Sentences with phrase «of dry ice»

We were traveling through the jungle carrying blocks of dry ice.
With a bit of dry ice, you can bring along a frozen treat to enjoy on your picnic.
To make ice last even longer, first place a bag of dry ice on the bottom of the cooler, cover it over with ice, and then place the food on top.
Fortunately, the dairy on campus willingly provided ample supplies of dry ice, she says, so essential material was saved.
Twenty pounds of dry ice, the most the medical supply store had to offer, wasn't doing the job.
(staying frozen with the help of dry ice).
They also had tuna poke appetizers served on a bed of dry ice.
Then came the dessert, which came in an amazing presentation of dry ice.
«That theory, heat transfer and blackbody radiation, says that when you observe increased absorption of heat in a cold body full of water vapor by increasing the fraction of dry ice in that cold body, that is a sign of cooling in that cold body.»
«I took a piece of dry ice [frozen CO2],» he says, «and wrapped it in pieces of terry cloth and then duct taped them to these long bamboo sticks I got at a garden supply store.»
What he didn't know: The gaseous form of dry ice, a.k.a. carbon dioxide, is toxic.
The addition of dry ice pellets adds a mystifying smoky magic to this inspired summer cocktail.
Hansen has studied other effects of seasonal carbon - dioxide ice on Mars, such as spider - shaped features that result from explosive release of carbon - dioxide gas trapped beneath a sheet of dry ice as the underside of the sheet thaws in spring.
She suspected a role for dry ice in forming linear gullies, so she bought some slabs of dry ice at a supermarket and slid them down sand dunes.
The slices from the left side are fixed in formaldehyde and those from the right are frozen between sheets of dry ice.
USING TONGS (do NOT touch dry ice), place small chunks or chips of dry ice into each drink.
Pipe patterns or write on top of the dry icing.
Remember to read up on the proper handling and storage of dry ice before buying, and try to by the ice as close to the storm or outage as possible.
It is best to seal your breast milk bottles in zip - lock bags and then pad them with crumpled up newspaper inside your cooler of dry ice.
Nearly 500 bags of dried ice were distributed in New Rochelle, so families could at least keep groceries fresh.
And Stanley Miller likely had the eutectic effect in mind when he stowed his now famous samples in a freezing chamber full of dry ice and acetone.
Rather, they are the result of the peculiar processes that unfold in a place cold enough that atmospheric carbon dioxide can freeze into snowy layers of dry ice.
According to the new hypothesis, the pits could result from the blocks of dry ice completely sublimating away into carbon - dioxide gas after they have stopped traveling.
For example, Toshiba has developed machines that decontaminate surfaces with blasts of dry ice, inspect vent pipes for leaks, and cut and remove debris covering fuel rod assemblies in the Unit 3 building, which was damaged by a hydrogen explosion.
The first one they drop in is a dry ice bomb (fill a bottle with water, drop a chunk of dry ice in, seal it, and RUN).
They load six insulated boxes of dry ice crystals into the company's twin - engine Piper Chieftain and fly just above the fog, blanketing the runways.
«We use machine learning throughout the business to optimise everything from the format of the online shop to the conveyor routing, how we lay out the warehouse, which goods appear where and when — right down to the amount of dry ice we put in the frozen food boxes,» says Harvey.
The demon here is less neon, more cheap plastic — with glowing red eyes peering through a shroud of dry ice and making a weird fart noise whenever it appears.
Apart from the show floor which had nearly a feet of dry ice resonating a «spooky» feeling true to the car's name.
They are ideal for fishing trips, camping when you'll be off the grid for long periods of time, protection from any hungry bears, and the use of dry ice to triple the ability to keep beverages cold.
Using thirty - seven tons of donated dry ice, Chicago and her collaborators created two versions of Dry Ice Environment, also known as Disappearing Environments Part I and Part II.
By the way, 1.5 lbs of dry ice that you used should make about 15 cubic feet of CO2 gas at STP, a lot more than you need in your class.
If you had a high - tech transmat machine, you could «poof» the block of dry ice onto the earth.
If you had a plant that created a large quantity of dry ice and took it outside to sublimate, the net effect would be zero.
The Orbit ditches the soap and water for the cleaning power of dry ice.
Continental Carbonic Products, Inc. specializes in the manufacture and distribution of dry ice and liquid carbon dioxide.
This is the day for all of us to leave some neatly folded clothes and some shoes with a bit of dry ice in them next to our cars or in front of our houses!
But finding a refrigerated centrifuge and a ready supply of dry ice in rural south - west England was proving tricky.
It felt as if I were clutching a piece of dry ice.
Should a generator not be an option, the USDA recommends learning where dry ice and block ice can be purchased locally as «fifty pounds of dry ice should hold an 18 - cubic foot full freezer for 2 days (4).»
«You don't get blocks of dry ice on Earth unless you go buy them.»
Disease surveillance programs often use traps baited with CO2 (in the form of dry ice) to catch mosquitoes, which are then tested for the presence of viruses.
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