Sentences with phrase «of ecological catastrophe»

The possibility of ecological catastrophe injects moral purpose back into public life, in spite of a collapse in trust.
Ice - Capped Roof of World Turns to Desert Scientists warn of ecological catastrophe across Asia as glaciers melt and continent's great rivers dry up by Geoffrey Lean May 7, 2006 The Independent / UK
Beginning, excerpted:» Ice - capped roof of world turns to desert «Scientists warn of ecological catastrophe across Asia as glaciers melt and continent's great rivers dry up
Mary is pregnant, and Michael can't bear the thought of raising a child in the face of ecological catastrophe.
What's the evidence for all this talk of ecological catastrophe and biodiversity impacts?
Ice - Capped Roof of World Turns to Desert Scientists warn of ecological catastrophe across Asia as glaciers melt and continent's great rivers dry up by Geoffrey Lean May 7, 2006 The Independent / UK
Robert Heilbroner has recently predicted such a collapse, largely as a result of ecological catastrophe.

Not exact matches

Economism is now leading to both social and ecological catastrophes of global proportions.
That people were essentially a problem, even a pollutant, rather than a resource; that social, political, economic, and ecological catastrophe was right around the corner, unless drastic steps were taken to stabilize and then reverse world population trends - these were the themes, familiar to even the most casual student of the American anti-natalist lobby, that set the agenda for Budapest and Mexico City.
There are risks related to ecological catastrophes (the desertification, the depletion of the Ozone layer, the deforestation, the Greenhouse effect).
The possibility of major human catastrophe, whether by nuclear holocaust or by irreversible ecological disaster, is all too real.
In fact, in recent years it has become difficult to find fictional presentations of the near future that do not feature decaying cities, a ruthless ruling class, economic collapse, and impending ecological catastrophe.
We have grown used to the threats of nuclear war, the population explosion, and ecological catastrophe.
The Hamoun wetlands, which once encompassed as much as 5800 square kilometers along Iran's border with Afghanistan and supported settlements stretching back 5 millennia, «are an ecological catastrophe,» says Nayyereh Pourmollae, who heads the environment department of Sistan and Baluchestan province in southeastern Iran.
An ecological catastrophe 201 million years ago supposedly paved the way for the rise of giant dinosaurs, but it may not have happened that way after all
But the epic pace of China's development could spawn an ecological catastrophe of a different order.
Likewise, it claimed that the scuttling of the Brent Spar would be a marine ecological catastrophe.
He also examines the larger lessons to be learned from such an ecological catastrophe — brought on by commercial exploitation and deforestations, among other causes — in this «planet's sixth great episode of mass extinctions.»
The toads were blamed for widespread ecological catastrophe, for killing off many of the islander's chickens, and even for lethally poisoning a couple of local people.
Bad Weather (Giovanni Giammi, 2012) A haunting documentary about a community of Pakistanese prostitutes threatened by an ecological catastrophe.
They envision ecological and biological catastrophes, alien invasions, but most of all technological meltdown.
Although he's aware of the enormity of the contemporary ecological catastrophe, he does not turn it into the central theme of his work, but integrates it in the many issues that he is concerned about.
Meanwhile, what is coming to substitute our former conception would hardly seem to be a substitute at all: the looming specter of global ecological catastrophe.
Karl Schroeder: If there is any life on Earth in 100 years, I foresee either an ecological catastrophe, with the majority of species extinct, the oceans stagnant, the arctic and Antarctic desolate and lifeless, and billions of people living in complete ignorance of how things could be, in massive urban centres; or, a world in which climate change was solved early and completely through innovations in power generation and carbon sequestration, where agriculture has gone to vertical farming and North America has largely been rewilded back to forest and open prairie, and where extinct species are regularly recreated by genetic engineering and reintroduced.
They added that the vast environmental changes brought about by the process will increase droughts and sandstorms over the rest of the country, and devastate many of the world's greatest rivers, in what experts warn will be an «ecological catastrophe».
Construction of a planned dam on the Kura (Mtkvari) River in the Turkish province of Ardahan would redirect much of the river's water from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, leading to «an ecological and economic catastrophe» in Georgia, officials from the Georgian Green Party are cited as claiming in a recent article by the Georgian publication Democracy & Freedom Watch.
What kind of catastrophe can not be predicted, but numerous candidates have been discussed in this book: ecological collapses of various kinds, large - scale crop failures due to ecological stress or changes in climate and leading to mass famine; severe resource shortages, which could lead either to crop failures or to social problems or both; epidemic diseases; wars over diminishing resources; perhaps even thermonuclear war.»
Similarly, the debate is permeated with the assumption that climate change will bring ecological catastrophe in its train with major loss of species diversity in its train.
According to Lynas, Rockström and his associates — referred to by Lynas as the «planetary boundaries experts group» — believe that they have identified nine fundamental measures of the planet's ecological health that human development must not interfere with, if ecological catastrophe is to be avoided.
Yet a long history of colonial exploitation coupled with four decades of the «dirty war» and a thriving narcotics industry have created an ecological catastrophe.
The application of the precautionary principle in response to fears about ecological catastrophe is not the result of politically - neutral, objective calculation.
Irresponsible felling of trees is leading to irreversible environmental and ecological catastrophe.
Amid contemporary scenarios of potential climatic catastrophes and global warming that might be imagined to bring a new ice age, the powerful image of the Gulf Stream rising from the Florida Straits and flowing to the north Atlantic inevitably provokes questions about its ecological significance and whether it might ever stop.
That's why an article on «The World's Ongoing Ecological Disasters» — some of which make the BP spill pale in comparison — offered an especially striking reminder that there are ecosystems and people suffering outside the eye of the nightly news.A Five - Decade Oil Spill in Nigeria In his piece this week for Foreign Policy, author Joshua E. Keating highlights five global environmental catastrophes that appear to be even harder to solve that the BP spill.
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