Sentences with phrase «of diabetic mothers»

I've had other pediatricians and nurses and department chairs of pediatrics at «baby friendly» hospitals act as if I had ordered cyanide when I ordered a supplementary bottle after breastfeeding for babies whose mom's milk had not yet come in, or immediate formula for infants of diabetic mothers, who would very likely develop severe hypoglycemia if not fed.
Compared with newborns of non-diabetic women, children of diabetic mothers with poorly controlled glycaemia show neurophysiological impairment and have a higher risk for metabolic syndrome, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus in later life.»
Impaired glucose tolerance in adolescent offspring of diabetic mothers.
Using event - related potentials to study perinatal nutrition and brain development in infants of diabetic mothers
If the baby is premature, or stressed from a difficult birth, or the infant of a diabetic mother, or more than the usual number of red blood cells are breaking down (as happens in blood incompatibility), the level of bilirubin in the blood may rise higher than what is usual.
Even though it seems like years away, it is important to keep in the back of your mind that babies, especially those of diabetic mothers, should not be given any solid foods until 6 months of age.
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