Sentences with phrase «of dehydration»

If the diarrhea has vomiting associated with it, watch for signs of dehydration in the child.
When swimming in salty seas, a marine animal with land ancestry runs the risk of dehydration because its body fluids are much less salty than the surrounding water.
Many signs of dehydration in dogs are the same as the signs shown by cats.
Just don't be upset if the evening is wasted hunting for a can of beans and then dying of dehydration in the woods.
These side effects are the result of dehydration from drinking too much alcohol.
Studies show that fatigue can set at levels of dehydration of as low as 1 - 3 %, just below the threshold where you start to feel thirsty.
Active individuals should be aware of the acute effects of dehydration on performance.
In addition, some of the causes of dehydration in canines can be serious medical conditions.
Signs of dehydration include a dry diaper for more than 6 hours, dark urine, and a dry mouth.
Often the kittens, whose mother may have been killed by a predator or hit by a car, are close to death because of dehydration.
In the study, even mild degrees of dehydration reduced performance when participants completed multiple sets of resistance exercises.
These same experts also believe that feeding a dry food causes a cat to remain in a minor state of dehydration when compared to feeding a wet food.
Dried fruits are fruits that have been through the process of dehydration, where all water is extracted from the fruits without damaging its initial nutritional value.
In case of dehydration, immediately take your baby to the doctor.
The risk of dehydration from diarrhea can complicate your pregnancy or cause you to have to spend time in the hospital.
Most other bugs die quickly of dehydration as the vacuum sucks the water out of their bodies.
Mix alcoholic beverages with water to decrease your intake and avoid the negative effects of dehydration on your body.
If this condition persists over a day immediate medical care should be sought, since the chances of dehydration increase.
Any baby wrap can cause overheating so be sure to stay hydrated and make sure your baby isn't in danger of dehydration.
There often are indications of dehydration in cats with pancreatitis because they may be vomiting or not be drinking well.
In one study, participants experienced a 5 % decline in aerobic capacity with a level of dehydration of 3 %.
Not to mention, causing the body to achieve a point of dehydration is very risky.
If your cat is eating and drinking normally, without evidence of dehydration, she will likely get to stay at home, with any medications being prescribed on an out - patient basis.
As creatine draws water from body to muscle cells, the chances of dehydration increase.
That only happens to me once a year, if even, and it's always a combination of dehydration, exhaustion, allergies, and stress.
You can safely give this as prevention or treatment of dehydration as long as you follow these simple guidelines and know the warning signs of an emergency situation.
It is important to know the signs and symptoms of dehydration so that you can take effective action before long term damage occurs.
Even the slightest bit of dehydration has an adverse effect on the quality of a training session, and most beginners naturally increase their fluid intake once they start a training program in earnest.
Frequency The greatest concern as a result of frequent vomiting is the possibility of dehydration.
You don't get the feeling of dehydration on your lips.
You're also at higher risk of dehydration if you take certain medications.
Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink — by then your body is already in the early stages of dehydration.
The time of dehydration depends on the thickness of your strawberry puree layer.
The food is throwing off water and stays cool at the beginning of the dehydration process.
However, in cases of moderate (3 - 7 times per day) and severe (over 8 times per day) vomiting, chances of dehydration become more pronounced.
If baby has 3 or more diarrhea diapers or baby has other signs of dehydration like fewer wet diapers or dark yellow urine, it's time to call the doctor!
The treatment for infant dehydration depends on the cause and severity of the dehydration.
During extreme bouts of dehydration, you'll need to seek medical attention.
Here are the signs of dehydration along with how to prevent and treat it in babies.
Note that when you get the message that you are thirsty, you are already on the verge of dehydration.
Your veterinarian can guide you by making recommendations for home management of pets that may be prone to periods of dehydration.
Multiple studies have shown that even just a moderate amount of dehydration reduces our flexibility and physical endurance when we're practicing yoga.
A glass of H2O can combat the worst of your dehydration before it even sets in.
There is a lot of dehydration also when this virus hits.
Some dogs normally have more dry noses than others, so if this is the ONLY sign of dehydration then it is probably not a problem.
You will notice on many recipes that dehydration starts at a higher temperature and then is reduced for the remainder of the dehydration.
In case of mild vomiting (1 - 2 times per day) chances of dehydration happening are slim.
Call your doctor immediately when signs of dehydration appear.

Phrases with «of dehydration»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z