Sentences with phrase «of elements at»

Plan your colour scheme carefully if you have a lot of elements at play.
Crypt of the NecroDancer never loses sight of the elements at its core that make it engaging.
The native of Plymouth, Massachusetts, who has been delighting the taste buds of guests of elements at Sanctuary for five years, wowed Today show host Al Read More...
You'll find both of these elements at Outrigger Laguna Phuket Beach Resort.
That last is unsurprising because CHAPPIE is the brainchild of Neill Blomkamp, and many of the elements at work in that earlier film about the meaning of humanity are at work in this one.
For example, there is collision of elements at the end of the movie Lady in the Water.
Do you limit the number of elements at play or is it a more visceral process for you?
There are a lot of elements at play in this look, and while it can be so easy to throw on a dress and necklace, sometimes it's fun to really build a look and make it your own.
Didymium appeared in many lists of elements at this time, but it was later proved to consist of two elements, praseodymium and neodymium.
The 2018 Final Four is going to give us an opportunity to see both of these elements at work, and it should be fantastic.
In review, the hierarchical scheme is constructed on a modified reductionist principle, in that each level of abstraction is to be explained in terms of the elements at the next highest level.
No offense, but you are really out of your element at this point with the whole probabilities thing... The first rule of holes is that when you are in one, stop digging..
That's because neutrons interact with the nucleus, rather than the cloud of electrons around it, and interact with very different strengths with the nucleus of each element at the lighter end of the periodic table.
I'm actually a fairly extroverted person, but I felt so out of my element at that networking event in DC, it took a LOT for me to introduce myself to you — and I was such a goobery fan girl, it was totally embarrassing.
From the early 1960s, the artist has employed elementary shapes — such as circles, stripes, and curves — to create visual experiences that actively engage the viewer, testing the limits of each element at various stages throughout her career.
b.) Analysis of lunar samples revealed mass fractionation in the Sun that enriches lightweight elements (h and He) and lightweight isotopes of each element at the solar surface:

Not exact matches

«Deep down at heart, we are like kids at Christmas and want to be surprised with something cool,» says Ruhlin «The element of surprise can elevate a gift from good to great.»
When we looked at case studies of successful investment attraction efforts, five common elements emerged:
If these elements float to the top of all the spin and bluster that will be reported from Europe over the next 48 to 72 hours, an agreement likely is at hand.
Constantly working in a global context, it was important from quite early on to learn to work with the more challenging elements of different cultures, while at the same time identifying their best factors and making them my own.
And while there's an element of that at play, even a short conversation with her reveals razor - sharp business acumen.
«We see elements of commodity in it that are subject to our regulations, but depending on which regulatory regime you're looking at, it has different aspects of all of that,» he said.
And that's great, because that's the new element at the heart of «Odyssey» — Mario can «capture» and inhabit various things, both living and not.
Neil Patel, blogger at and co-founder of KISSmetrics and Crazy Egg, gives some common mistakes often made on websites, explains website hotspots, and a few elements every website should contain.
«But if elements in that service start to improve, at some point that will reach your consciousness, and you start to reframe your view of a particular brand.
Benjamin Tal, the deputy chief economist, at CIBC World Markets, weighed into the debate with a research note that, effectively, concluded a «flipping tax» on foreign investors isn't the worst idea in the world since it could help curb a potentially problematic element of foreign investment.
Even resistant - to - change farmers are taking control: No longer at the mercy of the natural elements, they're harnessing big data to maximize crop yields and increase productivity.
Examining modern campaign politics, the open - source movement and some of the few recent bright spots in the traditional music business, Benkler isolates a handful of «design levers» — «elements of successful cooperative human systems that we can employ to motivate [people]... to contribute to the collective effort rather than exclusively pursue their own interests (at the expense of those of the group).»
You get that same strategic element at the end of the basketball game.
At the end of the fundraising, there was an element of, «Gee, this is great — extra capital that will help us drive to the next place, but this is not the destination.»
Finally, you'll take a look at common elements of most plans to get an idea of which ones you want to include and how each will be treated.
See reconciliation of the non-GAAP elements of this calculation reconciled to the corresponding GAAP measures included in the Appendix - Non-GAAP Financial Measures section at the end of this release.
Thriving individuals also have some or all of the following elements in their lives: challenges and difficulties that are at a manageable level; employer / family / other support; a calm environment; a high degree of autonomy; and a reputation of being competent.
He said that though the vast majority of creators respond to changes at YouTube in a reasonable fashion, a fringe element always sees conspiracies and plots in every move made by the company's leadership.
When tech entrepreneur Kieran Snyder analyzed performance reviews done by a diverse group of managers at a variety of companies a few years ago, she found that constructive feedback given to women included strong elements of «negative personality criticism» that were all but absent from the suggestions for men.
If you can't do that, make sure you're at least using colors that balance the different elements of the infographic and make it easy to read.
Although just about everything else is speeding up, one element in particular seems to be either slowing down, or at the least, remaining stagnant: the act of physically paying for transactions or products.
NBCUniversal may change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Site or online services at any time (and any elements and features of them), in whole or in part, for any reason, in our sole discretion, without notice or liability, including pursuant to Section 19 (Termination) below.
In their analysis of the new legislation, lawyers at McCarthy Tétrault warned its «broad concepts and elements of uncertainty» could «place a heavy burden» on foreign companies looking to invest in Canada; the risk of a meddlesome minister torpedoing a deal is just too high.
There's an element of psychology at work here in that when we encounter crisis in our lives, we're also programmed to deal with change in a way that, in more normal times when everything seems fine, we tend to reject.
«Toronto has many of the critical elements to become a digital media capital,» says Don Tapscott, author of Macrowikinomics and professor of management at the Rotman School of Management, noting the city's access to quality talent, good infrastructure and strong universities, as well as its large media presence.
That element, the president's authorization codes, is supposed to remain in close proximity to the president at all times, carried by one of five military aides, representing each branch of the military.
A right to use a portion of a public good for private gain — the private gain part is a key element in the consideration and also in how a court would look at the transaction.
Small class sizes that allow for personalized learning are a central element of Gustavson's appeal, along with a program that the university describes as «international at heart» — global business content is worked into the curriculum and there's a variety of international exchange possibilities.
The CEO detailed three elements of 3M that put his massive multinational squarely at the center of the electric car trend: its longtime involvement in the automotive, electronic and energy, and traffic safety industries.
The businesses that could not meet at least three of those four elements, we figure... they will be better off with a different owner.
However, these websites do permit accredited investors to back projects at lower investment thresholds (e.g., $ 1,000, $ 5,000 per investor), so they employ the «pooling» and online elements of crowdfunding.
If you've ever heard the phrase «It works if you work it», you have been acquainted with the core elements of success... at anything.
He dismissed the pressure to pursue an ethical foreign policy as the work of «influential minority elements among us that have some special interest» at heart and believed the American commitment to Israel was a strategic liability.
They provide not just transient happiness, like laughing at a friend's joke, but memorable delight... To construct elevated moments, we must boost sensory pleasures... and, if appropriate, add an element of surprise.
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