Sentences with phrase «of deeper characters»

As of now, there are bare - bones traces of deeper characters.
But a lack of deeper characters and bolder political observation means that, unlike election night, it's an amusing evening, if nothing more.
He is a man of deep character and conviction who can not be bought by the establishment republicans, in our state or D.C..
Forget the lack of deep character development and insight into the human condition, that's not what this film ever promised to be about.
Director McMurray may have taken a more studious approach than did Spike Lee in «School Daze,» a social satire set on an African American campus, but he and co-writer Christine Berg have internalized Z's journey at the expense of deeper character development and creating any mounting tension.
But while that works fine for a serialized drama (Six benefits greatly from TV storytelling rather than a movie because it can dig into some of these deeper character moments, even if it doesn't always take full advantage of that), the most compelling moments remain with Rip, as he struggles to survive and lead his fellow captives.
There isn't a moment, either, when Weiner comes clean about his duplicitous acts or admits some sort of deep character flaw: He simply expects you to take him at face value and let his work — not his personal dalliances — define him.
Joseph Seed and his family are not only the most diverse and dynamic villains in the Far Cry series, but they are some of the deepest characters to date in video games.
She is a revelation, bringing the same sort of deep character work that is expected of her, fully disappearing into this bizarre Yorkshire accent and this Thatcher pea coat and these giant teeth she can not help but caress with her tongue.
If one is looking for some sort of deep character study, it's not here, but that doesn't lessen the experience of Tangerine.
We don't know much about the story, but the game's YouTube video advertises infiltration, action, and a cast of deep characters.
If you want to learn and see more about Monster Hunter World, you can read my own review, check out some videos of the deep character creation (that allows you to make a bearded lady, if that's your thing), the launch trailer, and a recent making - of video.

Not exact matches

Reshaping Hillary Jordan's book to delve deeper into the characters the movie explores, this should be the runaway favorite of this category.
While a candidate's deep - rooted passion for Saturday Star Trek conventions or service dog training might not sound relevant to your business, how we choose to spend our free time is probably the most honest gauge of what we find intrinsically rewarding, and in entrepreneurship, understanding these deep motivations could help you put together a team with similar aims, character and cultural fit.
The company's characters — Link, Mario, Donkey Kong — are anchored deep in the hearts of adult gamers.
Now Twitter, which has 302 million active users, faces deep questions about the future of its messaging service, which is built around 140 - character snippets of text in a world that is increasingly about photos and video.
It would be more interesting to talk about the president losing control of his own spins in ways that reveal (as Carl is more insistent that I am) his deep inauthenticity or lack of character.
Suppose, further, that this issue was logically related to matters of principle at a deeper level, so that one could not commit oneself on this issue without also making significant commitments about the internal logic and character of the tradition as a whole.
In fact, that this election became less about conflicting ideas for achieving the same goal (the common good of Americans) and more about making sure everyone knows your opponents» deep character flaws is axiomatic.
A victim told the court: «To have trusted institutions such as the church and the legal system allow lawyers to try and discredit me - to seed doubt of my character into the jury about how trustworthy I was - has stayed with me and led to a deep rooted mistrust of myself.
Weigel notes the importance of John Paul's sense of his own historical situation and his deep awareness of the transitional character of twentieth - century culture.
An emphasis on the decision character of faith has a long and deep history in the American psyche going back to our Puritan and evangelical ancestors.
Our lead characters are facing the deep complexities and consequences of resistance, and if it doesn't shock, it stings.
Jackson faces the elephants in the room of whites and blacks having deep, meaningful relationships very quickly, especially in book two when one of the White main character's husband, Denny, is mistaken by, MaDea, an aging African American woman who is suffering from dementia, as one of the men who brutally lynched her brother nearly 70 years ago.
Though it may sound bizarre, engaging with fictional characters on a deep emotional level can be a sort of thought experiment in empathy, where we briefly step outside of our self - constructed glass boxes and engage with people who are both vastly different and the same on an intimate level.
If we analyze the liberal character of the American project in this deeper way, we find that there is room to accommodate many of the nuances and to circumvent many of the controversies about the American founding.
There are strengths of character that we miss out on as a result, which would equip us better for the deeper challenges that life will inevitably bring us all.
In relation to narratives, one could say that each character and event is a detail that can reveal some important aspect of reality and touch deep feelings in the hearer or reader.
But we need to note that the images and metaphors that were used in the modern revival of concern for pastoral care, with which I am in deep sympathy, have only recently become concerned about shepherding, and for a time were quite different in character.
A deep understanding of the reality of eternal life should shape our character now to be as courageous — albeit imperfect and conflicted — as Bonhoeffer himself.
Her saving grace there, as in Out of the Deep I Cry, is her ability to create a story both intensely human and delightfully unpredictable, with events flowing naturally from collisions of character rather than the exigencies of plot.
The prophetic sense of the entity and power of the Word explains in great part the concentrated emotional character of the prophets and their sometimes deep anguish in proclaiming the negative message, the pronouncement of doom upon the life of the political state.
It has to do with our deepest commitment, with our character and with our standards of behavior.
I call a great character one who by his actions and attitudes satisfies the claim of situations out of deep readiness to respond with his whole life, and in such a way that the sum of his actions and attitudes expresses at the same time the unity of his being in its willingness to accept responsibility.
This, then, is the conclusion of the matter: life can be either consecration or desecration, and no test of character goes much deeper than the decision as to which of these two it shall be.
In its attempt to ask big questions such as whence and whither humankind, Prometheus presents an action / monster suspense movie in the place of Kubrick's classic, but such deep questions remain to the end in the character of Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace).
For his treatment of Southern Baptists Bloom depends on historian Bill J. Leonard and a Deep Faith character he calls the Reverend John Doe.
He says it begins with «understanding that justice and compassion are a part of the character of God — His heart for those who are hurting, those who are broken, those who are experiencing injustice and oppression — spending lots of time on that, letting that get deep into who we are.»
Thus, character «is not a surface manifestation of some deeper reality called «the self» (PK 39).
In deep communion there is a transcendence of time and history in one sense, namely, the past takes on a new character relative to the present.
This crucial immanence of the antecedent, temporally deep world is the cumulative character of time.
«What young people really need is not more talk about the mechanics of sex and contraception, but encouragement to develop the character qualities of stability, faithfulness and commitment - the qualities they will need to build a strong and lasting marriage based on something that runs deeper than feelings and physical attraction.»
Many in the Christian west have been attracted to the non-theistic and more humanistic character of the Buddhist tradition, or to the deep mystical spirituality of the Hindu tradition; others have been attracted to the more physical practice of spirituality to be found in Chinese tradition.
We have seen that this sense of the entity and power of the Word explains in great part the concentrated emotional character of the prophets and their deep anguish in proclaiming the negative message.
Does the Body of Christ (the American Church) have an obligation to ignore Tony's «Debacle» (an attention - getting debate being staged) and try to draw Tony and the Christian community back into the deeper issues of lack of character, inability to honor God's authorities, abuse of financial power, church blindness, and using church events as a smoke - screen for evil actions?»
They arose instead from the practices and the teachings of the ancient Hebrews, a people whose deep and widely celebrated commitment to learning was and still is informed by an epistemology that is profoundly communal in character.
Thus it undergoes deep modifications, or better, it takes on its character by the process of articulation to which the spirit of the nation or the individual subjects it.
The characters about which Toomer writes are caught up in the social order of Jim Crow and yet they manage to tap into the deeper, spiritual rhythms that stand as a bulwark against the prevailing order.
Incidentally, the quality of mind and character of this journal's senior editor, Reinhold Niebuhr, that makes the deepest imprint on younger followers is the contempt he shares with John Milton for «a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat.»
If the feminists» assault on the tradition awakens us to this essential character of the deepest and most intimate spirituality, the overall gain shall exceed whatever may have to be given up along the way.
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