Sentences with phrase «of ear disease»

Ear mites are not the only cause of ear disease in cats and dogs.
These diseases are a relatively rare cause of ear disease in dogs.
Luckily, treatment of ear disease in dogs is usually relatively straight forward.
His research efforts are directed at education of professional students and the management of ear diseases in dogs and cats.
The animal health care team can greatly assist in the diagnosis and therapy of ear disease.
Many busy clinics are missing a huge opportunity to help clients and their pets through proper handling of ear disease.
Issues such as allergies, swimming or improper bathing, food allergies, mites and other parasites can all contribute to different forms of ear disease.
Your veterinarian can use a couple of different tools to look inside the ears to see if there are any indications of ear disease.
Studies suggest that the prevalence of ear disease in dogs can be as high as 20 %.
This means that all breeds are equally at risk of ear disease.
Though ear mites are the most common type of ear disease, cats can suffer from other disease as well.
There are other causes of ear diseases in cats, and since treatment follows diagnosis, a professional diagnosis should be made.
Clearly, successful treatment of ear disease can be expedited if we know exactly what we are treating and with which medications.
Proper management of ear disease can substantially affect the entire veterinary practice.
Ear mites are not the only cause of ear disease in cats.
Diagnostic and therapeutic protocols for each of the common presentations of ear disease are given to aid in this process.
Symptoms of ear disease are shaking the head, scratching at the ears, discharge from the ear canal, odor from the ear, or redness of the ear flap or entrance to the ear canal.
Identifying the underlying cause will help to prevent recurrences of the ear disease.
If your dog swims a lot, has long floppy ears, or a history of ear disease, more routine cleaning (often once or twice a week) is recommended.
The Dermatology Service has access to advanced imaging modalities such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate advanced cases of ear disease.
Polyps, which are similar to pendulous skin tags, can be the cause of ear disease particularly in cats.
• Ear infections — a video otoscopy, myringotomy and bullae (middle ear) irrigation is the gold standard for diagnosing and treating chronic and / or severe ear infections which often have middle ear infections as a component of the ear disease.
As Croakey has covered on numerous occasions, the rate of ear disease and hearing loss among Indigenous Australians is 10 times that of the non-Indigenous population.
And it's this passion that's led Kong to playing a starring role in these fantastic film clips, aimed particularly at Indigenous children and families but also providing straight and easy information for the broader community to allay fears about the detection, treatment and ramifications of ear disease.
See also another moving story from the Aboriginal Hearing Program published by the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) and, at the bottom of the post, a call from Menzies School of Health Research for more investment in the prevention and treatment of ear disease and hearing loss in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
There are numerous causes of ear disease in dogs, with some being very common and others extremely rare.
When you look at the causes of ear disease in cats, they can be divided into primary or secondary factors.
There is no reliable data on the level of incidence of either of these ear diseases.
Ear mites are a common cause of ear disease and infection, although other ear conditions may cause similar clinical signs.
In recognition of Hearing Awareness Week (August 21 - 27), leading ear health experts at Menzies School of Health Research (Menzies) are calling for more investment in the prevention and treatment of ear disease and hearing loss in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
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