Sentences with phrase «of economic ideology»

Update Judging by the comments, rightwingers are pretty hard to embarrass (after eight years of Bush, and the complete collapse of their economic ideology, I guess this isn't so surprising).
It's probably the case that I dug deeper, and was less charitable to the mainstream than I might have been because of my economic ideology.
But we recognized that the more realistic goal was to weaken the support of economic ideology and the policies it generates on the part of people of good will.

Not exact matches

The aggregate of all our joys and sufferings, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every hopeful child, every mother and father, every inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there - on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Built just inside North Korea's border in 2004 as a symbol of economic partnership, it is a place where commerce trumps ideology, while generating $ 2 billion a year for the North's trade - starved economy.
The transition from a radical regime guided by a utopian ideology to a pragmatic one with a laser - like focus on maintaining power by delivering superior economic performance is one of the main drivers for how China has managed to engineer an economic revolution since the late 1970s.
One of those who find in the discipline more ideology than science, Orrell argues against 10 principles of economic orthodoxy, including the rationality and predictability of the market and its potential to provide happiness.
The result was a birth of a new economic ideology, the Obama ideology... or what I like to call, «Liberal Economic Elitism»economic ideology, the Obama ideology... or what I like to call, «Liberal Economic Elitism»Economic Elitism» (LEE).
We're at a line in the sand here, where we can continue blindly marching over the cliff, or we can get a grip: ramp down fossil fuel use immediately, get an economic system geared to fixing up the mess we've made instead of enriching the few who already have far more than enough, nourish an ideology of cooperation instead of competition, and put the technology to more intelligent uses than convenience and mindless diversion.
Lastly, Harper simply has no answer at all when it comes to promoting new long term economic growth in Canada and his laissez - faire ideology means that we are falling further and further behind those countries that are actually using the power and organizing capacity of the state to create sustained, modernizing economic growth.
There is no narrative that sets out the longer - run economic and social challenges; there is no discussion of how these challenges are interrelated; and, there is no commitment to put aside ideologies and consider what is best for the country.
At issue was the «sanctity of debt» ideology that took no account of the broad economic context and growth prospects.
Through the 1950s, however, all Christians of whatever stripe held to what Wilcox calls «the ideology of familism» that invested marriage, childbearing, and the household with sacredness, and in which, at least since the Industrial Revolution, men were the chief economic providers while the domestic sphere and the welfare of the children were chiefly the domain of women.
This ideology insists that «everything from the necessities of economic competition to limited resources requires «cramming» future populations in ever smaller spaces.
People like Santorum remind me of the Pharasees who were careful to show up in the temple full of pride and self righteous indignation for anyone who dared to question their rigid ideology yet never took one step towards bettering conditions in their society or spoke out against social and economic injustice.
It's also a matter of social practices, governmental policies, political decisions, economic strategies and ideologies that are spread through education and media.
Manifest Destiny — the ideology through which the Europeans and others moved Westward across America, ultimately leading to the greatest genocide in the history of the planet — was an ECONOMIC ideology.
And only those who deny the reality of terrorism and torture in the Algerian War, the Vietnam War, the shah's Iran, the Afghan «occupation,» the Philippines under Marcos, or the current struggles in Central America, Sri Lanka, South Africa and Beirut attribute terrorism and torture to a single political ideology or economic system.
Actually communism, socialism and fascism are the economic ideologies / philosophies of choice of atheists.
Communism, socialism and fascism are the economic ideologies / philosophies of choice of atheists and idolaters.
Actually communism, socialism and fascism are the economic ideologies / philosophies of choice.
After drawing out how the encyclical applies this to various social, economic and ecological issues he highlighted, concerning «the problem of technology», that «this is the first time an encyclical deals with the subject in such an organic manner -LSB-...] The exclusively technical mentality [and ideology] in fact, reduces all to pure doing... [True human development] requires a new perspective upon man that only the God who is truth and love can provide.»
Thus, they see matter as having evolved toward reason, but then they see the evolution of reason itself as confined purely to the material level — from one material economic system to another which in turn conditions ideology or the superstructure of society.
The recommendations of the Club of Rome were heavily criticized by business interests who had most to lose, but their claims served only to illustrate how much political and economic ideology is driven by self - interest.
Some of the businesses that have put large sums into the campaigns of congressmen and presidents, as well as labor generally, have suffered from the movement toward free trade that is supported by economic ideology.
One is a lack of belief in gods, the other is an economic and social ideology that promotes a classless society based on public ownership of the means of production.
Instead of being left to rely on deductive theoretical formulations about the economic or political interests served by ideologies, we are offered attempts to spell out a credible set of social factors that relate the actual producers and disseminators of ideas with their social environment, with interested audiences, and with sequences of action that put ideas into effect.
An established church may be the immediate context in which a religious movement appears, and it may be the focus of the movement's ideology, but this institution is in turn likely to depend on the state and the economic hierarchy for support.
It is an ideology seizing threads of environmental, social, racial, and economic justice, and interweaving them with strands of multiculturalism, gender discourse, gay rights, queer theory, post-colonialism, and anti-capitalism.
The scientific and technical revolution of the past several centuries has reduced the functional time - space within which the several races, cultures, ideologies, religions and economic systems of mankind live to the dimension of a village.
We know today, much more vividly than did our philosophical and theological predecessors, how important economic arrangements are in shaping the values, ideologies and cultures of various states.
The whole domain of Western culture, in its political, economic, intellectual and ethical aspects, is seen as ruled by ideologies which have no affinity with the Christian faith.
communis — common, universal) is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless, and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order.
But the true scandal, as Caldwell shows, is that political elites» ideology of deregulation — moral and economic, liberal and conservative — is responsible for creating, disguising, and prolonging the carnage.
Many Christians in North America and Europe feel alienated from the Third World ideology that seems to dominate WCC thinking, although perhaps this reflects the failure of those Christians to acknowledge the economic exploitation and racism of Europe and North America.
But this ideology does not allow us to consider that perhaps private business decisions are in fact making some political decisions more or less inevitable, or that the media themselves may be controlled more by economic considerations than by a devotion to democratic principles of free expression.
However, they were also pragmatists, and they couldn't have failed to see how democracy, which was viewed in India as inseparable from the promise of social and economic justice, and the official ideology of secular nationalism were necessary means to contain the country's many sectarian divisions.
Long ago the fanatic belief of economic liberalism (that if the individual strives for maximum economic prosperity the result will be maximum prosperity for all) has been shown to be wishful thinking, an ideology meant to somehow socially justify gross egotism.
But they have altered the fundamental fact that the economic system of late industrial America can not be reconciled with the fundamental American ideology of economic independence as the basis of political order.
However Communism / Socialism were and still are the favorite economic ideologies of atheists / evolutionists.
They closely tie economic Globalization from Above to the political aspect in that (1) the source of pressure for change is the same, and (2) close links are alleged between the ideologies of free markets and free societies.
In a general sense, one can speak of four areas of struggle: (i) the system of economic exploitation and social stratification (racial segregation, women's working conditions, unemployment and the new legislation of «flexibility and «deregulation); (ii) the ideology (the way of representing the world, social relations, etc.) that justifies the system — the new ideologies of race superiority, the religious legitimation of competition and the so - called free market as the only and sufficient way of organizing human life (iii) the ways in which the consciousness of the oppressed, is led to interject this ideology of domination and to develop a feeling of self - denial and self - devaluation; (iv) the atomization of the society through the weakening and destruction of neighborhood, workers and local cultural manifestations.
But — and this is a huge qualifier — if that message of justification by God's undeserved love is preached apart from an unmasking of the actual power relations which have aggravated these feelings to the level of a social neurosis; if people are released from the rat race of upward mobility only privatistically, with no critique of the economic and social ideology that stimulates such desperate cravings; if people are liberated from a bad sense of themselves without any sense of mission to change the conditions that waste human beings in such a way, then justification by faith becomes a mystification of the actual power relations, and the Christian gospel is indeed the opiate of the masses.
It is necessary therefore to evaluate this «ideology» of the market - economy if we have to evaluate the commoditisation of education which is now adopted as the government policy as a part of its policy of giving priority to economic growth.
It is based on the sexual experiences of the poor, using economic and political analysis while unveiling the sexual ideology of systematic theology.»
The difference between education understood only as training in technical skills within the ideology of the economic growth and education for promoting a technical society within the framework of a culture of «scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform», is indeed great.
On the other hand, we have the Marxist interpretation of history as a «dialectical» process, determined by economic factors; a process which takes form in our time as the final class - war between bourgeoisie and proletariate with their respective «ideologies».
The economic prosperity during the baby boom after WWII helped give rise to the consumer ideology of the 1950's and 60's, which was the beginning of the modern baby shower.
Politically world - wide this kind of economic position is most associated with centrist party ideologies like Christian Democracy and Social Democracy.
Not because they share a gender or even an ideology but because the Scottish Tory leader has experience of building an electoral coalition based not on economic outlook but on being on the winning side of a referendum and attempting to convert that into a lasting electoral coalition.
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