Sentences with phrase «of different datasets»

Thus, in an attempt to provide a synthetic picture of stature among australopithecines and early Homo, and to ensure that the results are comparable, we relied on a limited number of different datasets.
Although he acknowledged that he used HadCRUT3 out of convenience (it was at hand) to get a ballpark figure, the use of different datasets does lend itself to confusion (and wilful misinterpretation), and he did plot it again later instead of switching to the appropriate SST's.
They identified at least three different definitions of any so - called hiatus, different judgments of the extent of the period under discussion and different starting points, and of course the problem of different datasets of global air surface temperatures.
«We compared all manner of signalling data resources and clarified the properties of different datasets, which helps researchers make better - informed decisions in their analyses,» says Julio Saez - Rodriguez, visiting group leader at EMBL - EBI and professor at RWTH Aachen.
-- Bob, I appreciate your level of awareness of the different datasets — that is of great value to the community — thanks again for the notes.
A comparison of Australian mean temperature from a range of different datasets — including local and international datasets (which use different methods of data selection, preparation and analysis) and both station - based and satellite data — is provided below (Figure 12).
In Climate Models Fail, using a number of different datasets, I illustrated how the climate models used by the IPCC for their 5th Assessment Report could not simulate climate variables such as surface temperatures (land surface air, sea surface and combined land + sea surface), precipitation and sea ice area.
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