Sentences with phrase «of divine judgment»

Then, after the process of divine judgment, a new and quite different age would commence.
Throughout the Bible the belief in God's supreme goodness and holiness carries with it the note of divine judgment upon sin.
But again, and even with the possible implication of divine judgment in the death of Rachel, we see the repeated motif of the Jacob cycle: the tension between sin and divine grace, the expression of faith that Jacob - Israel is saved and redeemed only by the will and purpose of God (35:5), and finally the repetition of the promise and the blessing, and the second account of the changing of Jacob's name to Israel.
But such a view of an inflexible moral order is not enough to express the full meaning of divine judgment.
Judgment — At the point of doctrine of divine judgment the modern mind finds both easy corroboration and an almost insurmountable stumbling block.
Sin, then, presupposes knowledge and freedom adequate to those attitudes and acts required by love, and without taking a «soft» view of divine judgment we may believe that God does not require of us the impossible.
Belief in immortality and the certainty of divine judgment are indispensable supports of public virtue, our founders thought.
And his theory of the secret, like his theory of the parables as purposely meant to mystify those who heard them, (Mark: 4 - 11) and his theory of a divine judgment upon the Jews causing them to be blind to Jesus» true calling and mission (perhaps a Pauline idea, (Cf. Rom.
These repeatedly conjoined parts, the prophet's free invective as extended prelude to the fearfully compact pronouncement of divine judgment, constitute a basic pattern of prophetic speech.
Since I had, from my initial article, emphasized the element of divine judgment over the nation, quoting the great lines from Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address as my central text, I could not but find such an interpretation abhorrent.
I realized how profoundly these fears had affected my life the week that Reformed pastor John Piper declared that the tornado that hit downtown Minneapolis (like the Asian tsunami of 2004, the Minneapolis bridge collapse of 2007, and even his own cancer) was an act of divine judgment toward the sinners involved.
It is to try to seek God's revelation and judgment over time without presuming the power of divine judgment.
Others of the prophets have been read as proclaimers exclusively of the negative aspects of divine judgment by resort to a literary criticism which neatly attributes the prophetic word of God's compassion to secondary sources.
Epidemics and plagues revive the belief that sickness is not accidental, rather some kind of divine judgment.
It is necessary to emphasize that in the Christian faith the affirmation of eternal life includes acknowledgment of the divine judgment.
And, indeed, in further oracles of his book Amos introduces some nameless nation of his age in a role of divine judgment that implies the Lord's dominion far out also into the midst of the great powers of the time.
With much the same thrust, despite its linkage with an apocalyptic concept of divine judgment, is the presentation of the separation of the sheep from the goats in the last judgment (Matt.
Muhammad uttered dire threats of divine judgment against polytheists.
Jesus has already accomplished man's salvation through one mighty act of self - giving and obedience which outweighs in the scales of divine judgment all the sins of the human race through all of history.
Perhaps no major theological issue divides liberals and evangelicals so momentously as that concerning the relation of divine judgment to divine love.
In it are involved the nature of their God, his relation to them and to the stream of history, the framework within which they conceived their moral obligation, the grounds of divine judgment, and the hope of salvation which was to grow into the expectancy of the promised Messiah and the kingdom of God.
Their party tended to believe that there would be a reanimation of relics at the time of divine judgment.
Jesus went before us, «the pioneer» of a new world, but even the preparer, the son of God, had to go through the refining fire of divine judgment before «the pioneer» became «the perfecter of our faith.»
Caananites and the slaughter of even Israelites and Judahites by foreign invaders, which some prophets depict as instruments of divine judgment.
Many times have I concluded a service with the traditional «Those whom God hath joined together let not man put asunder» wondering about the wisdom of divine judgment, to say nothing of God's good taste in these alleged matchings.
In a blog post entitled, «The Tornado, The Lutherans, and Homosexuality,» Piper confidently proclaims that the tornado that hit downtown Minneapolis yesterday was a result of divine judgment on a group of Lutherans meeting in a local church to discuss, among other things, a «social statement» that could make it easier for the church to accept homosexual unions.
This biblical note of divine judgment has a particular pertinence in our own day, when so much chaos has come upon the world because of personal and national sin and the flouting of the ways of God revealed to us by the light of Christ.
It is, furthermore, too much disposed in its doctrine of divine judgment to spread the doom on thick without adequate recognition of God's saving grace or of the concrete works of love which man not only can but must do if he is to be God's servant in fashioning a better world.
Resurrection points to the expectation both of divine judgment and of eternal life.
According to this view, the United States has abandoned its covenantal commitment to God, and its only hope of avoiding destruction in the form of divine judgment is for Americans to reclaim their godly heritage, recommit themselves to traditional morality and elect Christians to office.
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