Sentences with phrase «of energy expenditure»

With a decreased level of energy expenditure and increased consumption of food, this doesn't exactly sound like a fat loss plan to me.
When exercise intensity increases, heart rate also increases to match the increased rate of energy expenditure and oxygen uptake.
These results could suggest that men and women present different patterns of energy expenditure during sexual activity across time.
According to some studies, drinking 30 ounces of water can lead to a 24 % increase of energy expenditure in resistance training individuals.
For many health benefits, however, running and walking appear to give the same benefits for the same amount of energy expenditure.
They found that taking ginger supplements regularly led to a significant enhancement of energy expenditure.
The adjustment of energy expenditure and oxidation to energy intake: the role of carbohydrate and fat balance.
The role of energy expenditure in the differential weight loss in obese women on low - fat and low - carbohydrate diets.
While fat and carbohydrate represent the largest contribution of energy expenditure during exercise, the utilization of protein can also be significant.
Muscle helps maintain a healthy level of energy expenditure, even when the dog is at rest.
Changing our rate of energy expenditure is still far into the future, but work in mice explores how this might happen.
Activity trackers accurately reckon heart rate — but they're way off in estimates of energy expenditure.
Note that I've assumed no activity modifier, because predicting individual responses to activity, and how that affects caloric requirement, gets really tricky (especially depending on whether you assume an additive or constrained model of energy expenditure).
Martens EA et al. 2015 Maintenance of energy expenditure on high - protein vs. high - carbohydrate diets at a constant body weight may prevent a positive energy balance.
The reason why is unknown, but it is believed that brain recovery requires some degree of energy expenditure, and if energy is being used elsewhere, such as with physical exertion, this may delay brain recovery.
Preschool kids» toys that allow for this kind of energy expenditure are always fun for them.
9 The calories you burn simply digesting food account for 5 to 15 percent of your energy expenditure.
• Ab training at the end of your strength or cardio workout — the main advantage of performing your ab exercises last is that, in terms of energy expenditure, ab exercises are easier than compound exercises like squats and deadlifts.
This seemingly paradoxical conclusion suggests energy intake is the primary determinant of weight loss, independent of energy expenditure and diet composition.
The simple act of postural changes, standing and movement / ambulation within an office space is considered to be light - intensity activity, which can add 0.5 — 2.0 kcal / min of energy expenditure compared with sitting still while performing computer work.
A study published in a 2006 issue of «Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport» found that elliptical manufacturers» calculations of energy expenditure were universally overestimated.
«Estimation of Energy Expenditure and Maintenance Energy Requirements of College - Age Men and Women.»
«Brown Adipose Tissue as a Regulator of Energy Expenditure and Body Fat in Humans.»
Now let's look at some of the common formulas for estimating your basal metabolic rate — the first aspect of your energy expenditure.
From my understanding of physiology, time under tension would be the greatest determinant of energy expenditure during a lift.
GRK2 contribution to the regulation of energy expenditure and brown fat function.
This method of energy expenditure measurement has been validated by several studies and is known to be 92 % accurate compared to the gold standard method of doubly labeled water [17 - 24].
The net output is a measure of energy expenditure (kcal) and intensity (METS) utilized by the participant across time.
Leptin is the hormone of energy expenditure and responsible for regulating appetite.
``... the earlier research optimism regarding an important role for the EPOC in weight loss is generally unfounded... The role of exercise in the maintenance of body mass is therefore predominantly mediated via the cumulative effect of the energy expenditure during the actual exercise.»
Leptin is a fat burning hormone that serves many functions, including the control of energy expenditure.
The carbonized patterns appearing throughout the gallery trace histories of energy expenditure and modulate the register of the legibility of the heating element from the practical and material to the grammatically and symbolically charged; networks of modern electrical consumption are juxtaposed by the spiral - as - trace to cyclical, sun - gazing longevities operating on scales removed by orders of magnitude from those of commodity time.
Everything in our world that isn't rocks, dirt, or indigenous plants and animals was created as a result of energy expenditure by man — the vast majority of that, via fossil fuels.
Increase of energy expenditure, inducing fat breakdown: trimethylxantine, cayenne extract, bitter orange extract, dendrobium nobile
Second, it has been reported that under equivalent levels of energy expenditure high - intensity exercise training favors a greater negative energy balance compared to low - intensity exercise training.»
According to numerous research studies on the effects of HIIT, it was discovered that anaerobic exercises included in this particular training regime are providing increased Basic metabolic rate (BMR), which measures the rate of energy expenditure at recovery time in kJ per hour per kg body mass.
This so - called thermogenic characteristic of caffeine is believed to be one of the main reasons for the increased rate of energy expenditure on a daily basis.
Measurements of energy expenditure (EE) in a room respirometer indicate that repeated caffeine administration (100 mg) at 2 - h intervals over a 12 - h day period increased the EE of both subject groups by 8 — 11 % (p less than 0.01) during that period but had no influence on the subsequent 12 - h night EE.
Absolute intensity is based on the rate of energy expenditure during the activity, without taking into account a person's cardiorespiratory fitness.
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