Sentences with phrase «of different tactics»

Companies that realize content creation is a must have historically employed a variety of different tactics to feed their business blogs — not just limited to internal resources.
A mobile medical sales recruiting strategy refers to a number of different tactics (and the combination thereof).
See an overview of different tactics used by animal advocates.
She shared some of the «bright spots» in public engagement and noted the importance of different tactics to target both the practical and emotional in encouraging greater support.
They possess creativity and knowledge of different tactics to identify and engage the appropriate target audience.
We done similar with Alexis that we done with Giroud, we missed an excellent opportunity to have an array of different tactics by surrounding them with the right or best suited individuals.
These are websites that use a variety of different tactics including creating their own fictitious female profiles, sending people computer - generated emails and other dirty tricks.
Also available on the FIA website is a handy section entitled «Cut False Alarm Costs», which contains a number of different tactics not discussed in this article to help you reduce the number of false alarms occurring.
You'd think that after over 30 years of being taken hostage by Bowser, Princess Peach might have thought of some different tactics.
The different Genestealer variants will use a variety of different tactics against you but will always attack in packs.
This is a new protocol that's geared specifically at preventing kids from giving false confessions during interrogations and it provides officers with a host of different tactics that will still ensure that they're able to get to the truth while avoiding false confessions.
Twitter has given rise to an impressive array of different tactics and practices in its short time on Earth.
Life after levels is well underway now, with schools employing a number of different tactics and systems to track their pupils» progress.
Take on the role of a bounty hunter in a massive alien metropolis and pursue your targets using a variety of different tactics.
There is a decent case to be argued for both of the different tactics that Arsenal could employ against the spuds in the north London derby on Sunday, but which one is the best and which one will Arsene Wenger want his players to use?
Play Protect uses a variety of different tactics to keep users and their data safe, but the impact of machine learning is already quite significant: 60.3 % of all Potentially Harmful Apps were detected via machine learning, and we expect this to increase in the future.
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