Sentences with phrase «of developing certain»

Managing stress will vastly reduce your chances of developing certain health conditions.
Routine examinations are recommended for any animal, especially those over 8 years of age, and for certain breeds of dogs (golden retrievers, boxers) that have a relatively higher risk of developing certain types of cancer.
Cryptorchid dogs and cats have a higher rate of developing a certain cancer call a Sertoli cell tumor.
Desexing reduces risk of road accidents, infections such as feline AIDS and show reduced incidences of developing certain cancers and other fatal diseases.
For younger cats, gaining weight early may set a tone for the kitty's entire life, increasing the risk of developing certain illnesses over time.
Altering dogs and cats can dramatically reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers.
Light - colored dogs with thin haircoats that spend time in the sun have a higher risk of developing certain forms of skin cancer.
Along with preventing unwanted pet pregnancies, spaying or neutering your dog or cat will also help him or her live longer, and will lower his or her risk of developing certain cancers.
One study shows that the more members of a household who smoke, the higher their dogs» risk of developing certain kinds of cancer.
Spaying and neutering is a straight - forward medical procedure with many health benefits, including the reduction in the risk of developing certain cancers and illnesses
Older cats are at greater risk of developing certain conditions.
Studies now show that spaying and neutering can help lower the risk of developing certain cancers.
Like most vegetables, cucumbers contain some antioxidants, which may be able to lower your pet's risk of developing certain diseases.
While the exact mechanism is unknown, obese dogs are known to have a greater chance of developing certain types of cancer but more particularly those related to the urinary bladder.
Overweight cats are at higher risk of developing certain diseases, internally and externally.
It benefits your dog by reducing their risk of developing certain health problems later on in life.
[7, 8] Evaluating the effect of Asian ginseng in various forms — cooked, dried and fresh root — in 1,987 cancer cases, researchers found that the risk of developing certain cancers in a population that used ginseng for at least one year was less than the risk for the general population.
Research has also shown the benefits of exercise can reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers.
Using vitamin B12 can help you to diminish your chances of developing certain heart diseases because this vitamin works to reduce homocysteine levels in the body.
Fiber can help reduce the risk of developing certain diseases and promote intestinal regularity, as well as help you lose weight.
When a hormone imbalance develops in a woman, it can lead to the development of many symptoms and it can increase * the risk of developing certain diseases.
The antioxidants and phytochemicals they contain, can boost your immune system, fight harmful free radicals and reduce the risks of developing certain types of cancer.
Any disruption to the processes may increase your risk of developing certain psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and depression.
Nutrition experts associate dark chocolate with a decreased risk of developing certain types of cancer, reduced blood pressure, heart health and prevention against the negative effects of chronic stress.
In an age of instant information, it's not surprising people want to know as much as possible about their risk of developing certain diseases.
[T] he scientists have also detected a link between methylated MEs and the risk of developing certain types of cancer.
In recent years, large - scale genetic studies have accumulated ample evidence that genetic predisposition influences peoples» health and their risk of developing certain diseases.
And boys with undescended testicles have an increased risk of developing certain germ cell tumors.
Genes, alone or in combination, determine what features a person inherits from his or her parents, such as blood type, hair color, eye color and other characteristics, including risks of developing certain diseases.
Dr Julie Sharp, Cancer Research UK's head of health information, said: «This study further highlights that however you measure it being overweight or obese can increase the risk of developing certain cancers, including breast and bowel.
These tests usually promise to uncover information about a person's ancestry, risk of developing certain conditions, or of being a carrier of specific autosomal recessive diseases.
As a result, geneticists recommend testing only for genes that clearly increase the risk of developing certain conditions.
In the past, variation in ABO blood groups have been found to be associated with different risk of developing certain cancers, such as gastric and pancreatic cancers, and recently it has also been shown that prostate cancer incidence varies with blood group2.
The risk of developing certain post-surgical complications, however, differs for men and women - even men and women of the same ethnic and racial backgrounds,» explained Dr. Brooks Carthon.
You're at lower risk of developing certain types of diseases!
Nevertheless, compared to women who deliver vaginally, having a c - section in your first pregnancy does appear to amplify your likelihood of developing certain complications in your second pregnancy.
This may lead to regularly interrupted sleep, which can have a big impact on quality of life and increases the risk of developing certain conditions.
The antibodies passed to your baby through breast milk may help decrease their chances of developing certain infections.
But a growing body of research suggests prospective fathers» age can also increase a child's risk of developing certain conditions.
Mothers are also in a lesser chance of developing certain types of cancers like breast cancer and ovarian cancer because of giving birth and breastfeeding.
Eating foods that are rich in beta - carotene can reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, as well as offering protection against asthma and heart disease.
Lutein studies report that 10 milligrams of lutein from supplements or dietary sources improves visual function and can help reduce the risk of developing certain eye conditions as you age.
Someone with coeliac disease has a slightly increased risk of developing certain cancers.
Soluble fiber like that in psyllium husk may help to lower your cholesterol levels, and dietary fiber may help to lower your risk of developing certain cancers.
Is not the exclusively sympathetic and facetious way in which most children are brought up today so different from the education of a hundred years ago, especially in evangelical circles — in danger, in spite of its many advantages, of developing a certain trashiness of fibre?
One large franchise owner would have the role of developing a certain number of restaurants in a particular region over a period of time, putting up their own capital to do so and perhaps subfranchising to individual owners.

Not exact matches

It would build expertise and develop technology platforms to support drug development, while pursuing a new class of large - molecule biological drugs tailored to certain conditions, enabling the long - sought dream of personalized medicine.
After investigating certain car models, South Korean safety officials asked a United Nations body in charge of global transport regulations to look at developing new standards for glass.
Looking at 248 performance reviews, almost all of them positive, Snyder found that men tend to be criticized because they fail to develop or exhibit certain skills.
The idea that people could take a simple, noninvasive test and have a better, if still imperfect, sense of their long - term risk for developing certain disorders had a natural appeal to Bergh.
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