Sentences with phrase «of doctrinal statements»

There are, of course, numerous Scriptural passages and theological arguments that are used to defend such a use of doctrinal statements.
First, I could continue on to the next chapter in Close Your Church for Good., in which I will challenge the use of Doctrinal Statements.
But there are several problems with the development of doctrinal statements as a way of protecting the truth.
Ironically, while these Creeds were intended to promote unity, they really just caused the church to become ever - more fractured and disunified, for as the complexity of doctrinal statements increased, so also did the charge of «heretic.»
While the vast majority of these doctrinal statements were created primarily for the purpose of defining one group's distinctive beliefs without condemning those who believe differently, nearly every statement contains points that are considered «non-negotiable» and which will cause churches to separate from others who believe differently, and even condemn these other groups as «unsaved.»
On the contrary, the meaning of doctrinal statements such as the creeds and other historical professions of belief, the circumstances which evoked them, and the philosophical presuppositions which helped to determine the character of their assertions are all matters of the greatest interest and importance.
I have written about some of this in an earlier post: The History of Doctrinal Statements.
From the simplicity of the Apostles» Creed spawned an ever - increasing number of doctrinal statements, with ever - increasing length and complexity.
Early creeds are found in Scripture and in The Apostles» Creed, and while the goal of these doctrinal statements was unity, the result was division instead.
I am not sure how long you have been reading this blog, but this post here is actually part of a series that has been going on for about three weeks so far, in which I look at at the use and abuse of doctrinal statements.
The history of the development of doctrinal statements and Christian creeds is a bloody mess, full of killing and war.
Aside from these three good uses of doctrinal statements, can you think of any others?
However, just because a doctrinal statement can be used to restrict who is placed in a position of leadership in a church or ministry, I strongly discourage the use of doctrinal statements as a means of restricting who can attend or participate with the church or ministry in its services and functions.
I personally have a good relationship with church communities in my city and I don't even attend church nor hold to many of their doctrinal statements.
We argued in May that such a focus upon the personal subject effectively excludes linguistic objectivity - and so the unchanging validity of doctrinal statements.
In today's blogging world, you have to be somewhat provocative to garner attention... As I mentioned above, I do believe in the value of doctrinal statements, but in a much different way than how they are used by most churches.
They're the ones mixing the gospel with politics and reducing faith to an endless list of doctrinal statements.
I've signed my fair share of doctrinal statements through the years.
In order to make sure he agrees, Levi must attend a class to learn all the distinctives of the doctrinal statement, and then sign on the dotted line.
The length and complexity of a doctrinal statement is directly proportional to the amount of control, power, abuse, and disunity within the church that the doctrinal statement creates.
Wealthy, powerful, influential people who may or may not personally operate within the confines of the doctrinal statement yet somehow tend to be invited to be not only part of the group, but often part of the decision makers.

Not exact matches

A movement built on broad - based networks of churches and parachurch organizations will inevitably fragment when it tries to move to more thorough doctrinal statements.
Evangelicals often have at best very minimal doctrinal statements and a range of other, often confessionally unstated, cultural concerns which guide policy.
All Christians ever since, whether they are Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Protestant, or Free Church, have agreed on the central doctrinal statements expressed in this particular statement of faith.
faith and freedom in the body of Christ is painful and scarry, full of dangers and pitfalls... a good way to avoid this is doctrinal statement,..
First, Jesus makes sure that Levi can agree to the detailed doctrinal statement of Jesus.
A story has more transformative power than a doctrinal statement or an ethical code of conduct.
It is not a doctrinal statement, but it is a history of what God has done and what those who have gone before us have believed and practiced.
It wasn't the summer that brought an end to my doubt, but it was the summer I encountered a different Jesus, a Jesus who requires more from me than intellectual assent and emotional allegiance; a Jesus who associated with sinners and infuriated the religious; a Jesus who broke the rules and refused to cast the first stone; a Jesus who gravitated toward sick people and crazy people, homeless people and hopeless people; a Jesus who preferred story to exposition and metaphor to syllogism; a Jesus who answered questions with more questions, and demands for proof with demands for faith... a Jesus who healed each person differently and saved each person differently; a Jesus who had no list of beliefs to check off, no doctrinal statements to sign, no surefire way to tell who was «in» and who was «out»; a Jesus who loved after being betrayed, healed after being hurt, and forgave while being nailed to a tree; a Jesus who asked his disciples to do the same...
But there are numerous problems with thinking that doctrinal statements and membership classes can keep false teaching out of the church.
To this day (as well as when I wrote this post) I can in good conscience and with full conviction sign a doctrinal statement like that of DTS or GES or most any decent Bible church.
Sure, I know that if I were to reject two or three certain doctrines listed above that they would be at odds with the doctrinal statement of the Grace Evangelical Society.
When we use doctrinal statements to determine the eternal destiny of other people — which is something only Jesus should do — it is not long before we get the idea that if a person is reprobate and a heretic, it is better to send them on their way to hell, then to let them stick around and lead others astray.
I look at the fruit of people's lives way more now than I do at their signed doctrinal statements.
Few people in any church of which I have been a part know where to find their church's doctrinal statement, much less what that doctrinal statement says.
But we must try, for the alternative is only more of the same: more doctrinal statements, more division, and more disunity.
The questions of a doctrinal and historical kind which are raised become more and more complicated and more difficult of access for a simple, universally intelligible official statement of the Church.
Were doctrinal statements true in an objective sense, or were they true only because of their subjective impact in the life of the believer?
We shall not prove these statements by earlier doctrinal pronouncements, but confine ourselves to the teaching of Vatican II.
I also found no need to fret about doctrinal statements or a worship style, and had no fear of being recruited into ministry opportunities.
The «irregulars» have little clue how the church operates, the «regulars» sort of have a clue, and the «inner circle» knows that those who pay the bills and have the power decide how it operates (hoping to give the impression that the «doctrinal statement» has been given a nod).
Nevertheless, even though I now have a doctrinal statement (of sorts) on this blog, I am not going to emphasize it or make it prominent.
However, by the end of the year, the church council forced Calvin to resign his position and leave Geneva because he wanted to force church members to sign his doctrinal statement and articles of church organization (which few people wanted to do), and because he refused to serve communion with unleavened bread on Easter Sunday.
Doctrinal statements, long or short, are usually presented as a means of stating the group's fundamental beliefs.
Association of Related Churches — I can't find a doctrinal statement
* Although the doctrinal statement and other statements of the church may indicate that everyone is welcome to attend, that is often not the case.
I hope you will be able to see that this isn't one of the dumbest things I have ever said, but it might actually be those who demand and require doctrinal statements who are missing some pretty key points of the basic Christian walk.
And when, as in the United Methodist Book of Discipline, one attempts to grasp the oneness of life, the effort is split up into «Doctrine and Doctrinal Statements» on the one hand, and the «Social Principles» on the other.
For example, if a denomination declared in their doctrinal statement that the Bible teaches that all good Christians must wear pink hats and only those people who wear pink hats can indeed be true followers of Jesus, we would conclude upon reading this statement that we would never be accepted by those folks because we don't agree with this bit of ridiculous theology.
Some years ago I heard the lead theologian of a denomination describe doctrinal statements as those statements which define the «doctrinal distinctiveness» of the particular denomination.
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