Sentences with phrase «of endorsed candidates»

Please look to this website to see a full list of our endorsed candidates for this year.
However, he insisted he was taking a hands - off approach and recently opted to have an open primary instead of endorsing a candidate in the crowded field.
Not all Democratic candidates support reproductive rights, so check our list of endorsed candidates before voting a Democratic ballot!
Newark Mayor Ras Baraka maintained his influence over the Newark Public Schools Board of Education after all three of his endorsed candidates on the Newark Unity slate — Reginald Bledsoe, Josephine Garcia, and Flohisha Johnson — were victorious in the general election on April 25, 2017.
«The New York State AFL - CIO will continue to work on behalf of its endorsed candidates through Election Day.
Along with the PPHPAF list of endorsed candidates for Congress, additional information on where candidates stand on reproductive health care issues is available through Planned Parenthood Action Fund's online Mobile Voter Guide.
Consideration and discussion of endorsing a candidate in New York's 15th Congressional District.
If you want to see Jonathan continue as District Leader and the rest of our endorsed candidates win their elections please volunteer your time.
The decision opens the door for committee members to circulate nominating petitions and otherwise support Matt Doheny instead of the endorsed candidate, Elise Stefanik of Willsboro.
«This result is not good for the president, especially coming off the loss of his endorsed candidate in the Alabama Senate race.
Consideration and general discussion of endorsing candidates outside the geographic area of Assembly District covered by the Village Independent Democrats.
NYSUT needs to get out of the business of endorsing candidates all together.
When it comes to the state attorney general's race, however, the League is splitting the baby, taking the unusual step of endorsing both candidates: Incumbent Democrat Eric Schneiderman and Republican John Cahill.
The overwhelming majority of our endorsed candidates in open seats won: Rosie Mendez, Daniel Garodnick, Jessica Lappin, and Inez Dickens in Manhattan and Jimmy Vacca in the Bronx.
It said the issue of endorsing a candidate or collapsing its structure for a politician can never happen and enjoined Anambra people to disregard such misconception while keeping faith in their collective efforts to make the state a better place for all
The fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition will add three more candidates to its roster of endorsed candidates today, Roll Call has learned.
The Working Families Party this month has rolled out a get - out - the - vote effort in the 37th Senate district on behalf of its endorsed candidate, Democratic Assemblywoman Shelley Mayer.
Instead of endorsing a candidate, the MP for Barking and Dagenham will use a speech to activists in central London to set out his own plans to shake up the Labour party.
You can also take a look at our full list of endorsed candidates.
UPDATE2: Also, Newsday's Reid Epstein, who is sadly behind the paywall, wrote not long ago about the WFP mailing against another of its endorsed candidates, Assemblywoman Ginny Fields, who lost the Democratic primary to Ken Mangan.
«The New York State AFL - CIO will coordinate a get - out - the vote effort on behalf of its endorsed candidates.
We look forward to working with each of the endorsed candidates next year as we push a pro-business, pro-growth agenda and get New York back to business.»
«The individuals receiving our PAC's endorsement today have demonstrated a strong commitment to improving the business climate of New York State,» said Heather C. Briccetti, Esq., president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc. «While we will never agree on every issue, each of the endorsed candidates recognizes the challenges facing our state and is prepared to face those challenges with legislative solutions that will improve the lives of all New Yorkers.
«While we will never agree on every issue, each of the endorsed candidates recognizes the challenges facing our state and is prepared to face those challenges with legislative solutions that will improve the lives of all New Yorkers.
The list of endorsed candidates can also be accessed at our questionnaires section or documents section, as well as from the Screening Panel Report page.
«We look forward to working with Sen. Larkin and each of the endorsed candidates next year as we push a pro-business, pro-growth agenda and get New York back to business,» said Briccetti.
«All of our endorsed candidates will not have a...
While no representatives from Every Town for Gun Safety group were on hand, the group's website lists Rice as one of his endorsed candidates.
While Manhattan's Democratic district leaders struggled to maneuver the petition printing backlog during the most recent petitioning process, the Staten Island GOP is willing send a free packet of petitions to anyone interested in volunteering for one of its endorsed candidates.
When Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo recently endorsed a pair of Democrats on Long Island, Scott Reif, a spokesman for Senate Republicans, lumped the governor — a centrist Democrat — in with «radical New York City Democrats» and suggested that one of the endorsed candidates was «bought and paid for by Bill de Blasio.»
(Five of her endorsed candidates — in Tennessee's 5th District, Colorado's 3rd, Mississippi's 1st, Arkansas» 3rd and Idaho's 1st - didn't make it through their primaries.)
To reduce some of Mr. Cuomo's leverage over the party, allies of the party in the State Senate on Sunday introduced legislation that would allow the Working Families Party to retain its line if any of its endorsed candidates for statewide office, including for United States Senate or comptroller, won 50,000 votes.
We congratulate both of our endorsed candidates on hard - fought campaigns and our team looks forward to reaching out to them and working with them on behalf of all students in LAUSD.
We congratulate both of our endorsed candidates on hard - fought campaigns and our team looks forward to reaching out to them and working with them on behalf of
Let's meet some of our endorsed candidates — all Democrats — who are currently campaigning in districts with Republican advantages.
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