Sentences with phrase «of doctors»

The doctor or team of doctors who delivered the child may be liable for failing to follow the standard of care during your delivery.
We work with a team of doctors who can give you an accurate assessment of your injuries.
The college will give him an honorary degree of doctor of laws.
We listen to the advice of our doctors for so many critical aspects of our lives.
This has to do with a growing number of doctors who have real hostility toward personal injury cases.
Not to mention they have competitive rates, great hours 7 days a week and a lot of doctors who are all knowledgeable and willing to go the extra mile for your pet.
Although they do not practice medicine or do extensive medical procedures under the supervision of a doctor as a physician's assistant would, they are still a vital part of the medical team.
Our diverse group of doctors work closely with your family veterinarian helping to ensure the best and most comprehensive medical care possible for your pet.
Six members of the board's executive committee voted unanimously to grant him a degree of doctor of letters.
I had been in and out of Doctors office at least everyday if not every other day.
Upon reading this article, I'm reminded that there are two types of doctors in this world.
While your general practitioner veterinarian can diagnose and treat many health problems, certain diseases like cancer require the care of a doctor who has had specialized, intensive training in veterinary oncology.
There are many types of veterinarians, just as there are many types of doctors for humans.
See the recommended schedule of doctor visits for your young child.
There are no recommendations of doctors on this issue.
Before you start your search, take a few minutes to learn exactly what this kind of doctor does.
Only 11 percent of the doctors said they would refer a patient to a behavioral weight loss program, even though that's what the ADA recommends.
If they've gotten way out of hand, seek the help of your doctor in getting a grip.
You're describing the role of a doctor, and doctors need to get paid like everybody else.
He told the story about the work he and his co-author did studying the hand hygiene habits of doctors at a hospital.
Also, pick a policy that offers a larger network of doctors to choose from.
You will need to show that your doctor failed to obtain informed consent and that you experienced damages as a result of doctor negligence.
In contrast, the big travel insurers have offices throughout the world and keep lists of doctors, clinics and hospitals that meet their standards.
We talked to a number of doctors as well as career experts to help you with this situation which is often amplified during the holiday season.
Your baby's doctor will pay close attention to this — it's why weigh - ins are such an important part of her doctor appointments.
A handful of doctors with a moral agenda have attempted to use progesterone to «stop» a medication abortion.
Unfortunately for those out there looking to obtain steroids via a medically licensed professional, the majority of doctors out there will give you a simple no.
In the case at hand, the father argued his emotional damages arose from the negligence of the doctor treating his son, thus his claim arises in medical malpractice.
Most of the doctors in the area were there, and they went to work.
I was in and out of doctors offices trying to figure out the problem.
I know a lot of doctors say it's often a psychological issue — especially when ED happens in younger guys — but I don't know.
One factor that was important to me: the work of a doctor who pulled back the curtain to reveal the realities of the medical profession.
As many of the doctors recommend not to introduce solid foods at an early stage, the baby should be fed only with breast milk.
When it comes to serious health concerns, you are often at the hands of doctors who understand the medical science that you do not.
I met a group of doctors doing charity surgeries for third - world children once.
If you think you may have suffered a serious personal injury because of doctor error, one of the first things you should do is get a copy of your medical records.
As a result, she takes help of the doctor from the beginning of the pregnancy and becomes able to keep her newborn baby safe.
Then the next generation of doctors will deny concepts such as antibiotic resistance because they don't understand evolution.
Meanwhile, our highly trained and experienced crew of veterinary technicians is ever - present to tend to your pet and act on the care recommendations of our doctors.
Total Baby also lets parents time diaper changes, breastfeeding, sleeping, and stay on top of doctor appointments and vaccines, perfect for keeping sleep deprived parents on track.
What sets this diet program apart from the usual ones is the fact that it is created by a physician and also recommend highly by thousands of doctors all over the country.
It is better to follow the guidance of a doctor when you are injured to avoid further damaging the shoulder.
Our experienced staff of doctors and technicians are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week — including weekends and major holidays!
The problem is that a doctor has to kick the process off and none of the doctors associated with the hospitals were going to do this.
However, that scenario could bring about at least one unintended consequence for patients: a massive shortage of doctors across the country.
Our emergency practice operates under a standard fee that covers the cost of the doctor's initial examination and consultation - one of the most affordable in the area.
If you do not have medical insurance, we can provide names of doctors and rehab specialists who can provide treatment on a lien basis.
Do you know of any doctor that can advise us?

Phrases with «of doctors»

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