Sentences with phrase «of economistic»

Higher education as a whole has become part of the economistic system to a degree that it never became part of the nationalist one.
Prior to Rio there were many criticisms of the effects of economistic policies on the poor, on traditional societies, on indigenous peoples, and on the environment.
I do believe that the dominance of economistic thinking reduces our tendency to encourage the improvement of taste and our generosity toward one another.

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Bottom Line 2: no, South Korea and Japan will not go to war over the Dodko islets, but despite all that economistic thinking ought to imply, relations between the two countries really are seriously deteriorating, and in danger of becoming worse yet.
The expansion of production that is central to the economistic program overall adds to the violence done to the environment.
It is not economism as such, but the particular theories that govern our economistic world, that make us largely indifferent to the vast and ever - growing disparity in the distribution of the world's goods.
The representatives of these many groups had come to see that the economistic policies adopted by almost all nations were the common enemy.
Defenders of economism will continue to explain that all of its failures are due to the refusal of the nations of the world to implement economistic policies purely.
Beginning in the sixties there have been waves of protest both against the transformation of the university into an economistic institution and against academic disciplines that are not geared to the urgent issues of our time.
This leaves to university administration the task of justifying the continuance of these disciplines in economistic terms.
Trump's detractors may well have the better of that argument as far as economistic thought goes.
We require an ethic that is neither reductionistic and economistic nor idealistic and moralistic, neither the pure market economics of Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman nor the utopian, inefficient, antimarket economies of the left.
Economistic thinkers typically support this opposition, but as long as the issues are fought out within the nation, public opinion can support policies that involve some short - term economic losses for the sake of long - term environmental gains.
In this new, economistic order, the function of education is to improve the stock of human capital in the nation.
The same concern led to the establishment during the same period of global economistic institutions, especially the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
But whereas this economistic idealism once fueled the move to this global economy, today the economistic system is sustained chiefly by the economic and political power of those who benefit from it.
Some of them still have ties to Christianity that are strong enough to give more powerful leverage against the economistic order.
The collapse of the Asian economies which were viewed with such pride by economistic thinkers has also undercut some of the idealism of economism.
Some of us will continue to risk being labeled «economistic» in our hopes for an effectively regulated, ecologically sustainable, global market economy.
Whatever concessions they have made to economistic pressures, they continue to define themselves in terms of broader human values.
But Wolfers» assumption that because the less educated have fewer resources they have no reason to get married betrays a thoroughgoing economistic view of the history of marriage» and more deeply of the human person.
Whereas for Reagan and Bush economistic goals were the goals, for Clinton and Gore they continue to be the dominant goals but environmental health is also an important goal that may require limitations to the pursuit of economic gain.
We have in recent years witnessed a number of new theoretical schemes — or attempts to revive old schemes in which collective, behavioral, observable variables predominate: ecological theories, economistic models, market metaphors, notions of moral order and moral economy, and cybernetic and behaviorist approaches, to name a few.
Rather than preaching from on high to «those below», the great potency of Labour as a popular party was that it shunned liberalism's economistic, rationalist, and anti-patriotic trappings.
The treatment of digital as a secondary market by major publishers also suggests an economistic view of what the new medium means for the industry.
However, it's just occurred to me that an idea I've tried to express in the economistic terms of opportunity cost, without convincing anybody, might be more persuasive as a trolley problem.
This is one case where, despite my economistic prejudice in favor of price - based measures, I think regulation is the way to go.
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