Sentences with phrase «of different directors»

Bang: I have a lot of different directors that inspire me.
«Miller... he's close with a fair amount of different directors.
«We went through three different scripts and a couple of different director options — very interesting director options at the time.»
Farrell's previous collaboration with Lanthimos in «The Lobster» serves him well here, once again impressively investing in droll deadpanning, and Nicole Kidman («Lion») has worked with such an extensive roster of different directors that it's no surprise she can leap onto the right wavelength immediately, but Keoghan is a relative newcomer and his performance here is frighteningly nuanced, masterfully plucking the strings of ambiguity.
Though composer Hans Zimmer currently counts filmmakers like Christopher Nolan and Ron Howard as his frequent collaborators, he has worked multiple times with a number of different directors over the years.
As for Versus 13, that is a pretty much a different game made under the direction of a different director.
«Those movies have been directed by a lot of different directors, with a lot of different styles, and a lot of different things to say.
the bourne trilogy could have been the best action trilogy ever in the hands of a different director.
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