Sentences with phrase «of encouragement to»

Thank you again for all of your encouragement to all of us, decorating and spiritually!
A few years ago I was facing surgery and as a way to take the focus off me and not worry, I sent notes of encouragement to friends and family or people in my church.
It really is remarkable the opportunity we have in blogging to be a source of encouragement to others.
Need a few words of encouragement to get you through the work day?
I just wanted to leave a quick note of encouragement to you as you continue this amazing journey to your forever child.
Thank you so much, Aunt Ruthie, for your words of encouragement to all of us!
In a struggling economy with a delicate housing market, these numbers speak huge volumes of encouragement to real estate professionals.
This book tells the reader how to do it and then zaps them with a boost of encouragement to get started!
The main aim of the current study was to examine longitudinal associations between exposure to parent encouragement to diet in adolescence and weight - related and emotional health outcomes in adulthood and to examine whether intergenerational transmission of encouragement to diet occurs.
Additionally, intergenerational transmission of encouragement to diet occurred and resulted in parents being more likely to report other weight - focused communication in the home environment.
In this study, the authors examined parent encouragement to diet in adolescence and weight - related and emotional health outcomes in adulthood and whether intergenerational transmission of encouragement to diet occurred.
These findings suggest the long - term importance of encouragement to be active by adolescents» same - sex parent.
I hope they are of encouragement to you.
All the quotes written below are a great reminder of encouragement to us all.
Typically, cover letters lead hiring managers to read enclosed resumes — resumes are arduous to read, and it takes a lot of encouragement to pick them up for review, which cover letters provide.
Became an integral team member by offering words of encouragement to colleagues, helping to nurture a cohesive work environment and protecting company culture.
It can even whisper words of encouragement to motivate them to achieve their goals.
Cortana will also offer words of encouragement to inspire you to meet your goals, with responses that are tailored to the specific time of day.
These tax exemptions are offered by the Government as a type of encouragement to individuals and corporations to provide for social causes.
Carolyn Elefant has some sage words of encouragement to lawyers who want to blog — but fear the spectre of multiple, daily deadlines.
Get a glimpse in the National Geographic video below... and in the meantime, you can find me anxiously whispering words of encouragement to our stalwart east coast bloomers.
Unfortunately I'm crippled and can't argue anymore, and all I can do is offer some rather feeble words of encouragement to those who do.
He used to stuff her childhood drawings of faces in his pockets, «which was a kind of encouragement to go into the arts,» Ms. Freilicher said.
Artist Statement «Gestures are a form of encouragement to take action.
«Louise Bourgeois gave me a lot of encouragement to continue in the psychological direction,» said Capote.
You, and by default your posts are an endless source of encouragement to me, thank you dude your rock.
Steam Marines throws you in the deep end with a few words of encouragement to keep you afloat for a minute while you play the tutorial.
Moreover, the boss fights are locked behind collecting a certain number of clovers, pretty high amounts in fact, providing plenty of encouragement to replay levels and conquer their challenges.
Because even if, I mean, let's say best case scenario, Bioware had always intended for all of these women to be the characters that they are now, in the positions they are in now, but if that's not the case it's equally possible that watching the conversations that have been happening over the last couple of years - and particularly this year since E3 - was just that additional amount of encouragement to say «You know what?
Occasionally you'll get lucky and your dog will figure it out right away, but in most cases you'll need to use scheduling, confinement and lots of encouragement to teach your puppy what the newspapers or potty pad are for.
Considering the typical domestic feline's exercise routine consists of moving from napping spot to napping spot, they may need a bit of encouragement to incorporate exercise into their routine.
Charlie needed a bit of encouragement to get started.
I just wanted to write this as a form of encouragement to keep doing what you're doing.
If you've read any personal finance blog for more than a week, you've probably heard some sort of encouragement to «be different» and separate wants from needs, etc., and all that sounds like good advice.
Reconnecting with people in their network, providing clients with a status update on a project or just providing a word of encouragement to an employee are all things that people who have made it to the top take the time to do.
Full of encouragement to work hard and the tools that will get you there, this is a great tool for anyone who refuses to accept the status quo.
A dash of encouragement to share with your writer friends on Twitter?
It's not a magic pill or new fad diet to lift your spirits... Just kind words of encouragement to make a fascinating difference.
There is an established YouTube channel pending in which several donor authors created videos of themselves specifically for the campain, as well as a Facebook page where visitors have offered words of encouragement to Joshua and his family.
With further markets opening for Mofibo strategically across Europe in 2016, consider this a nudge of encouragement to embrace the new and a rewarding nod to those already reaping the rewards of how a successful subscription model works.
By way of encouragement to other writers out there, it's worth mentioning that Sheryl self - published this book in early 2001.
This week during our Ivy Preparatory Academy Board Meeting, our Gwinnett Campus Principal, Mr.Dennis, asked for all stakeholders to take a moment to write a letter of encouragement to one of / our Ivy scholars.
I encourage you to send letters of encouragement to them to Principal Dennis from...
Edutopia founder George Lucas observes Teacher Appreciation Day with words of encouragement to all the unsung heroes who spend their days preparing our children for their future.
When your staff has been working hard at a particularly challenging task, use this poem of encouragement to thank them for their efforts and inspire them to keep going.
During the competition round that required the competitors to solve three Rubik's Cubes correctly, the audience murmured words of encouragement to the fourth place competitor as he valiantly completed his cubes even after the third place winner was declared.
One instruction might tell a student to write an anonymous note of encouragement to a student struggling with math, while another agent could get instructions to do some extra cleaning to surprise the janitor.
Roger identifies himself as a «Captain Question» within a team, encouraging free - thinking and offering words of encouragement to teammates: «In 1991, the British Team won a gold medal for the 4 × 400 metre relay team in the World Championships.
Keep on Swimming When your staff has been working hard, hard, hard at a particularly challenging task, use this poem of encouragement to thank them for their efforts and inspire them to keep going.
Online study tools provide the opportunity to communicate set messages of encouragement to improve or excel.
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