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Here is a list of the dumbbell exercises for men and women on this site grouped by body parts.
Don't abandon your classical upper back exercises in favour of these dumbbell exercises but use them as a variation for your workout routine.
The freedom of dumbbell exercises allows you to hit each muscle from a slightly angle.
So a major benefit of dumbbell exercises is that they are highly functional and tend to improve other aspects of your life to a higher degree that sitting down on leg machines.
Before I give you the Top 10 Dumbbell Exercises, I want to share the amazing benefits of Dumbbell Exercises

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The Spartacus Workout entails a series of minute - long exercises including squats, pushups and dumbbell lifts, with 15 seconds of rest in between, according to
Among them: hold a pair of 15 - pound dumbbells for two minutes to build forearm and hand strength; «chest - ups» (like pull - ups, but a notch higher), designed to make shoulder muscles stronger and more flexible; and an array of seated exercises to isolate the lower back.
It's great for dumbbell workouts and because it adjusts into 7 different positions, you can use it for a wide range of exercises.
Each of the two dumbbells goes from 5 to 45 pounds, which means you have 90 pounds of exercise potential.
Sit on an exercise bench with back support and hold two dumbbells in front of you at about upper chest level with your palms facing your body and your elbows bent.
So regardless of your goals, your rear delts deserve some attention, and luckily, there is an exercise that will help you develop them in the shortest time possible — it's the reverse dumbbell fly.
The first activity is actually a superset of a couple of exercises — breathing deep squats, followed by a pullover with a barbell or dumbbell.
You can exercise almost any body part to a certain intensity in any place you feel comfortable, like your home, workplace or perhaps hotel room and even though there's no substitute for the intensity loaded barbells and dumbbells can provide, at least you can stop the breakdown of muscle tissue and maintain your current muscle mass until you find yourself a proper place to train.
Perform this exercise in the second half of your workout and aim to get 10 - 12 reps on each set using heavy dumbbells.
Waiter's Walk & Farmer's Walk Performed with a single heavy dumbbell, these unusual exercises are performed for distance instead of a set number of repetitions.
This modified version of a one - arm dumbbell row can help you put on mass and carve detail like no other exercise, so make sure to include it in your routine if you want stellar back development.
Performing several sets with lighter dumbbell allows you to check out your body system and see how your shoulders, chest and lats are taking the strain of the exercise.
Seated dumbbell shoulder press — 4 - 6 x 8 reps.. For this exercise, Reg used to change tactics every couple of workouts.
Start with the decline dumbbell press, which is one of the most effective pec - building exercises because of the short range of motion that prevents the delts and triceps from taking over.
On the other hand, most exercise machines can be used to perform only one or two exercises, while dumbbells provide a huge range of movements and almost every barbell exercise can also be performed with dumbbells.
In case you need more reasons to add reverse dumbbell flies in your back routine, we prepared a list of the most important benefits this great resistance exercises has to offer:
If you've had joint injuries in the past or experience joint pain while performing the barbell version of an exercise, you should try performing it with dumbbells, which allow you to alter your form and technique to suit your joints and work around existing issues, which can be impossible to do with a barbell.
The reverse dumbbell fly is a bilateral exercise in the horizontal plane of movement which mainly targets the delts, the posterior muscles of the rotator cuff and the upper back muscles.
-- Reg Park advises that the first two exercises can be done with a super set — one set behind of pressing behind the neck, followed by a set of shoulder presses with dumbbells, followed by a rest period.
If you're not a really big fan of the farmer's walk, you can substitute it with Romanian dumbbell deadlifts — without setting the dumbbells down, perform shank levers / shank lever rows and Romanian dumbbell deadlifts one after the other for a total of 10 reps (5 for each exercise).
The dumbbell pullover earned its reputation as one of the best chest builder exercises.
The dumbbell upright row is one of the best exercises for building the upper traps and shoulders.
One of the best exercises for developing the traps (besides heavy deadlifts) are the dumbbell shrugs.
You can lift weights in the comfort of your own home, by buying a pair of dumbbells and looking at an exercise video on your DVD.
You might not have any dumbbells in your hands, but you'll still feel the effects of this exercise in your spinal erector, the group of muscles that surrounds and stabilizes your spine.
Since shin splints can be caused by muscular imbalance, strengthen the muscles in the lower legs by doing variations of walking on your toes and heels as well as this seated shin - strengthening exercise using a dumbbell.
In addition to decreasing fatigue in your lower back muscles, the dumbbell variation will also decrease the risk of injury, not to mention the lessened strain on that muscle group throughout the exercise.
Muscles need to be challenged by a variety of stimuli in order to grow and by focusing strictly on barbell exercises, you'd be missing out on the muscle activation provided by exercises done with dumbbells or cables.
Using single or double dumbbells, this variation requires more balance and coordination which may detract from the aim of the exercise; maximum power generation.
The beauty of this technique is that it can be applied to numerous different barbell and dumbbell movements, and various machine exercises.
If you find this exercise fairly easy, increase the incline, grab a pair of dumbbells or put on a weighted vest to increase the intensity.
Make standing dumbbell curls the cornerstone of your biceps exercises.
By isolating the side deltoid, this exercise involves a much wider range of motion compared with the lateral dumbbell raise.
You've probably tried to push your upper pecs to grow with the help of incline barbell / dumbbell presses, incline cable flies and similar machine exercises, but since you're reading this article, we can assume that you're doing some wrong.
A partial rep is defined as only using half the range of motion for a particular exercise, usually the strongest portion of the rep. Shoulder sessions comprising of both full reps and half reps can generate tremendous growth, so next time grab a pair of dumbbells about twice as heavy as you normally would and perform only the first half of every rep on side lateral raises.
Try, for instance to replace your bench exercises with dumbbell flyes, or to doing overhead triceps extensions instead of doing pulldowns.
If you're new to the weight room, begin by finding a set of dumbbells light enough to successfully perform a few sets of 12 - 15 reps of a given exercise.
For example, if the squat is part of your workout routine and you use the bar every time, try using kettlebells or or a dumbbell strapped to your waist the next time you do this exercise.
Variety of exercises: Try Les Mills Grit Strength, a HIIT class using barbells, weights, and step - up platforms, or Exhale's HIIT 30, which uses med balls and dumbbells during intervals.
Bodyweight exercises can be just as effective as their dumbbell or barbell counterparts, and they are a simple and highly effective way to burn fat, strengthen your entire body and even build admirable muscle mass without having to spend a ton of money on gym memberships or expensive home equipment — and the best part is that you can perform them pretty much anywhere.
The dumbbell bench press can be performed either flat, on an incline, or even on a decline for that matter, and it is one of the most effective chest exercises there is.
For most people, the barbell bench press will never lead to impressive, or even significant chest growth and it will become more of a triceps exercise, while performing the same exercise with dumbbells can be more effective for chest building.
This exercise is a variation of the overhead dumbbell press, and Ahrens began using it out of necessity.
When performed correctly, the one - arm dumbbell row, also known as «the lawn mower» (because it looks like you're struggling to start a difficult lawn mower) is one of the best upper body exercises of all time.
Because of this, do heavier exercises like barbell and dumbbell curls before engaging into high curl exercise, to make the most of the overload you place on the biceps.
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