Sentences with phrase «of easy divorce»

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It's never been easier to call it quits thanks to a slew of simple online offerings that can be accessed from any mobile phone aiming to help couples navigate the divorce process and avoid hefty legal fees along the way.
Mexico City lawmakers want to help newlyweds avoid the hassle of divorce by giving them an easy exit strategy: temporary marriage licenses.
All this changed when the sexual revolution and the rise of feminism ushered in easy divorce, the expectation of a career outside the home for married women, ready access to contraception and abortion, and the gay - rights movement.
Their integrity has been undermined by the easier forms of divorce at the same time as there has been a spread in the practice of cohabitation between men and women without the legal form of marriage.
Where divorce is easy, thought should be given to how couples are to appreciate the seriousness and solemnity of the step they are taking.
There is no easy answer or quick fix to the phenomenon of a deluge of divorces that began in 1969 and has persisted for more than 30 years.
• The promotion of easy - to - get divorces, abortion on demand, and lesbianism as acceptable lifestyle choices.
It is for such reasons that in the past those who were deserted by a spouse were stigmatised in some communities; the fact that divorce was viewed as wrong made it easy to conflate feelings for those involved with disapproval of the objective evil of divorce.Likewise those who genuinely find that they are attracted to persons of the same sex have been unjustly stigmatised and alienated.
Whether it's down to the Church fearing that people may see divorce as an «easy» option, or that it somehow taints and casts the Christian faith in a bad light — it shows that our community's perception and understanding of divorce needs to change.
It is not the will of God that children suffer from hunger and malnutrition and grow up in unsanitary slums with lack of proper education, that persons because of the color of their skin are debarred from schools, hospitals, employment, or housing projects; that persons are denied other basic human rights; that personalities and homes are broken through drink and that great numbers die on highways through drunken driving; that marriage vows are often taken lightly and that easy divorces shatter home after home and leave children the pawns of the parents» selfishness.
Radical women and flamboyant homosexuals are easy (and ancient) targets, but neither undermines heterosexual marriage more than an array of other factors, such as financial instability, emotional dysfunction, unfair distribution of domestic labor, widespread divorce, interreligious differences and intercultural conflict.
What was best for the happiness of the adults overshadowed stability for children and divorce was made easy.
The Catholic Church is misleading the flock with it's annulments of marriage, as one could commit adultery and get an annulment pretty easy in the U.S. as it is common practice to look the other way, but according to cannon law no one can get a divorce.
These negatives, if conscientiously observed, would enormously cut down on the present state of easy and frequent divorce which seriously honeycombs our culture and undermines the foundations of the home.
The message of Hosea in restoring his erring wife, Gomer, to his home is a symbol of the forgiving love of God, which ought to be practiced in the human relation before there is any easy recourse to divorce.
3 Divorce was easy, and by giving her a written bill of divorcement a husband on any pretext could send away his wife «if then she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her» (Deut.
Those who look to divorce as an easy escape when signs of disappointment and conflict arise will undermine the very possibilities for the happiness which they claim to be seeking.
Divorce complicates the lives of children and they just want their childhood to be free and easy.
A lot of Gwyneth's divorced friends go to her for advice because she has made this transition look so easy.
Having spent the first 30 years of my life dealing with the impact of my parent's divorce and then dealing with my own divorce 7 years later has not been easy.
Dixie did not divorce, but it took having a supportive husband and a lot of self - awareness on her part; it's easy to put all your focus on your child — who legitimately needs so much more — instead of your relationship, which was a familiar theme I came across in «parents of special needs kids» chat rooms while researching for the HuffPo article.
it is clear that the change in divorce laws in the last half of the 20th century reflected a change in social values — a change that simultaneously attempted to: 1) make divorces easier to obtain; 2) reduce the social and legal stigma associated with divorce; and 3) reduce the psychosocial trauma (blame and character assassination) associated with divorce.
No one else has even hinted at childless divorce being any easier than child - full divorce, for lack of a better word.
Learn more about the effects of divorce on children and what fathers and mothers can do to make a very difficult process at least a little easier to manage for the kids.
Learn how children of divorce are affected by the breakup of a family and what parents can do to make the transition easier.
These days, getting married and divorced is almost as easy as ordering a pair of shoes online.
The Teller's realization that there's no reliable evidence that any of the above is true led them to an understanding of divorce that's so simple as to be banal: everyone's situation is unique and there's no easy way through it for any individual or those individual's loved ones.
Such consideration would add a measure of justice to the current divorce process; it would also discourage some divorces, as spouses who would otherwise seek an easy exit might avoid a divorce that would harm them financially or limit their access to their children.
Our divorce wasn't without heartbreak, but it was an easy decision to make, as it was obvious neither one of us was getting what we needed or wanted out of the marriage.
«When one combines the obstacles to bearing or adopting with women's desire to achieve and consequently putting off pregnancy, the high divorce rate, and the potential complications of second marriages and blended families, it's easy to understand the swift increase in the number of only children in our society.»
For the younger adoptee, it is easy to internalize the anguish of knowing that two mothers (or two sets of parents) have a claim on you and to feel some emotional tug - of - war as a result, but this is common among children of divorce as well, and nobody would force a child to live with one parent while denying the existence of the other.
The following is a list of things you can do to make your children's lives easier after a divorce.
But perhaps because of its unusualness, Ellis was able to introduce an idea that remains as radical and tantalizing today as it was in his time: trial marriages, in which he envisioned couples exploring a temporary union of varying levels of commitment that allowed them to have sex, access birth control and have an easy divorce if desired, as long as no children were involved.
A lot of Gywneth's divorced friends go to her for advice because she has made this transition looks so easy.
Your leaving might make it easier for your spouse to delay the signing of divorce papers, putting you at a strategic disadvantage.
Parenting through divorce (or Parenting Through Rage, as one of my friends pointed out) is not easy, but this book helped me acknowledge my own feelings and processes, and make a plan to positively coparent with my ex.
That might seem like an extreme option, but it's much easier than a divorce, if you're married, or seeing your children go through major struggles without you (or because of your absence).
Dr. Toni Falbo, a professor of educational psychology at University of Texas at Austin who has been studying only children in the States and in China for decades, says it's not clear if divorce is any easier if there are siblings.
Elizabeth's inclusive strategies offer alternatives for all sorts of families (married, divorced, single, adoptive...), all sorts of children (from the easy - going to those with special needs) and all sorts of parenting styles.
When children are confident of the love of both of their parents, they have an easier time adjusting to their parents» divorce.
Converting to being an independent state would be much harder than joining the EU once it achieved independence status and it worked out all of the necessary «divorce» arrangements with the U.K. And, that job would be made easier than it might be by its already substantial legal autonomy with its own legal system (except for the U.K. Supreme Court), its own legislature, etc..
Opponents, which included an odd coalition of the Catholic Church and women's advocacy groups, argued no - fault divorce debases marriage, making it too easy for couples who should be working out their problems to throw in the towel (the church) and suggested it will now be too easy for the wealthier spouse — usually the man — to leave their partners without adequate resources (NOW - NYS President Marica Pappas blasted what she dubbed «divorce on demand»).
The divorce rate in the United States ranges between 40 and 50 percent, and the ubiquity of social media makes it easier to connect with others.
Happier people do not have easier lives, with less hard work, grief, divorce, or financial strain than the rest of us.
I like the ones, DG, who say they are divorced, but then give you their whole name inadvertently in their email (when you start emailing «offline»)-- this makes it real easy to look up their website, and to find their wife's website (who was an interior decorator of some stature in the south).
Meeting these people first and foremost should give you the best chance possible of a long and happy future together, though you can browse through additional profiles using our «Have you met...» feature too... This is dating after divorce made easy!
Of course, this seems straightforward on paper, but in reality letting go is not so easy, especially when the high emotions of divorce, remarriage, and co-parenting are involveOf course, this seems straightforward on paper, but in reality letting go is not so easy, especially when the high emotions of divorce, remarriage, and co-parenting are involveof divorce, remarriage, and co-parenting are involved.
Once you have gone through the process difficult, painful and often financially costly divorce, it is easy to feel like the idea of??
Online dating site for divorced or widowed persons, shows that new happy relationships are real, that divorce dating is the easiest way to make new acquaintances with single men and dating women from any corner of the world.
Moreover, online dating site contains thousands of personal profiles of divorced single people plus five thousand newcomers per day for you to choose from the person of your dream fast and easy.
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