Sentences with phrase «of dialectical tension»

As a whole, the exhibition constitutes an expansive exploration of the coexistence of hope and despair within the human condition, showcasing the generative possibilities of this dialectical tension.
«56 Only a proper grasp of this dialectical tension could have made Peter a credible pastoral guide.
More concretely, the glorification of dialectical tension in Soloveitchik's case can obscure the extent to which his thinking, with all its nuance and complexity, does in fact exhibit exceptional coherence, harmony, and integration.
Gordon's work can be seen as a fusion of dialectical tensions, between disparate cultures, between three dimensional «real» space and the two dimensional picture plane, as well as between civilization itself and the natural world.

Not exact matches

The theology and philosophy of Edward Holloway stands alone as a contemporary synthesis which on the one hand rejects any dialectical tension at the heart of being and at the same time upholds the real distinction between matter and spirit.
Over against this diagnosis, Moltmann sets in dialectical tension his eschatological vision of «The Theological Play of God's Good Pleasure.»
Arising out of a process of differentiation from transcendent order, the idea of society stands, from the very moment of its birth, in a dialectical tension with the concept of the individual.
When the Creator disappears from the boundary of finitude, and Eternity is swallowed up by time, then theology must lose its ground in a dialectical tension between the here and the Beyond.
Students of religion know that the primal forms of religious discourse are by one means or another dialectical, and thus they must inevitably exist in tension with the dominant modes of contemporary thought and experience.
Though God and the world are, for Whitehead, opposites, they complete one another through a flowing dialectical interaction which lacks the marked polar tension of Buber's «meeting» or «over-againstness.»
Theologian Paul Tillich, for example, suggests that theological thought continually moves in a dialectical tension between two poles — «the eternal truth of its foundations and the temporal situation in which the eternal...
Most obviously, such inadequate approaches include those whereby creation is seen as in a dialectical tension with the Creator, such as forms of Process Theology and Panentheism.
The ways in which this task could be carried out, and the interesting metaphysical revisions and alternatives to which it would lead regarding the central doctrines of process metaphysics, has constituted an interesting discussion and dialectical tension between Ford and Nobo over the years, to which many of the rest of us have attended with the greatest interest.
All of these minds were able to hold together irony, paradox, and humor in good - spirited dialectical tension.
(1) Similarly, Paul Tillich suggests that theological thought continually moves in a dialectical tension between two poles: «the eternal truth of its foundation and the temporal situation in which the eternal truth must be received.»
«Revealing to Mere Children»: Not a Dialectical Tension Authoritative propositional revelation has an inherent and privileged place in this vision of God as the personal «Environer» who takes flesh in order to «environ» us.
In execution, protagonist Wei Shen's straddling of principled police behavior and an attraction to the allegiance shown by the Sun On Yee Triads not only recalls the tension which fueled HK films like Infernal Affairs and Special ID, but also nurtures the game's dialectical play styles.
Works of this sort lack the dialectical tension of a genuine act, associated with risk and will.
But what does it mean when the expressionistic brushstroke — marks of a unique self — and the depersonalized Pop brushwork — marks of the erasure of that self within the economy of late capitalism — are not located in some dialectical tension, but are in fact both seen to be withering before their reflection in the mirror?
Floyer's work examines a dialectical tension between the literal and the mundane, and an imaginative construction of meaning.
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