Sentences with phrase «of each new direction lay»

From his portraits and images of Los Angeles swimming pools, through to his drawings and photography, Yorkshire landscapes and most recent paintings — some of which have never been seen before in public — this exhibition shows how the roots of each new direction lay in the work that came before.
For the first time demonstrating how the roots of each new direction lay in the work that came before, this is a once - in - a-lifetime chance to see these unforgettable works together.

Not exact matches

According to yoga, one - pointed attention is a posture and metabolic state in which the patterns of our life take on a new direction and pattern of confidence is laid down.
In this way, superintendents can lay the groundwork for successful school leaders by setting a clear direction and tone, investing in professional development, setting up mentors for new principals, giving principals the authority to make key decisions and elevating the importance of academic achievement — sometimes even going so far as to making it a part of a principal's evaluation.
With the exception of The Glass Menagerie — which Bennett Cerf of Random House laid claim to based on a $ 100 advance he had paid in 1940 as an option on Williams» future work — all of Williams» output would come from New Directions.
With a new exhibition laying out the contours of the hotly watched artistic direction, we looked at a few of the most significant artists who fit the label «post-Internet.»
Not only that, Curry goes past it, to, somewhat fantastically, conclude that «My assessment is that it is > 2/3 likely that there is such an extreme end «coincidental» natural variability mimicking effect (just as laid out above) and then on to say — after limiting the range of possible natural variability («coincidentally» enough) to only that which is close to this high «could» be (acc» to the IPCC) state of 50 %» natural» effect (that is, giving that itself only a 20 percent range in either direction (meaning, depending on interpretation, either a positive40 % or 30 % floor to the input of «natural» and a ceiling of 60 to 70 %)-RRB-, and thereby negating any possibility of the opposite — TO, again, the new mean representing the one directional and full extent of what, could plausibly be natural variability, and then concluding from there that «At this point, I think anthropogenic is 50 % or less.»
Snap in January laid off around two dozen employees, and rounds of layoffs like these can happen when a company is trying to set itself up for a new direction — now that it has a responsibility to public shareholders that may require some significant moves to outmaneuver competitors like Instagram.
Life transitions may relate to a loss of a relationship, being recently laid off, shifts in your life's direction, feeling stuck or in a rut, wanting to change but don't know how, new parent / new family / blended family, and many more life issues.
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