Sentences with phrase «of different origins»

Therefore, there would be many difficulties when one decided to communicate with another person of different origins who spoke different language.
Recent studies highlighted significant differences between these two types of stem cells, although only a limited number of cell lines of different origins were analyzed.
It combines and presents the works of photographers and authors of different origins in a holistic piece of art.
When molecules of different origin have segments in common, our immune cells may confuse one for the other.
But then again, a person can have both a chronic and active infection of different origin at the same time.
As it has members of different origin it supports 10 different languages from all over the world.
Is he dangerous by virtue of his different origin - pathogens, radiation, or whatever else?
I have worked there since 2013, and in that time, I have responded to hundreds of fires of different origins.
He suggests that the crew you see in the Gada ship, comprised of varying hybrids and humans of different origins, showcases the diverse message that the game hopes to convey despite the ugliness in the world.
Chinese - language social media and print media in Canada expose the disagreements between Chinese - Canadians of different origins.
And this sign of Jonah may well be in us, an unlikely crowd of different origins and races, in us, who were once «separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise» (Eph.
«Because of its different origin, this enzyme could represent a good therapeutic target with selective action against all apicomplexans,» adds Luis Izquierdo, ISGlobal researcher and coordinator of the study.
The new research and past work by the same group — led by Douglas L. Mann, MD, the Tobias and Hortense Lewin Professor of Medicine and cardiologist - in - chief at Barnes - Jewish Hospital — appear to implicate these immune cells of different origins as responsible for the difference in healing capacity seen in neonatal and adult hearts, at least in mice.
I certainly used a methodical and rigorous approach to defining what I call our «roast curves» — the plot of time versus temperature which defines the degree of roasting for coffee beans of different origins to bring out the very best flavour characteristics.
The team assembled a tree with three branches associated with stars of different origins.
The first aims to define the cellular and molecular mechanisms governing metastases growth and spread within the liver, a preferential area of metastatic dissemination of tumors of different origin (colorectal, pancreas, lung and breast) often associated with poor prognosis, mostly because of late diagnosis and / or relative inefficiency of current available anti-tumoral drugs.
The normal tissue atlas is the largest of the four sub-atlases and contains more than 13 million images of protein profiling in 46 human tissues of different origin.
Andreas Engel's research concerns the structure and function of membrane proteins of different origin.
While absent from normal epithelia, an actin bundling protein, fascin, becomes expressed in invasive carcinoma of different origins.
Cannabinoids have been described as a potential treatment for patients with dystonia of a different origin.
Our Traditional Silk Sarees Collection brings in cultures from all over India, having to offer silks sarees of different origins in India.
Do Ho Suh: in between introduces the attempts of the artist in a global era in which economies and societies would come to a halt without the intersection of people, objects and information to explore the self and make the world a smaller place, while negotiating cultures of different origins and moving to and fro between tradition and innovation, individual and group.
The selection of nearly 30 works from 16 contemporary artists of different origins and backgrounds that the Lisson Gallery and guest curator Emily Pethrick brought together entertains both interpretations in a single coherent discourse.
Similar to her well - known previous series of work Domino / Dominó, Bibiana Suárez uses the format of the game in the Memoria (Memory) installation to draw our attention to the history of exchanges - sometimes amicable and other times confrontational - between Latinos of different origins and mainstream American culture.
The outcome of these meetings between people of different origins is given form in a text entitled «Towards The Other Davos».
The protein atlas now also includes protein evidence for all 20,083 predicted genes based on manual annotation from literature (UniProt), antibody - based profiling in cells, tissues and organs and analysis of transcripts using next generation sequencing in 11 cell lines of different origin.
The cycle of stories collected around his name and exploits testifies to his impact on Israel over a long prophetic career; but elements in the cycle partake of the stuff of sheer legend far more than in the shorter Elijah cycle (I Kings 17 - 19,21; II Kings 2 and even II Kings I are of different origin).
With all of its different origins, Nora is rich in history and character, which only adds to its natural flare.
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She's authentic, dark, hysterically funny and way too much like her mother, even though her pain is of a different origin.
Discuss Doris's insight into relations between people of different origins and backgrounds when she walks with Golam Mohammed and remembers her mother's feelings towards the German family in town during World War I.
This paper can be of different origins and qualities: leaflets, book pages, or the squared pages of exercise books, partly stained and ripped.
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