dosha.
In fact, numerous studies show the powerful healing properties of turmeric and if you're interested in delving in deeper, you can find an assortment of interesting studies here.
That said, if I'm to be truly honest with myself, the concept of making lemonade out of lemons actually carries with it some very deep, healing truths.
In this special workshop, we will dive deep into many of the principles discussed in Healing the Vegan Way.
In fact, our deepest purpose as an organization is helping support the health, well - being, and healing of both people — customers, Team Members, and business organizations in general — and the planet.»
By then Jack should have healed deeper and be stronger for action without fears of getting injured before the season ends.
Has his healed injured ankle had enough rest to heal deeper to withstand high pressure in this big game of today?
«I think the concern is probably when you have those deep cuts is infection, so that's usually a couple of days to see how it heals up,» Cassidy said.
As someone who has been educating sports parents about head trauma in sports for the past seventeen years, and about the very real risk posed by chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) for the last decade, it is not surprising that I receive emails from parents all the time expressing deep concern about stories in the media that have led them - wrongly - to fear that playing contact or collision sports, or suffering a sports - related concussion, especially one slow to heal, makes it inevitable that their child will develop CTE and is at greatly increased risk of committing suicide.
I felt deep admiration for the caregivers on site and hope for healing of the patients.
There's a unique healing power to writing your birth story, of not having an audience, of getting raw and going to the deep places, rather than just sharing the version suitable for light conversation.
And she came to a deeper understanding of shame resilience, how you and I can become more authentic and more healed around the experiences or wounds of our childhood.
Armed with a deeper understanding of brain development and the impact on a child's behavior who has had a tough start in life, parents can better explore how to best help their child heal.
I experienced further exploration into deep somatic healing through the Potomac Massage Therapy Institute, and I am a former member of the Board of Directors of the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America.
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