Sentences with phrase «of email exchanges»

Also, a conversation over the phone is more time - effective than a series of email exchanges.
After about one month of email exchanges and a few phone calls, they finally met in person.
As indicated in the intro, this is a summary of our email exchange.
After about one month of email exchanges and a few phone calls, they finally met up in person.
First it was a laundry list of reasons why making Adam Sandler movies was slowly crushing people's souls, and now it's a series of email exchanges between Sony co-chief Amy Pascal, producer Scott Rudin, Aaron Sorkin, and some agents that's providing a window into the breakdown of a major production deal.
During the government's three week case, the jury has heard from roughly a dozen witnesses, dozens of wiretapped phone conversations and read hundreds of email exchanges.
In an article posted a few days ago I shared the first part of an email exchange between Bill McCoy of the IDPF and Sanders Kleinfeld of O'Reilly.
The Inspector General report (Response to Sen. James Inhofe's Request to OIG to Examine Issues Related to Internet Posting of Email Exchanges Taken from the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, UK) is available online here.
``... There was the leaking from the University of East Anglia's climate research unit of email exchanges between some of the world's top meteorologists...»
To see exactly how to use event opportunities for cold email prospecting, here are three real examples of email exchanges that quickly became warm leads.
Near the end of our email exchange, Derek listed several wars that had been «won» by the use of violence.
After describing Monday how he and Percoco began trading on their close ties to Andrew Cuomo and his father Mario, the former New York governor, in 2011 and outlining the scheme, on Tuesday Howe walked jurors through several years of email exchanges about their efforts to keep Howe's clients paying fees and bribes.
Here is an excerpt of the email exchange between Spinola and James Patchett, the chief of staff to Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia Glen, obtained through a Freedom of Information Law request:
In 2008 a sequence of email exchanges between Mr Draper and Lord Mandelson damaged a planned make - over of Mr Brown's reputation during his difficult time as Prime Minister.
But shortly prior to his obtaining the documents by deception, he had — in the course of an email exchange with Jim Lakely of the Heartland Institute who had invited him to a debate — asked for and been refused a list of Heartland donors.
For example, one should meet another potential date in an open and public place and inform close friends as well as family members of where they're going and one should also keep online records of email exchanges as well as chat sessions in case something will happen.
My book is comprised solely of emails exchanged between friends, dates, and romantic prospects as the story of online dating unfolds.
These editors have expressed to us that e-book PDF files (which are then downloaded to an e-book reading device or read from a computer) can get lost in a barrage of email exchanges, while books are solid, and physically in front of them.
According to Apple, the meaning of this email exchange was that McIntosh was being ironic publishers had actually agreed to 70 - 30 agency terms — a worse deal for them.
Special guest Francesca Lia Block, best known for her young adult novels, read a series of poems titled «How to Fall in Love» that grew out of an email exchange between a friend.
Crony - Science: a case - study of emails exchanged between Coca - Cola and the principal investigators of the International Study of Childhood Obesity...
In this case, the dispute was over the significance of the email exchange between Mr. Bédard and Mr. Morgan.
News of the email exchange comes amid federal investigations into whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia
A day later though, the hackers were still threatening to expose 30 Gigabytes of stolen employee and customer data, Fortune learned through a series of email exchanges with the alleged attackers.
FDA said that despite over a dozen meetings and «hundreds of email exchanges» the company had failed to show the tests were backed by science.
A series of emails exchanged between the two men from early 2014 to this summer shed more light on the racial attitudes of one of New York's most politically connected financiers and prolific donors to both Democratic and Republican candidates and causes.
After reading a series of email exchanges, Parag called me and said: «Sanjay, you can do it.»
In some of the email exchange associated with getting his approval to post this comment he signed off «Got ta go put Bligh in the long boat.»
However, Schmidt could have easily authenticated their content because he was a participant in over one hundred of the email exchanges.
The Court of Appeal found no reason to interfere with the Application Judge's conclusion that a reduction in aircraft to zero was not contemplated by either party at the time of the email exchange and cited evidence the Appellant had, itself «not anticipated» the dramatic change in its business at the time of the email exchange or the signing of the lease addendum.
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