Sentences with phrase «of dust and gas»

In space, they gather in clouds of dust and gas, which form new stars, and for each generation of new stars, more elements are formed.
The solar system as a whole formed roughly 4.5 billion years ago from a collapsing disk of dust and gas.
The planets are thought to have formed from a disc of dust and gas around the infant sun.
The clusters can be identified at such distances because they contain galaxies in which huge amounts of dust and gas are being formed into stars.
The massive stars within the star formation region slowly destroy the pillars of dust and gas from which they are born.
It shows the inner cloud of dust and gas surrounding the comet's nucleus increasing by 200 kilometres (about 120 miles) in size.
This thin, rotating smear of dust and gas eventually will form a solar system around the star.
Normally, stars form when a cloud of dust and gas starts to contract under its own gravity, heating up as the pressure rises.
As a ball of dust and gas contracts under its own gravity, it begins to shrink and its core begins collapsing faster and faster.
Main - sequence stars form from clouds of dust and gas drawn together by gravity.
Could star formation begin with the collision and accumulation of sparse pockets of dust and gas?
In a brief 10,000 years or so the core, now left in the middle of a vast cloud of dust and gas, finally begins to cool and fade.
While planets typically migrate inward due to the torque (or gravitational push) of the pancake - like proto - planetary disks of dust and gas in which they form (seen in this picture), what hasn't been clear until now is what causes them to stop.
Baby Eagle lies about 450 light - years from Earth within a larger cloud of dust and gas known as the Taurus Molecular Cloud.
«So, for the Type IIs, we're looking at the black holes through the side of the doughnut, where there's lots of dust and gas in our line of sight; Type Is are when we're looking down from the top of the doughnut [with little dust and gas in our line of sight],» he explains.
The prebiotic molecule is «located in the warm, dense inner regions of the cocoon of dust and gas surrounding young stars in their earliest stages of evolution,» according to a statement.
The different pillars analysed by an international team seem to be pillars of destruction — in contrast to the name of the iconic Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula, which are of similar nature.The spires and pillars in the new images of the Carina Nebula are vast clouds of dust and gas within a hub of star formation about 7500 light - years away.
The nanocraft would face additional obstacles, primarily in the form of dust and gas encountered en route to the Alpha Centauri system.
This large disk of dust and gas encircles the star Beta Pictoris.
Eventually, two of these stars either grazed each other or collided, triggering a powerful eruption that launched other nearby protostars and hundreds of giant streamers of dust and gas into interstellar space at speeds greater than 150 kilometers per second.
The leading explanation is that Epsilon Aurigae consists of a yellow giant star orbited by a normal star slightly bigger than the Sun embedded in a thick disc of dust and gas oriented nearly edge on when viewed from Earth.
Infrared light cuts through thick, obscuring patches of dust and gas, revealing the more intricate structures underneath and producing a completely different landscape.
A gap in the protoplanetary disk of dust and gas whirling around TV Hydrae uncovered evidence of an unseen, growing planet, according to astronomers studying Hubble data.
Ethylene glycol, the chemical commonly used as automobile antifreeze, was discovered recently in a massive interstellar cloud of dust and gas near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The nebula was observed with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys in Sept. 2015, as part of a survey called the Small Magellanic cloud Investigation of Dust and Gas Evolution (SMIDGE).
The nebula was observed as part of a Hubble survey, the Small Magellanic cloud Investigation of Dust and Gas Evolution (SMIDGE).
In the late 1990s, astronomers noticed a distinct warp in the disk of dust and gas orbiting a young star some 60 light - years from Earth.
A dark ring of dust and gas circling the star (dark bands, center), material that may one day coalesce into a planetary system, acts like a belt, cinching the nebula into an hourglass shape.
Its surrounding disk is in the very early stages of development — having recently coalesced out of a cold, dark nebula of dust and gas.
The emission in those areas of quantities of dust and gases can alter temperatures and...
Astronomers once thought the solar system was relatively static, with the planets» current configurations roughly unchanged since their birth in a gigantic cloud of dust and gas more than 4 billion years ago.
Instead, these remnants become a thin, protoplanetary disk of dust and gas revolving around the protostar and begin to condense about local concentrations of mass within the disc known as planetesimals.
Furthermore, Webb's cameras will detect the infrared glow of the dust and gas itself, allowing us to learn what it's made of, how hot and dense it is, and what chemical processes have affected it.
Planets are thought to form in the disks of dust and gas found around young stars.
They are also a model for the protostellar disks from which new solar systems are born and even for the billions of pinwheels of dust and gas we call spiral galaxies.
The Horsehead is similar in form and nature to the famous pillars of dust and gas known as the Eagle Nebula — both are tower - like cocoons of young stars.
Based on the Hubble data, the research team suggests that sunlight heated the surface of the comet, causing it to expel jets of dust and gas.
That is, objects such as the rings of the worlds Saturn and Uranus or the halos of dust and gas that surround young stars and supply the raw material for the formation of a planetary system or even the accretion disks of debris spiraling into a black hole.
In the 1990s, a famous Hubble photo dubbed «Pillars of Creation» showed columns of dust and gas in the Eagle Nebula that were in the process of forging new stars.
Back in the early years of the solar system, planetoids formed by the accretion of dust and gas, and increasingly these objects began bumping into one another.
In general, stars can appear to dim because a solid object like a planet or a cloud of dust and gas passes between it and the observer, eclipsing and effectively dimming its brightness for a time.
Picture distant blue stars brighter than the full moon at night, shining through the spidery veins of dust and gas that hang through the nebula like cobwebs.
The most powerful jets, called quasars, arise when black holes weighing as much as billions of suns fling infalling matter and energy back out into the galaxy, heating up loads of dust and gas and creating blinding beams of energy.
When older stars collapse, they leave remnants of dust and gas that become the building blocks of new stars.
About 4.6 billion years ago, a cloud of dust and gas began clumping together to form the sun and planets of our solar system.
The nebula's long cloud of dust and gas serves as an incubator for young, developing stars.
Lagrange says the finding is consistent with a planet formation model known as core accretion in which the planet starts out as a rocky core that gravitationally acquires more matter from the surrounding swarm of dust and gas.
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