Sentences with phrase «of difference between individuals»

In fact, the research showed that 62 % of the differences between individual students» GCSE scores were attributed to genetic factors.
The approaches and datasets used in the different published estimates of past GMSL change differ considerably, and there has been no consistent assessment of the differences between the individual reconstructions.
I agree with you that the last decade really doesn't tell you that much about the long term trends, given the size of the error bars, but it does allow for some interesting analysis of the difference between individual temperature records during that period (e.g. ENSO responses of satellites vs. surface measurements, effects of different ways of treating arctic temperatures, etc.).

Not exact matches

However, despite the inherent differences between individual investors, there are a handful of traits that every investor wants to see in a business before offering to fund it.
But despite the differences in tastes and tactics between all these super successful individuals, there is at least one simple, daily habit that all of them engage in.
The differences between service levels lie in the number of products you can have in your store, the amount of storage and how many individual staff logins you have available.
Renaissance Capital IPO Fund Manager Kathy Smith, and Eric Schiffer, CEO of the Patriarch Organization, discuss recent market sentiment and the difference between individual and institutional investing today.
The amount of social jet lag that an individual is exposed to can be quantified as the difference between midsleep on free days and midsleep on work days... Over 40 percent of the Central European population suffers from social jet lag of two hours or more, and the internal time of over 15 percent is three hours or more out of synch with external time.
What's the difference between individual bonds and bond mutual funds / ETFs — a brief update in the context of a rising interest rate environment.
The interview is a bit of pure madness, but it brings up an interesting point about the financial media's continued inability to understand the difference between a trend and three or four deals involving oil sand projects and how assets factor into individual balance sheets.
That's because even moderate tracking differences between a broad portfolio of individual stocks and the market indices used to hedge them can create unpredictability over shorter segments of the market cycle.
As a result, I revised Article 4.1 to cite instead a review by Vanguard using a Morningstar study for the differences between individual investor returns and the returns of the funds themselves.
Titled «On wealth and the diversity of friendships: High social class people around the world have fewer international friends,» it studied the social ties between wealthy people around the world and was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences in 2015.
To understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of such a fund, we need to first talk about the fundamental difference between most bond mutual funds and individual bonds.
Since the President of the Treasury Board tables the Estimates on behalf of the departments and agencies and is responsible for the overall management of government spending, he should be in a position to provide a detailed and credible explanation as to the difference between what was approved by Parliament and what was actually spent by the individual departments and agencies.
What I'm asking is that you be aware of the difference between the scienfic discipline, and the motivations of certain individuals.
You still don't see any difference between the morals of an individual and the collective morals of a society.
I find it very hard to believe that this «religion scholar» would be unaware of the clear difference the Bible makes between the role of the government and the role of the individual Christian.
Islam, in placing the responsibility on each individual, makes no distinction between human beings; each is given the same rights and responsibilities regardless of his sex, race, color, or other differences.
What should be done by the Church and the individual Christian if a marriage has broken down and there is an insuperable difference between the decision of a subjectively and objectively good and right conscience and that of the Church?
The distance between the moral principles which the Church proclaims and — leaving aside for the moment the question of the Church's pastoral office — which alone can be propounded doctrinally, and the concrete prescriptions by which the individual and the various human communities freely shape their existence, has now increased to an extent that introduces what is practically a difference of nature as compared with earlier times.
In his main work, Difference and Repetition (1968), he has shown why the conception of concrete immediacy in and between occasions must not be considered naive in a post-Hegelian sense, but post-Hegelian altogether.15 In order to achieve this aim, Deleuze replaces the categorization of the world into the general and the individual in favor of the distinction of the universal and the singular.16 On the level of abstraction, «mediation» describes the analysis of that which is subjected to a «law.»
There is a difference between what individual agencies of a government do, and what the legislative branch of the government says they do / should do, and what the administrative branch says tney do / should do.
It is thus not necessary for my argument for me to introduce more technical parts of the Whiteheadian scheme such as the difference between a physical entity (an occasion dominated by physical prehensions) and a material entity (a society of physical occasions) and to distinguish correspondingly between the physical properties of individual occasions and the material properties of societies of occasions.
Unlike the work of bulldozers, which Berry calls «a powerful generalizer» that works against the impulse «to take care of things, to pay attention to the details,» «good work is always modestly scaled, for it can not ignore either the nature of individual places or the differences between places, and it always involves a sort of religious humility, for not everything is known.
Without ignoring the very great differences that exist between the Aristotelian substance philosophy and the Whiteheadian process philosophy, it still must be affirmed that for the Greek also perception is truly a case of immanence of individual things, not a case of «individual substance qualified by universal quality» and not, absolutely not, a case of «subject qualified by predicate» (cf., e.g., PR 240 - 42).
Needless to say, there is an immense difference between James» chastity and that of a God - fearing individual confronting the same challenge.
Differences are based on sustained and supported differences of interpretation between faithful and sincere members of the Body — and not just of individuals, but of whole congregations or denDifferences are based on sustained and supported differences of interpretation between faithful and sincere members of the Body — and not just of individuals, but of whole congregations or dendifferences of interpretation between faithful and sincere members of the Body — and not just of individuals, but of whole congregations or denominations.
By an actual entity with a strong intensity of conceptual feeling, the qualities common to many individual occasions in its immediate environment can be «fused into one dominating impression» which masks the differences between those occasions.
Speaking to popular culture blog Assignment X, the author said this as he again described the difference between his work and Tolkien's: «I think ultimately the battle between good and evil is weighed within the individual human heart, not necessarily between an army of people dressed in white and an army of people dressed in black.
One difference between God and all non-divine individuals is that God knows each «cell» of the divine body in a perfectly distinct fashion whereas others experience their cells en masse, much as one sees the green of the grass but not each blade.
Apart from the assertion that socioeconomic and political structures transmit the effects of pride and sloth to successive generations, there is no investigation of the differences and connections between individual and social sin.
Is not precisely the essential difference between natural and secular history on the one hand and the really personal, sacred history of redemption on the other, blurred, if God's action even outside the history of redemption receives a definite predicamental position within space and time, because a definite, precise individual reality in distinction to others and in a different way from others receives a privileged direct relation to God?
We can dream of a perfectly balanced society, where the difference between individual initiative and solidarity are reduced to a simple state of tension, where human beings are judged because of what they are rather than the added - value they produce, where cultures are considered to be equally valid expressions of being and where scientific and technical progress is oriented towards the well - being of all rather than the enrichment of a few.
But if God serves the functions of an attachment relationship in our individual lives, it can be the difference between cognitively believing in God, as most do, and emotionally connecting, trusting, and walking with him every day, which is much less common.
The style of the First Epistle of Peter is less individual, yet it is sufficiently distinctive to bring out the difference between such passages as that which I have quoted and the bulk of the epistle.
If, abstracting altogether from the question of their value for the future spiritual life of the individual, we take them on their psychological side exclusively, so many peculiarities in them remind us of what we find outside of conversion that we are tempted to class them along with other automatisms, and to suspect that what makes the difference between a sudden and a gradual convert is not necessarily the presence of divine miracle in the care of one and of something less divine in that of the other, but rather a simple psychological peculiarity, the fact, namely, that in the recipient of the more instantaneous grace we have one of those Subjects who are in possession of a large region in which mental work can go on subliminally, and from which invasive experiences, abruptly upsetting the equilibrium of the primary consciousness, may come.
Thus Whitehead's distinction between sensa and patterns concerns only the conceptual differences in their individual essences and is independent of the question of the physical ingression of these entities.3
Yet, some conceptual difference does seem to exist between the individual essences of sensa and patterns: «But a pattern lacks simplicity in another sense, in which a sensum retains simplicity» (PR 115 / 175 - 76).
It involves «duplication of states with differences of distinctiveness between individuals
Second, my account does little justice to the differences between individuals, programs and types of schools.
From this difference, I suspect, flows the other great differences between my religious, moral, and intellectual orientation and Spinoza's: the sovereignty and mysteriousness of God; the enigmatic, tantalizing imprecision of religious language; the freedom of man; the fear of God and the value of repentance; the sheer particularity and fateful contingency of individual and historical existence.
There is a difference between establishing the universal depravity of man and charging individual men with sins (Vance, Other Side of Calvinism, 229).
(17) a discussion of the meaning of equality between women and men, Rank declared that the only real equality is «the equal right of each individual to become and to be himself, which actually means to accept his own difference and have it accepted by others.»
Intelligent surveillance can determine the difference between adults and children, be certain that the individual actually entered the store instead of merely crossing the threshold and even have video verification of the activity.
Knowing how to mix the perfect cocktail or pour the proper glass of wine for each individual's taste is the difference between success and failure.
He continues: «If, for example, it requires 50m of film to wrap an individual pallet — then the price difference between a role of film that stretches to only 5000m instead of 6000m in a busy warehouse that it is wrapping and shipping 500 pallets a day can be dramatic.»
Marginal Explosiveness: the difference between a player's IsoPPP ** (passing, rushing, or receiving) or IsoPPP allowed (for an individual defender) and the expected IsoPPP value of each play based on down, distance, and yard line.
I started writing this in a more cut and dry manner, simply focusing on the difference between honoring a person and what that entails (the good and the bad of the individual) as compared to honoring a group or an event (as Memorial Stadium did in Baltimore).
One should also consider the difference between public health recommendations and the individual situation of that mother.
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