Sentences with phrase «of encryption scheme»

Information about the security of a single function — which can often be determined through a fairly simple analysis — can provide strong guarantees about the security of an encryption scheme as a whole.
They then used the information to generate a secret key that forms part of an encryption scheme based on the mathematics of chaos theory, by which small changes in initial conditions lead to very different outcomes.

Not exact matches

Cracking encryption codes based on either scheme could take normal computer processors thousands of years because they perform operations one after the other, using bits, either 0 or 1.
It's not exactly «Beam me up, Scotty,» but for the first time scientists have teleported information between light and atoms, hastening the long - awaited advent of ultrafast quantum computers and unbreakable encryption schemes.
To get a sense of how the technique works, imagine an encryption scheme that takes only three possible inputs, or plaintexts — «A,» «B,» and «C» — and produces only three possible outputs, or ciphertexts.
One week ago, a group of European security researchers warned that two obscure encryption schemes for email were deeply broken.
In any case the EPUB standard does not define a particular DRM scheme, but instead provides a more general encryption framework on top of which vendors can add their own encryption technologies.
Perhaps more importantly, this encryption scheme can not be unlocked by Apple, even if they are ordered to do so by a court, because the structure of the encryption — your passcode plus secret numbers baked into your phone — isn't known by Apple.
You must use the same level of encryption on every device in your network and the encryption schemes available to 802.11 b devices are weak and have been compromised (WEP encryption, for example, can be compromised in a matter of minutes by a moderately skilled child). - Apple's FileVault 2 offers whole - disk encryption schemes that protect the contents of your disk from unauthorized access.
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