Sentences with phrase «of embryonic development of»

Using the CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) high - throughput method, the scientists determined the starting points of transcription of many thousands of genes in various phases of embryonic development of zebrafish.
Others have tracked the first few hours of the embryonic development of sea urchins and other organisms with the goal of seeing how various transcription factors alter gene expression over time.

Not exact matches

But the great and encouraging consequence of this breakthrough is that the humanity of the unborn child, even at the earliest embryonic stage of development, is now a subject of polite conversation even in the circles that so fanatically resisted acknowledging the facts of life.
First, the authors focus on a protein, the transcription factor nanog, and assert that because it «does not block the early embryonic development of the zygote,» therefore ANT - OAR «produces a crippled embryo.»
Nanog appears in both the morula (12 - cell stage) and in high concentration at an advanced stage of normal embryonic development, the blastocyst (150 - cell stage).
While the entity generated by deleting or disabling early embryonic genes would produce only an unorganized collection of stem cells, it would do so after a period of what appears to be relatively normal development.
When cloning is successful, the adult nucleus is stripped of its epigenetic programming, and is restored to a totipotent state that can use all the genetic information present in the nucleus to orchestrate the complete program of embryonic development.
As specialized cells are generated during embryonic development, they are programmed to use only a limited amount of the total genetic information present in the nucleus to produce the proteins required for their particular function.
Embryonic stem cells are produced during development by the same process of epigenetic programming that later will produce adult cells such as skin and brain.
This process of restricting the use of genetic information during embryonic development is known as epigenetic programming» programming that is not part of the DNA code itself but imposed on that code during embryonic development.
Embryonic cells are pluripotent, having the full genetic code enabling them to become any type of cell; they differentiate into particular cells in their later development.
Because the possibility of «twinning» exists for that long in the first stages of embryonic development, one could argue that no individual human being can yet be present - and that, hence, experimentation should be permitted.
One important fact about embryonic development that is often overlooked is that between two - thirds and four - fifths of all embryos that are generated through standard sexual reproduction are spontaneously aborted.
The first page of Larsen's Human Embryology states that, `... [W] e begin our description of the developing human with the formation and differentiation of the male and female sex cells or gametes [sperm and egg], which will unite at fertilisation to initiate the embryonic development of a new individual».
This complex society may be said to begin with conception, or with a late stage of embryonic development, or with early childhood, depending upon the purpose which determines what one takes as its defining characteristic.
... A description of early embryonic development is necessary though not sufficient to an understanding of the nature and worth of an early embryo.
It is possible that in embryonic development similar sorts of ordering are at least initiated by chemical gradients (see LEC).
The idea of development seems to have come from biology, where it is used in reference to the process of evolution from a previous and lower (e.g., embryonic) stage to a later, more complex or more perfect one; this development can involve differentiation into individual organisms and their subsequent histories.
During the embryonic development, the tongue muscle is attached to the floor of the mouth but this attachment will gradually reduce and then disappear naturally from the tip toward the base of the tongue.
«BPA and BPS (substitute for BPA) affect embryonic brain development in zebrafish: Low levels of chemicals linked to hyperactivity.»
I have decided to break this topic down into 3 parts: How to Incubate Chicken Eggs with Kids, Stages of Embryonic Development and Activities to do while Incubating, and finally The Hatch and Going Home.
A working knowledge of pregnancy and human development from the anatomy and physiology point of view including fertilization, basic embryonic development, and basic fetal development.
Perhaps the most astonishing stage of pregnancy is that of the embryonic development as your unborn child goes from being the size of a sesame seed and looking like a tadpole to being the size of a kidney bean with some neck definition and tiny webbed fingers and toes.
«Our research on mice and rats shows that these chemicals affect the embryonic development of these animals.
From such work, we've learned that many of the genes deployed in the developing phallus are also used to build limbs during embryonic development.
The decision whether the maternal or the paternal version is shut down occurs early in embryonic development — one reason, why for long it was thought that the pattern of active alleles is nearly homogeneous in the various tissues of the organism.
In the initial stages of the research project, Yaniv's team members Julian Nicenboim and Dr. Guy Malkinson obtained images of developing zebrafish embryos, whose transparent bodies make it possible to document embryonic development in real time over several days.
The scientists rescued the microcephaly during mouse embryonic development by removing a protein that caused the loss of stem cells.
Now, a collaborative team of scientists at Washington University in St. Louis has developed a new process to generate NP - like cells from hiPSCs, one that truly goes back to the beginning and mimics the process of embryonic development.
Rao, who works at Washington University School of Medicine, tracked eye development in embryonic frogs of the genus Xenopus.
The researchers discovered that both major living lineages of birds (the common neognaths and the rarer paleognaths) differ from the major lineages of non-bird reptiles (crocodiles, turtles, and lizards) and from mammals in having a unique, median gene expression zone of two different facial development genes early in embryonic development.
«This burst of genetic changes happens only during the early stages of embryonic development and then it stops,» Liu said.
The latest findings show that genetic defects in the body's ability to manufacture carnitine might be associated with an increased risk of autism because carnitine deficiency interferes with the normal processes by which neural stem cells promote and organize embryonic and fetal brain development.
To get more cells, researchers from Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Mass., grew clusters of human embryonic cells in a precise cocktail of growth factors and other cell - regulating chemicals that took several years to work out, says Robert Lanza, the firm's vice president of research and scientific development.
By observing how the genes changed during the course of embryonic development, scientists could track the emergence of a novel physical trait, the first step toward the creation of a new species.
Some of the researchers at the centre will study the differentiation of stem cells into other cell types, one group by using human embryonic stem cell biology and another by studying early embryo development.
In experiments on zebrafish, Freiburg researchers have demonstrated that the same proteins that lead to the formation of metastases in humans also cause the cells to migrate during embryonic development.
These seem like two very disparate ideas: the embryonic development of a single specimen and the evolution of a whole species.
To investigate whether maternally supplied gdf3 mRNA also plays a role in left - right patterning, the researchers used a series of experimental tricks to supply embryos with enough Gdf3 protein to form the mesoderm and endoderm and survive until the later stages of embryonic development.
In the United Kingdom, research on embryonic stem cells is legal in the first 2 weeks of their development.
In the absence of gdf3, Ndr1 and Ndr2 signaling is dramatically reduced and embryonic development goes awry.
They also found that embryonic growth appears to be more sensitive to temperature at earlier stages of development and to moisture at later stages.
For this study, Guttridge, first author David J. Wang, who developed many of the study's concepts, and their colleagues monitored NF - kB activity during tumor development using mouse embryonic fibroblasts and two mouse models.
You call the combination of evolution and embryonic development evo devo.
«Furthermore, results of our study highlight the importance of including moisture conditions when predicting embryo growth and sex ratios and in developing proxies of embryonic development.
Their Kupffer's vesicles were abnormally symmetric in shape, and southpaw expression was greatly reduced, suggesting that gdf3 is also required for optimal Nodal signaling during later stages of embryonic development.
This happens particularly often during the stage of embryonic development, but it can also occur in tumors when they form metastases.
Scientists have focused for decades on the role of biochemical cues in embryonic development, Campàs said, because no techniques existed to measure the mechanical cues that cells are exposed to during the formation of tissues and organs.
During embryonic development, undifferentiated stem cells accumulate methyl groups and other epigenetic marks that funnel them into one of the three germ layers, each of which gives rise to a different set of adult tissues.
Cambridge University biologists have cracked the so - called «black box» of embryonic development, a mystery which has long puzzled scientists.
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