Sentences with phrase «of differing abilities»

This task is designed to challenge students of differing ability and provide teachers with a great resource that help reduce their planning, whilst creating interesting and productive lessons that have progress.
Ten players of differing abilities used the ball to attempt various shots.
We recommend that your pilot be comprised of employees of differing abilities.
Sometimes teaching is not sufficiently differentiated, with pupils of differing abilities given the same work.
Classes are light - hearted and accessible to students of differing abilities.
∙ This course is suitable for those with a range of breastfeeding knowledge — from beginners to advanced — and is inclusive of differing ability.
a process to approach teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class.
While the sheer amount of differing abilities would be a burden in other fighting games, the simple execution of abilities gives Smash Bros..
Furthermore, just as comprehensive schools are desirable as a solvent of social class lines, so classes with students of differing abilities are valuable, provided the classes can be internally organized so as to let students proceed at their own pace, with enrichment through greater depth and scope of materials independently mastered by the most able students, and with special assistance by the teacher for the less able.
Activities are tailor - made for a specific audience and all are designed to be adapted appropriately for students of differing abilities
This project proved to be very engaging - with pupils producing some thoughtful, creative, individual and skilful pieces (photographs of examples - of differing abilities - are included in the bundle).
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