Sentences with phrase «of emotional contagion»

Factor structure of the Greek version of the Emotional Contagion Scale and its measurement invariance across gender and cultural groups.
A Swedish adaptation of the Emotional Contagion Scale: Factor structure and psychometric properties.
Unique to these studies is the finding that, when instructed, those with psychopathic traits can easily «catch» the emotions of others via the steps of the emotional contagion pathway, thus implying their capacity for empathy.
On the basis of the emotional contagion hypothesis, we thought that effective parental coping among the COPE mothers would lead to better adjustment outcomes for their children.
due to the phenomenon of emotional contagion, «negative emotions exert a more powerful effect in social situations than positive ones.»

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In a business setting, emotional contagion means a prospect might be influenced by the emotion of another person.
Guy Kawasaki addresses emotional contagion in his book Enchantment: «Smiling sends a very clear message about your state of mind, not smiling creates an opening for many interpretations, including grumpiness, aloofness, and anger.»
Scientists refer to the surge of good feeling as emotional contagion.
They also possess a simple form of empathy called emotional contagion.
Scientists call this emotional contagion (it also happens when someone yawns), and regard it as a basic form of empathy — the ability to experience what someone else is feeling.
The experiment is the first to suggest that emotions expressed via online social networks influence the moods of others, the researchers report in «Experimental Evidence of Massive - Scale Emotional Contagion through Social Networks,» published online this month in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science) Social Science.
Previous experiments had demonstrated emotional contagion in real - world situations — interacting with a happy person is infectiously pleasant, for instance, whereas crossing swords with a grump can launch an epidemic of grumpiness.
The study, in the journal Clinical Psychological Science, looked at alcohol's effect on «emotional contagion,» basically how easily members of a group pick up on and share in one another's feelings.
This emotional drama tells of a melancholic love story between two lost souls, played by Matthias Schoenaerts (most recently seen in the Oscar nominated film Bullhead) and French actress Marion Cotillard (last in Inception, Midnight in Paris and Contagion).
Finally, the self - management techniques most useful for diffusing the emotional contagion of crises will be reviewed.
The actual impact of this research into «emotional contagion» was tiny; the data showed that a user would post four more negative words per 10,000 written after one positive post was removed from his or her feed.
Part of that is a result of a phenomenon that psychologists call «emotional contagion
Individual differences in the effects of spontaneous mimicry on emotional contagion.
New Perspectives on Emotional Contagion: A Review of Classic and Recent Research on Facial Mimicry and Contagion
The strong correlation found by Lundqvist between the two measures further confirms the validity of the ECS; Hatfield and her colleagues (1994) predicted that those who sense they are part of community, rather than alone in the world, should be highly susceptible to emotional contagion; Lundqvist (2008) showed this to be true.
Given the nature of psychopathy, empathy, and emotional contagion, scholars have wondered how they are connected.
The relationship between the biosocial model of personality and susceptibility to emotional contagion: A structural equation modeling approach.
Instead, according to interpersonal theories of depression (Coyne 1976; Joiner and Timmons 2009), contagion may occur when adolescents with high levels of depressive symptoms engage in maladaptive interpersonal interactions, breeding negative emotional states in their relational partners and possibly exacerbating their depressive symptoms.
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