Sentences with phrase «of dyspepsia»

Our occasional claims of dyspepsia may be attributed to various things.
It helps to decrease pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, aids the treatment of dyspepsia and stomach ulcers, aids the digestion of protein and has even been shown to help prevent bowel cancer.
Radishes have been recommended for the relief of dyspepsia, which is generally a result of inadequate gallbladder function.
In an Italian study, researchers compared the effects of carbonated water and tap water in 21 people suffering dyspepsia and constipation and found that after two weeks, symptoms of dyspepsia and constipation, had dropped in the sparkling group but not in the tap group.

Not exact matches

Because McKenzie has not always conquered dyspepsia, it is easy and convenient to write off such a blast as the pouting of a habitual malcontent.
Re-reading the last volume of Parkman's massive work, I was struck, however, not by the Bostonian's occasional historiographic dyspepsia, but by his keen insight into the future.
In their lawsuit filed last week demanding removal of the cross from the publicly funded 9/11 Memorial and Museum, American Atheists listed «dyspepsia,» «headaches,» and «mental anguish» as physical injuries allegedly suffered by non-believers at the mere thought of the cross being included in a permanent display.
Elettaria cardamomum (Cardamom) was shown to play a wide range of health - promoting roles against various conditions such as constipation, colic, diarrhea, dyspepsia, vomiting, headache, epilepsy, and cardiovascular diseases.
* Dyspepsia (from the Greek δυσ - dys - and πέψις pepsis «digestion»), also known as upset stomach or indigestion, refers to a condition of impaired digestion.
This kind of jumpers make your baby's fingers be prone to accident and they are linked to hip dyspepsia and other hips problems in babies.
You will not experience the classic pregnancy symptoms like nausea, vomiting or dizziness during this week; however, some non specific symptoms that may suggest early pregnancy are increased frequency of urination, mood swings, gas, abdominal tenderness, constipation, dyspepsia and dizziness.
Eyal Oren, UA assistant professor of epidemiology and one of the senior authors of the study, says that most physicians followed the guidelines for testing patients they suspected of having H. pylori infection when the patients came to them with likely risk factors, such as a previously diagnosed peptic ulcer or dyspepsia.
Selective targeting of the neurotransmitter that differentially affects brain cells that control the two distinct functions of the pancreas may allow for new medication therapies for conditions like diabetes, dyspepsia and gastro - esophageal reflux.
«This type of separation in their organization may allow for development of selective drugs that target very specific vagal neurocircuits in patients with such conditions as gastrointestinal reflux disorders, functional dyspepsia, gastroparesis and pancreatic exocrine or endocrine dysfunctions.»
Reportedly, it has been used in the treatment of a number of health conditions which include brittle bone, hair, teeth and nails, white spots on nails, gingivitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, rheumatic disorders, edema, osteoarthritis, diabetes, acne, wounds, itchiness, rashes, burns, frostbite, chilblains, athlete's foot, cracked and tired feet, drawing out pus from boils and carbuncles, ulcers, fistulas, herpes simplex, dyspepsia (impaired digestion), gastrointestinal conditions, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, fever, malaria, bladder problems, urinary tract infection, bed wetting in children, kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), prostate problems, hemorrhoids, muscle cramps, tumors, broken bones, fractures, sprains, nose bleed and other heavy bleeding.
The results of delayed indigestion (dyspepsia) include heartburn (GERD), gastritis (the inflammation of the stomach's mucosal membrane), peptic ulcers, enteritis (inflammation of the intestinal mucosal membrane), and further down the tube, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease.
With the introduction of serologic tests for coeliac disease, disease variants have been recognised which present with atypical features such as fatigue, asymptomatic iron deficiency, decreased bone density and dyspepsia without the classic malabsorption syndrome.
Dyspepsia was decreased by 41 %, and in general, all of the participants noted a 20 % increase in quality of life after treatment.
Studies have also shown the extract of Artichoke leaf can be very helpful for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and dyspepsia, or upset stomachs.
Children with dyspepsia typically exhibit low activity of duodenal maltase - glucoamylase and / or disaccharidases.
Kefir and various yogurts also help to get rid of stomach problems, such as dyspepsia, meteorism, irregular bowel movements and much more.
Has been used for digestive complaints of all kinds including IBS, dyspepsia, colonic muscle spasms, constipation.
Due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-emetic effects of this root, ginger tea is primarily used to treat stomach issues such as motion sickness, dyspepsia, and vomiting.
, An Extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra (GutGard) Alleviates Symptoms of Functional Dyspepsia: A Randomized, Double - Blind, Placebo - Controlled Study, 2012
Although I probably don't have IBS I do have dyspepsia (4 months since onset) and after tons of gastro tests to rule out other diseases my doc has suggested I follow this diet.
Dyspepsia and other digestive disorders like anorexia or loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, colitis, gastritis, inflammation of bowels, etc can be cured by careful fasting.
Dyspepsia is a term covering a group of symptoms including poor digestion, pain, and discomfort in the upper digestive tract.
Of course, of equal utility is unearthing the root cause of functional bowel disorders such as IBS and dyspepsia, such as post-infectious damage to the MMC resulting in SIBO, mild mucosal inflammation, alterations in ileocolonic transit, food sensitivities, stress, disruptions in neuromuscular function, and dysbiosiOf course, of equal utility is unearthing the root cause of functional bowel disorders such as IBS and dyspepsia, such as post-infectious damage to the MMC resulting in SIBO, mild mucosal inflammation, alterations in ileocolonic transit, food sensitivities, stress, disruptions in neuromuscular function, and dysbiosiof equal utility is unearthing the root cause of functional bowel disorders such as IBS and dyspepsia, such as post-infectious damage to the MMC resulting in SIBO, mild mucosal inflammation, alterations in ileocolonic transit, food sensitivities, stress, disruptions in neuromuscular function, and dysbiosiof functional bowel disorders such as IBS and dyspepsia, such as post-infectious damage to the MMC resulting in SIBO, mild mucosal inflammation, alterations in ileocolonic transit, food sensitivities, stress, disruptions in neuromuscular function, and dysbiosis.
Luckily, ginger is one of the easiest solutions to chronic indigestion, dyspepsia, and bloating aside from a lot of other stomach issues that you can experience.
In addition, herbalists of the 1800s used the alfalfa plant to treat anemia, indigestion, and dyspepsia.
Another randomized, double - blind, placebo - controlled study showed that Iberogast resulted in significantly superior improvement in terms of resolving symptoms of functional dyspepsia compared to placebo (Ottillinger et al., 2013).
A randomised clinical trial comparing the efficacy of a herbal preparation STW 5 with the prokinetic drug cisapride in patients with dysmotility type of functional dyspepsia.
In a prospective, randomized, double - blind, multi-center trial, this combination has also been shown to decrease the symptoms of dysmotility type dyspepsia (indigestion) or essential / idiopathic dyspepsia in combination with IBS (Freise & Kohler, 1999).
, Efficacy of artichoke leaf extract in the treatment of patients with functional dyspepsia: A six - week placebo - controlled, double - blind, multicentre trial, 2003
Hunger pains improved by eating; dyspepsia, intermittency of symptoms, irresistible urge to swear and curse; painful vesicles with fetid odor in the mouth, burning as from pepper.
The German Commission E monograph for dandelion root and herb approves its use for «disturbance of the bile flow, stimulation of diuresis, loss of appetite, and dyspepsia
Research suggests that taking a single dose of 1.2 grams of ginger root powder one hour before eating speeds up how quickly food empties out of the some in people with dyspepsia.
Chronic indigestion (dyspepsia) is characterized by recurrent pain and discomfort in the upper part of the stomach.
Max, played by Bateman with a more addled version of his usual genial dyspepsia, has spent his life chafing under the shadow of his older brother, Brooks (Kyle Chandler), a venture capitalist who drives a 1976 Corvette Stingray (Max's boyhood dream car).
Favourite quotes: «This was the dull ache of grief in the real world; more dyspepsia than passion.»
Catnip relieves gas and can be a great aid in the relief of flatulence not to mention cramps, spasms, diarrhea and dyspepsia.
(That one of those bills only failed because of John McCain's dyspepsia is a measure of GOP dysfunction.)
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